Professor (specially appointed)
Doctoral Supervisor
Master Tutor
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Prof. Kemp's work is focused on unravelling the climate history of the Earth through analysis of the sedimentary record. He and his research group at CUG use tools such as geochemistry, sedimentology and numerical modelling to understand the causes, consequences and timescales of past environmental change, and how these changes are preserved in the sedimentary record. Prof. Kemp has published >100 SCI papers, including in Nature, Nature Communications, PNAS and Geology. Since 2018, Prof. Kemp has worked full-time at CUG Wuhan as a Professor and doctoral supervisor. He is currently the Secretary of the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy (a division of the International Commission on Stratigraphy), co-leader of the UNESCO IGCP 739 project (Mesozoic-Paleogene Extreme Thermal Events), and an editorial board member of numerous journals, including Geology. In 2024, he received the Sun Shu International award for his work in sedimentology.
For more information visit: Kemp Group Webpages
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Professor
University of Aberdeen Lecturer/Assistant Professor
Open University NERC Independent Research Fellow
University College London Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Cambridge Junior Research Fellow
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