2021/11/15-16, 中英合作双边研讨会(线上),报告:寒武纪早期南华盆地海水古盐度、盆地开放程度和硫化发育。
2021.4.23-25, 第五届青年地质大会 (中国,贵阳),报告:重晶石形成及其对地质历史时期最大碳同位素负偏事件的指示。
2019.8.18-23,Goldschmidt2019 (西班牙、巴塞罗那),展板题目:Ba evidence for the carbon cycling in the Ediacaran ocean.
2019.01.17-18, The Geological Society of London,Earth System transitions:How resilient is the biosphere? (英国,伦敦), 报告题目:Evidence for extremely high organic export to the early Cambrian seafloor.
2018.11.2-3, IGCP 648 (中国,宜昌), 报告:Organic carbon production, export and burial in the early Cambrian ocean.
2018.8.12-18, Goldschmidt 2018 (美国,波士顿), 报告:Organic carbon production, export and burial in the early Cambrian ocean.
2017.12.23-24, 第五届前寒武纪研究学术研讨会(中国,北京), 报告:寒武纪早期南华盆地海洋短暂氧化事件:来自不同地球化学指标的响应.
2017.10.15-18, CGU 2017 (中国,北京),邀请报告:Mo同位素对早期缺氧分层海洋的环境指示意义.
2017.8.13-18, Goldschmidt 2017 (法国,巴黎),展板: Constrain the global redox state of post-Marinoan ocean with paired Mo-U isotopes.
2017.6.24-26, ICG 2017 (中国,武汉), 展板: Transient deep-water oxygenation in the early Cambrian Nanhua Basin, South China.
2016.6.24-7.2,Goldschmidt 2016 (日本,横滨),报告:Evidence for transient deep-water oxygenations in early Cambrian Nanhua Basin (South China).
2016.1.15-17,973项目年度总结会暨中德合作项目2015年度学术交流会 (湖北,宜昌),口头报告:寒武纪早期海洋Mo循环的硫化楔模型.
2015.12.14-18,AGU Fall Meeting 2015 (美国,旧金山),展板:A delayed Noeproterozoic oceanic oxygenation: Evidence from the Mo isotope of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation.
2015.8.11-14,第28届古生物年会 (辽宁,沈阳),报告:硫化楔模型:联系寒武纪早期海洋Fe-Mnshuttles, Mo循环和海洋硫酸盐的纽带.
[32] Biao Chang, Chao Li, Thomas J Algeo, Timothy W Lyons, Wei Shi, Meng Cheng (程猛), Genming Luo, Zhenbing She, Shucheng Xie, Jinnan Tong, Maoyan Zhu, Junhua Huang, Ian Foster, Aradhna Tripati. 2022. A∼ 60-Ma-long, high-resolution record of ediacaran paleotemperature. Science Bulletin
[31] Meng Cheng (程猛), Haiyang Wang, Chao Li, Genming Luo, Junhua Huang, Zhenbing She, Lidan Lei, Guang Ouyang, Zihu Zhang, Matthew S.Dodd, Thomas J.Algeo. 2022. Barite in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation and its implications for marine carbon cycling during the largest negative carbon isotope excursion in Earth’s history. Precambrian Research, 368: 106485.
[30] Úna C. Farrell, Rifaat Samawi, Savitha Anjanappa, Roman Klykov, Oyeleye O. Adeboye, Heda Agic, Anne-Sofie C. Ahm, Thomas H. Boag, Fred Bowyer, Jochen J. Brocks, Tessa N. Brunoir, Donald E. Canfield, Xiaoyan Chen, Meng Cheng (程猛), Matthew O. Clarkson, Devon B. Cole, David R. Cordie, Peter W. Crockford, Huan Cui, Tais W. Dahl, Lucas D. Mouro, Keith Dewing, Stephen Q. Dornbos, Nadja Drabon, Julie A. Dumoulin, Joseph F. Emmings, Cecilia R. Endriga, Tiffani A. Fraser, Robert R. Gaines, Richard M. Gaschnig, Timothy M. Gibson, Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau, Benjamin C. Gill, Karin Goldberg, Romain Guilbaud, Galen P. Halverson, Emma U. Hammarlund, Kalev G. Hantsoo, Miles A. Henderson, Malcolm S.W. Hodgskiss, Tristan J. Horner, Jon M. Husson, Benjamin Johnson, Pavel Kabanov, C. Brenhin Keller, Julien Kimmig, Michael A. Kipp, Andrew H. Knoll, Timmu Kreitsmann, Marcus Kunzmann, Florian Kurzweil, Matthew A. LeRoy, Chao Li, Alex G. Lipp, David K. Loydell, Xinze Lu, Francis A. Macdonald, Joseph M. Magnall, Kaarel Mänd, Akshay Mehra, Michael J. Melchin, Austin J. Miller, N. Tanner Mills, Chiza N. Mwinde, Brennan O'Connell, Lawrence M. Och, Frantz Ossa Ossa, Anais Pagès, Kärt Paiste, Camille A. Partin, Shanan E. Peters, Peter Petrov, Tiffany L. Playter, Stephanie Plaza-Torres, Susannah M. Porter, Simon W. Poulton, Sara B. Pruss, Sylvain Richoz, Samantha R. Ritzer, Alan D. Rooney, Swapan K. Sahoo, Shane D. Schoepfer, Judith A. Sclafani, Yanan Shen, Oliver Shorttle, Sarah P. Slotznick, Emily F. Smith, Sam Spinks, Richard G. Stockey, Justin V. Strauss, Eva E. Stüeken, Sabrina Tecklenburg, Danielle Thomson, Nicholas J. Tosca, Gabriel J. Uhlein, Maoli N. Vizcaíno, Huajian Wang, Tristan White, Philip R. Wilby, Christina R. Woltz, Rachel A. Wood, Lei Xiang, Inessa A. Yurchenko, Tianran Zhang, Noah J. Planavsky, Kimberly V. Lau, David T. Johnston, Erik A. Sperling*. 2021. The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project. Geobiology, DOI: 10.1111/gbi.12462.
[29] Meng Cheng, Zihu Zhang, Thomas J. Algeo, Shuliang Liu, Xiaodan Liu, Haiyang Wang, Biao Chang, Chengsheng Jin, Wen Pan, Mengchun Cao, Chao Li*. 2021. Hydrological controls on marine chemistry in the Cryogenian Nanhua Basin (South China). Earth-Science Reviews, 103678.
[28] Wen Pan, Mengchun Cao*, Yuansheng Du, Meng Cheng (程猛), Yao-Qi Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Ming-Yu Zhao, Nicolas Thibault, Chao Li, Guang-Yi Wei, Tais W.Dahl. 2021. Paired U and Mo isotope evidence for pervasive anoxia in the Cryogenian early interglacial ocean. Precambrian Research, 106244.
[27] Zhu, G.*, Li, T., Zhao, K., Li, C., Cheng, Meng (程猛), Chen, W. Yan, H., Zhao, Z. & Algeo, T. J. 2021. Mo isotope records from Lower Cambrian black shales, northwestern Tarim Basin (China): Implications for the early Cambrian ocean. GSA Bulletin. https://doi.org/10.1130/B35726.1.
[26] Chengsheng Jin, Chao Li, Thomas J Algeo, Guochang Wang, Wei Shi, Meng Cheng (程猛), Zihu Zhang, Haiyang Wang, Na Li, Wei Wang. Spatial heterogeneity of redox-sensitive trace-metal enrichments in upper Ediacaran anoxic black shales. Journal of the Geological Society. DOI: 10.1144/jgs2020-234.
[25] H Wang, A Liu, C Li, Q Feng, S Tang, M Cheng (程猛), TJ Algeo. 2021. A benthic oxygen oasis in the early Neoproterozoic ocean. Precambrian Research 355, 106085
[24] Na Li, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Meng Cheng (程猛), Chengsheng Jin, Guangyou Zhu, Junxuan Fan, Zongyuan Sun. 2020. Redox changes in the outer Yangtze Sea (South China) through the Hirnantian Glaciation and their implications for the end-Ordovician biocrisis. Earth-Science Reviews,103443.
[23] Chao Li*, Wei Shi, Meng Cheng (程猛), Chengsheng Jin, Thomas J Algeo. 2020. The redox structure of ediacaran and early cambrian oceans and its controls. Science Bulletin. 65(24): 2141-2149.
[22] Chao Li*, Zihu Zhang, Chengsheng Jin, Meng Cheng (程猛), Haiyang Wang, Junhua Huang, and Thomas J. Algeo. 2020. Spatiotemporal evolution and causes of marine euxinia in the early Cambrian Nanhua Basin (South China). Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 546,, 109676.
[21] Meng Cheng (程猛), Chao Li*, Chengsheng Jin, Haiyang Wang, Thomas J. Algeo, Timothy W. Lyons, Feifei Zhang, and Ariel Anbar. 2020. Evidence for high organic carbon export to the early Cambrian seafloor. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 287: 125-140. DOI:10.1016/j.gca.2020.01.050.
[20] Wang Haiyang, Zihu Zhang, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Meng Cheng (程猛) and Wei Wang. 2020. Spatiotemporal redox heterogeneity and transient marine shelf oxygenation in the Mesoproterozoic ocean. Geochimica et Coschimica Acta. 270, 201-217.
[19] Jin, C., Li, C.*, Algeo, T.J., Wu, S., Cheng, M. (程猛), Zhang, Z. and Shi, W. (2020) Controls on organic matter accumulation on the early-Cambrian western Yangtze Platform, South China. Mar. Petrol. Geol. 111, 75-87. Doi: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.08.005.
[18] Zhang, F.*, Xiao, S., Romaniello, S.J., Hardisty, D., Li, C., Melezhik, V., Pokrovsky, B., Cheng, M. (程猛), Shi, W., Lenton, T.M. and Anbar, A.D. (2019) Global marine redox changes drove the rise and fall of the Ediacara biota. Geobiology. 17, 594-610.
[17] Li, N., Li, C.*, Fan, J., Algeo, T.J., Yan, D., Zhu, G., Wu, S., Tang, S., Cheng, M. (程猛) and Jin, C. (2019) Sulfate-controlled marine euxinia in the semi-restricted inner Yangtze Sea (South China) during the Ordovician-Silurian transition. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 534. 109281. Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109281.
[16] Meng Cheng (程猛), Chao Li*, Xi Chen, Lian Zhou, Thomas Algeo, Lian-Jun Feng and Hong-Fei Ling. 2018. Delayed Neoproterozoic oceanic oxygenation: Evidence from Mo isotopes of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation. Precambrian Research. 319: 187-197. Doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.12.007.
[15] Zihu Zhang, Chao Li*, Meng Cheng (程猛), Thomas J. Algeo, Chengsheng Jin, Feng Tang, and Junhua Huang. 2018. Evidence for highly complex redox conditions and strong water-column stratification in an early Cambrian continental-margin sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, doi: 10.1029/2018gc007666.
[14] Chao Li*, Meng Cheng (程猛), Maoyan Zhu and Timothy W. Lyons. Heterogeneous and dynamic marine shelf oxygenation and coupled early animal evolution. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences. doi: 10.1042/ETLS20170157.
[13] Chengsheng Jin, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Brennan O'Connell, Meng Cheng (程猛), Wei Shi, Jun Shen, Noah J. Planavsky. 2018. Highly heterogeneous “poikiloredox” conditions in the early Ediacaran Yangtze Sea. Precambrian Research, 311: 157-166. Doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.04.012.
[12] Wei Shi, Chao Li*, Genming Luo, Junhua Huang, Thomas J. Algeo, Chengsheng Jin, Zihu Zhang, Meng Cheng (程猛). 2018. Sulfur isotope evidence for transient marine-shelf oxidation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion. Geology 46:267-270. Doi: 10.1130/G39663.1.
[11] Chao Li*, Chengsheng Jin, Noah J Planavsky, Thomas J Algeo, Meng Cheng (程猛), Xinglian Yang, Yuanlong Zhao, Shucheng Xie. 2017. Coupled oceanic oxygenation and metazoan diversification during the early–middle Cambrian? Geology. 45: 743-746. Doi: 10.1130/G39208.1.
[10] Li-Dan Lei, Jun Shen, Thomas J. Algeo, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Qing-Lai Feng, Meng Cheng (程猛), Cheng-Sheng Jin, Jun-Hua Huang*, Chao Li*. 2017. Controls on reginoal marine redox evolution during Permian-Triassic transition in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 486: 17-32. Doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.02.010.
[9] Cheng-Sheng Jin, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Meng Cheng (程猛), Li-Dan Lei, Zi-Hu Zhang, Wei Shi. 2017. Evidence for marine redox control on spatial colonization of early animals during Cambrian Age 3 (c. 521-514 Ma) in South China. Geological Magazine. 154: 1360-1370. Doi: 10.1017/S0016756816001138.
[8] Chao Li*, Dalton S. Hardisty, Genming Luo, Junhua Huang, Thomas J. Algeo, Meng Cheng (程猛), Wei Shi, Zhihui An, Jinnan Tong, Shucheng Xie, Nianzhi Jiao, Timothy W. Lyons. 2017. Uncovering the spatial heterogeneity of Ediacaran carbon cycling. Geobiology 15:211-224. Doi: 10.1111/gbi.12222.
[7] Meng Cheng (程猛), Chao Li*, Lian Zhou, LianJun Feng, Thomas J. Algeo, FeiFei Zhang, Stephen Romaniello, ChengSheng Jin, HongFei Ling and ShaoYong Jiang. 2017. Transient deep-water oxygenation in the early Cambrian Nanhua Basin, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 201: 42-58. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.032.
[6] Meng Cheng (程猛), Chao Li*, Lian Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Feifei Zhang, Stephen Romaniello, Cheng-Sheng Jin, Li-Dan Lei, Lian-Jun Feng, Shao-Yong Jiang. 2016. Marine Mo biogeochemistry in the context of dynamically euxinic mid-depth waters: A case study of the lower Cambrian Niutitang shales, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 183: 79-93. Doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2016.03.035.
[5] Chao Li*, Noah J. Planavsky, Wei Shi, Zihu Zhang, Chuanming Zhou, Meng Cheng (程猛), Lidya G. Tarhan, Genming Luo, Shucheng Xie. 2015. Ediacaran Marine Redox Heterogeneity and Early Animal Ecosystems. Scientific Reports 5: 17097. Doi: 10.1038/srep17097.
[4] Chao Li*, Meng Cheng (程猛), Thomas J. Algeo, Shucheng Xie. 2015. A theoretical prediction of chemical zonation in early oceans (>520 Ma). Science China Earth Sciences 58(11): 1901-1909. Doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5190-7.
[3] 李超*,程猛,Thomas J. Algeo,谢树成. 2015. 早期地球海洋水化学分带的理论预测. 中国科学:地球科学 45(12): 1829-1838.
[2] Meng Cheng (程猛), Chao Li*, Lian Zhou and Shu-Cheng Xie. 2015. Mo marine geochemistry and reconstruction of ancient ocean redox states. Science China Earth Sciences 58(12): 2123-2133. Doi: 10.1007/s11430-015-5177-4.
[1] 程猛,李超*,周炼,谢树成. 2015 钼海洋地球化学与古海洋化学重建. 中国科学:地球科学 45(11): 1649-1660.
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