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Ruiwen Zong

Associate professor
Master Tutor

Gender : Male
Date of Birth : 1988-04-20
Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science
Status : Employed
School/Department : 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室
Date of Employment : 2019-03-20
Discipline : Paleontology and stratigraphy
Business Address : 中国地质大学(未来城校区)科教三 B209室
Contact Information : 18062697379
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Hits : Praise

Leading Scientist : 纵瑞文

Funded by : 中国科学院资源地层学与古地理学重点实验室(中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所)开放课题基金

Status : 已结题

Project Number : 2017KF05

Date of Project Initiation : 2017-01-01

Date of Project Completion : 2018-12-31

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