Date of Birth:1991-08-15
Discipline:Geochemistry geology




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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
Education Level:Faculty of Higher Institutions
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(武汉)
Professional Title:Professor

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周光颜,男,博士,1991年8月生,特任教授。本科和博士分别毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院地质学基地班和地球化学专业,2019-2021年在中国地质大学(武汉)地球物理与空间信息学院开展博士后研究。2021年7月起任我校地球科学学院特任教授。围绕地壳形成和演化这一科学问题,利用副矿物及全岩主微量元素和同位素分析研究早期大陆的形成、造山带地壳生长和再造、碎屑沉积物的物源示踪。目前以第一作者在Geology、Geological Society of America Bulletin、Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology和Precambrian Research上发表论文7篇,主持自然科学基金委青年基金、博士后面上项目和特别资助项目。每年拟招收1-2名硕士研究生,1名博士研究生,要求:乐观正直,积极向上,具有良好的团队协作精神,有扎实的地质学和地球化学基础知识。教育经历:2009-2013 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球科学学院 地质学基地班;2013-2019 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球科学学院 地球化学博士学位;2016-2017 加拿大University of Alberta 联合培养博士。工作经历:2019.06-2021.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球物理与空间信息学院 博士后;2021.07-至今 中国地质大学(武汉) 地球科学学院 地球化学系 特任教授。教授课程:本科课程:同位素地球化学研究生课程:岩石圈地球化学野外实习:周口店地质教学实习发表论文: Zhou, G., Li, L., Xiao, G., Yan, L., Pearson, D.G., Hao, Q., Wu, Y., 2022. New constraints on the source of loess from U/Th-Pb geochronology of detrital multi-minerals. Geology 50, 1156–1160., G., Fisher, C.M., Luo, Y., Pearson, D.G., Li, L., He, Y., Wu, Y., 2020a. A clearer view of crustal evolution: U-Pb, Sm-Nd, and Lu-Hf isotope systematics in five detrital minerals unravel the tectonothermal history of northern China. GSA Bulletin 132, 2367–2381., G., Wu, Y., Fu, B., Li, L., Zhang, W.-X., Zhang, Y., 2020b. Genesis of baddeleyite and high δ18O zircon in impure marble from the Tongbai orogen, Central China: insights from petrochronology and Hf–O isotope compositions. Contrib Mineral Petrol 175, 75., G., Wu, Y., Zhang, W., He, Y., 2019. Circa 900 Ma low δ18O A-type rhyolite in the northern Yangtze Block: Genesis and geological significance. Precambrian Research 324, 155–169., G., Wu, Y., Li, L., Zhang, W., Zheng, J., Wang, H., Yang, S., 2018. Identification of ca. 2.65 Ga TTGs in the Yudongzi complex and its implications for the early evolution of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 314, 240–263., G.Y., Wu, Y.B., Wang, H., Qin, Z.W., Zhang, W.X., Zheng, J.P., Yang, S.H., 2017. Petrogenesis of the Huashanguan A-type granite complex and its implications for the early evolution of the Yangtze Block. Precambrian Research 292, 57–74., W.-X., Wu, Y.-B., Zhou, G.-Y., He, Y., Liu, X.-C., Hu, P., Chang, H., Liu, C.-Y.-H., 2021. Crustal architecture of the southern Tongbai orogen: Insight from migmatites and post-collisional granites. Lithos 404-405, 106439., P., Wu, Y.-B., Zhou, G.-Y., Zhang, W.-X., He, Y., 2021. Geochronology, geochemistry, and isotope compositions of “Grenvillian” S-type granites in the North Qinling unit, central China: Petrogenesis and tectonic significance. Precambrian Research 360, 106247., G.Y., Wu, Y.B., Gao, S., Yang, J.Z., Zheng, J.P., Qin, Z.W., Wang, H., Yang, S.H., 2015. The 2.65 Ga A-type granite in the northeastern Yangtze craton: Petrogenesis and geological implications. Precambrian Research 258, 247–259.Chang, H., Wu, Y., Zhou, G., Zhang, W., He, Y., Yujie, Z., Hu, P., Hu, Z., 2021. Zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of the Lajimiao mafic complex in the Shangdan Suture Zone, Qinling orogen: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications. Lithos 390–391, 106113., W.-X., Wu, Y.-B., Zhou, G.-Y., 2020. Petrochemical and...

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Research Focus
  • 副矿物微区分析、矿物成因年代学、大陆地壳形成和演化、造山带演化、黄土高原物源、扬子板块早期地壳演化等。

Research Group
  • 闫政旭
  • 周云
  • 付茹
  • 徐德义
  • 周传波
  • 周云
  • 徐德义
  • 夏峰
  • 闫政旭
  • 付茹