赵志新 (副教授)

副教授 硕士生导师













[1]    2009.9-2013.6        中国地质大学(武汉)  | 资源勘查工程(工科基地班) |  工学学士学位   |  大学本科

[2]    2016.10-2017.10    美国科罗拉多矿业大学  | 矿床学  | 联合培养博士研究生

[3]    2013.9-2018.6        中国地质大学(武汉)  | 矿产普查与勘探 |工学博士学位 |  博士研究生


[1]   中–大比例尺成矿预测
[2]   块状硫化物矿床
[3]   造山带构造–岩浆演化


[13]  2024.01-2024.12, 加纳北部Nangodi-Yameriga金矿勘查区多元找矿信息集成与靶区优选, 横向协作项目, 技术负责

[12]  2023.10-2024.12, 深时数字地球大语言模型开发, 实验室基金,参与

[11]  2023.07-2024.10, 腊子沟金矿北段成矿规律研究, 横向协作项目,参与

[10]  2023.04-20234.03, 湖北省蕲春县烈马咀钼多金属矿多元找矿信息集成与找矿预测, 横向协作项目,参与

[9]    2023.03-2025.03, 鲁西典型地区矽卡岩型矿床找矿预测, 横向协作项目,主持

[8]    2022.05-2023.12, 鲁西金星头-夏蔚地区铜金多金属成矿系统与找矿预测,横向协作项目,参与;

[7]    2019.01- 2022.12,柴北缘锡铁山铅锌矿床非层状矿体成因:成矿期碳酸盐矿物原位U-Pb年代学及C-O-Sr同位素制约,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持;

[6]    2018.08-2021.08 ,柴北缘锡铁山铅锌矿床矿体变质变形宏观微观特征:年代学与微区地球化学约束,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目,主持;

[5]    2018.01- 2021.12,辽宁五龙金矿田岩浆深部演化与金成矿作用:年代学及微区地球化学制约,国家自然科学基金面上项目,参与;

[4]    2015.6-2016.10,青海省柴周缘晶质石墨矿可利用性评价与靶区优选,横向协作项目,参与;

[3]    2014.6-2015.4,青海省大柴旦锡铁山铅锌矿区成矿地质条件对比综合研究及靶区预测,横向协作项目,参与;

[2]    2013.6-2014.4,青海省锡铁山铅锌矿区深部成矿地质条件研究及成矿预测,横向协作项目,参与;

[1]    2012.6-2013.5,西天山哈尔嘎嘎林恩铜-铁-金多金属矿床成矿地质条件研究与成矿预测,横向协作项目,参与。


【19】    Li, S., Zhao, Z., Miao, T., Li, X., Yu, S., Zhang, Y., Wei, J., Zou, K., 2024. Discrimination of Pb-Zn deposit types using the trace element data of galena based on deep learning. Ore Geol. Rev. 170, 106133. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2024.106133.

【18】   Zhao, Z., Li, G., Wei, J., Liang, S., Gao, T., Huang, X. and Tan, J., 2023. Zinc and cadmium isotopic constraints on metal sources of the Xitieshan Pb-Zn deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 162, 105723. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105723 

【17】   Li, G., Zhao, Z., Wei, J. and Ulrich, T., 2023. Mineralization processes at the Daliangzi Zn-Pb deposit, Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou metallogenic province, SW China: Insights from sphalerite geochemistry and zoning textures. Ore Geology Reviews 161, 105654. 


【16】   Li, G., Zhao, Z., Wei, J. and Ulrich, T., 2022. Trace element compositions of galena in an MVT deposit from the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou metallogenic province, SW China: Constraints from LA-ICP-MS spot analysis and elemental mapping. Ore Geology Reviews 150, 105123. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105123 

【15】   Xu, C., Zhao, X., Marten Huizenga, J., Wei, J., Hu, Y. and Zhao, Z., 2023. Garnet U-Pb dating and magnetite geochemistry: Constraints on the origin of Fe mineralization in the Huogeqi polymetallic deposit, Northern China. Ore Geology Reviews 163, 105747. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2023.105747.

【14】   Fu, L., Bagas, L., Wei, J., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Zhao, X., Zhao, Z., Li, A. and Zhang, W., 2023. Growth of early Paleozoic continental crust linked to the Proto-Tethys subduction and continental collision in the East Kunlun Orogen, northern Tibetan Plateau. GSA Bulletin 135, 1709–1733. 


【13】   Yan, M., Wei, J., Zhang, D., Zhao, Z., Turlin, F., Li, H., Li, G., Xu, C., Zhang, X. and Moritz, R., 2022. Petrogenesis of Late Devonian I- and A-type granitoids, and associated mafic microgranular enclaves in the northwestern North Qaidam Orogenic Belt, China: Implications for continental crust growth during the post-collisional stage. Lithos 430-431, 106857. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106857 

【12】  Zhao, Z., Leach, D.L., Wei, J., Liang, S. and Pfaff, K., 2021. Origin of the Xitieshan Pb-Zn deposit, Qinghai, China: Evidence from petrography and S-C-O-Sr isotope geochemistry. Ore Geology Reviews 139, 104429. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104429 

【11】  Zhao, Z., Wei, J., et al., 2021. Sulfide remobilization and trace element redistribution during metamorphism and deformation at the Xitieshan Pb-Zn deposit, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 136, 104170. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2021.104170 

【10】  Zhao, Z., Liang, S., et al., 2020. Lithospheric extension associated with slab rollback: Insights from early Cretaceous magmatism in the southern segment of Tan-Lu fault zone, central-eastern China. Lithos 362-363, 105487. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105487 

【9】    Zhao, Z., Wei, J., et al., 2018. Late Devonian postcollisional magmatism in the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, Xitieshan terrane, NW China. GSA Bulletin 130, 999-1016. http://doi.org/10.1130/B31772.1 

【8】    Liang, S., Wei, J., Zhao, Z. and Shi, W., 2018. The Cretaceous Huangdaoshan Cu-bearing intrusion in Chuzhou: Petrogenesis and implications for the Cu mineralization in the Middle–Lower Yangtze River Valley Metallogenic Belt, eastern China. Ore Geology Reviews 101, 900-918. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.08.022 

【7】    Zhao, Z., Wei, J., et al., 2017. The Early Paleozoic Xitieshan syn-collisional granite in the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, NW China: Petrogenesis and implications for continental crust growth. Lithos 278-281, 140-152. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2017.01.019 

【6】    Zhao. Z., Wei, J., et al., 2015. Advances in research on metallogenic mechanisms for the Xitieshan sedimentation-exhalation lead-zinc deposit, Qinghai Province, China,. PACRIM 2015 congress proceedings, 487-493.

【5】    李鹏, 李义邦, 王海丰, 石文杰, 赵志新, 刘孟合, 冯志兴, 魏俊浩, 孙华山. 2019. 柴北缘锡铁山铅锌矿床构造变形特征及其地质意义. 地质科技情报, 38(04): 108-123

【4】    赵志新, 杨宝荣, 陈冬, 梁胜男, 田宁, 李少东, 种松树, 2015, 西天山哈尔嘎嘎林恩铜金矿床地质特征及综合找矿模型: 地质科技情报 34, 84-91.

【3】    梁胜男, 赵志新, 陈冬, 田宁, 李欢, 刘福林, 李洪波, 刘文武, 2015, 东准噶尔顿巴斯套金矿床L8号矿体原生晕特征及深部预测: 地质科技情报 34, 100-107.

【2】    付乐兵, 魏俊浩, 张道涵, 谭俊, 田宁, 赵志新, 2015, 单个流体包裹体成分LA-ICPMS分析与矿床学应用进展: 中南大学学报(自然科学版) 46, 3832-3840.

【1】    赵少卿, 付乐兵, 魏俊浩, 谭俊, 王旭春, 赵志新, 李翔, 2015, 青海治多地区晚三叠世石英闪长岩地球化学特征及成岩动力学背景: 地球科学(中国地质大学学报) 40, 61-76.


2023.11    2023年度优秀实习指导教师,中国地质大学(武汉)本科生院

2023.12    2023年度优秀班主任,中国地质大学(武汉)本科生院


[1]    通讯/办公地址: 湖北省武汉市洪山区鲁磨路388号中国地质大学

[2]    邮编: 430074

[3]    邮箱: zhixinzhao@cug.edu.cn