
基本信息Personal Information

副教授 硕士生导师

性别 : 女

出生年月 : 1985年05月03日

毕业院校 : 中国科学院大学

学历 : 博士研究生

学位 : 博士

在职信息 : 在职

所在单位 : 环境学院

入职时间 : 2019年04月01日

学科 : 大气科学

办公地点 : 未来城校区科教四楼

联系方式 : 15801661579

Email :


个人简介Personal Profile








出生    地:河南鹤壁

电子邮箱:   zhaosy@cug.edu.cn













1)        2017.02–:东京大学,大气海洋研究所,特任研究员(project researcher)。


2)        2015.07–2017.01: 中国气象局,国家气候中心气候预测室,助理研究员。







1)      主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“不同种类气溶胶对热带降水的影响”,2021.01-2023.12;

2)      主持中国地质大学(武汉)教学改革项目(教材)项目,2022.09-2025.09;

2)    参与东京大学大气海洋研究所铃木研究组的项目“Evaluations of aerosol and cloud effects on Earth’s energy budget, climate and hydrologic cycle with global climate modeling and satellite observations”, 2017.02–2019.01;

2)        主持中国气象局气候研究开放课题青年基金2016年度资助项目“在新的业务监测标准下华北雨季降水的影响因子分析”,2016.06–2017.03

3)        参与国家重大研究计划项目“中国大气污染物对云和辐射的影响及其气候效应研究”,2017.01–2020.12

4)        参与面上项目“短寿命气候污染物(SLCPs)和人为气溶胶的有效辐射强迫和它们的减排对全球变暖的影响研究”,2016.01–2019.12

5)        参与国家气候中心预报预测核心业务发展专项“基于多源资料的海洋监测诊断及气候影响关键技术研发与应用”,2016.01–2016.12;项目成果展示可参见网页http://cmdp.ncc-cma.net/pred/cn_enso_index.php

6)        参与973项目“全球典型干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响”;

7)        参与973项目“气溶胶--气候反馈过程及其与亚洲季风相互作用的研究

8)        参与科技部公益性行业(气象)科研专项经费“京津经济区和华北地区气溶胶对辐射云和降水的影响”。



1)     韩雪蕾郑衍欣赵树云*肖艳姣王五科 李双林. 2023. 2021514日武汉龙卷过程分析与模拟暴雨灾害,已接收。

2) Lu PR, QM Deng, SY Zhao, YG Wang, WK Wang. 2023. Deep learning for seasonal prediction of summer precipitation levels in eastern China. Earth and Space Science, 10(11), e2023EA003129, doi: 10.1029/2023EA003129.

3) Deng QM, PR Lu, SY Zhao, NM Yuan. 2023. U-Net: A deep-learning method for improving summer precipitation forecasts in China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 16(4), 100322, doi: 10.1016/j.aosl.2022.100322.

4) Wu DY, Zhao SY*, Li JY*, Wang WK. 2023. Influences of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillation in mid-high latitudes on winter haze pollution over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Int. J. Climatol., 43: 3137-3188, doi:       


5)     Ma XY, Zhao SY*, Zhang H, Wang WK. 2023. The double-ITCZ problem in CMIP6 and the influences of deep convection and model resolution. Int. J. Climatol.43: 2369-2390, doi: 0.1002/joc.7980.

6)     孔铃涵,朱锦涛,赵树云*.2023.春季厄尔尼诺快速衰减对华北夏季降水的影响.大气科学学报46(4):517-531, doi:10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20220701001

7)     Zhao SY,Feng T., Xiao WX, Zhao SY,Tie XX.2022.Weather-climate anomalies and regional transport contribute to air pollution in Northern China during the COVID-19 lockdown. J. Geophys. Res., 127(24),doi:10.1029/2021JD036345.

8)    An Q., H. Zhang, S. Y. Zhao, T. J. Wang, et al., 2022. Updated simulation of tropospheric ozone and its radiative forcing over the globe and China based on a newly developed chemistry-climate model. Journal of Meteorological Research, 36(4), 553-573, doi: 10.1007/s13351-022-1187-2.

9)     Yu X. C., H. Zhang, B. Xie, Z. L. Wang, S. Y. Zhao, D. F. Zhao. 2022. Effective radiative forcings due to anthropogenic emission changes under Covid-19 and post-pandemic recovery scenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmosphere, 127(8), doi: 10.1029/2021JD036251.

10)     Wang W. K., J. Hong, M. Shuangguan, H. Y. Wang, S. Y. Zhao. 2022. Zonally asymmetric influences of the Quasi-biennial osicillation on stratospheric ozone. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22(20):13695-13711, doi: 10.5194/acp-2022-174.

11)    Hong J., W. K. Wang, ..., S. Y. Zhao, J. T. Zhu. 2022. The long-term trends and interannual variability in surface ozone levels in Beijing from 1995 to 2020. Remote Sensing, 14(22), 5726, doi: 10.3390/rs14225726.

12)    赵树,孔涵,张华,等. 2021. IPCC AR6地球气候系中反机制的新认识.大气科学学44(6), 805-817, doi: 10.13878/j.cnki.dqkxxb.20210920001.

13)    张华,王菲,赵树*. 2021. IPCC AR6告解:地球能量收支、气候反和气候敏感度.气候化研究17(6), 691-698, doi 10.12006/j.issn.1673-1719.2021.191.

14)    Zhao Shuyun*, and Kentaroh Suzuki. 2021. Exploring the impacts of aerosols on ITCZ position through althering different autoconversion schemes and cumulus parameterizations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 126(14), e2021JD034803, doi: 10.1029/2021JD034803.

15)    Zhang Hua, Ma Xinyu, Zhao Shuyun*Kong Linghan2021Advances in Research on the ITCZ: Mean Position, Model Bias, and Anthropogenic Aerosol InfluencesJournal of Meteorological Research, 35(5), 1-14, doi: 10.1007/s13351-021-0203-2.

16)    Zhao Shuyun*, and Kentaroh Suzuki. 2019. Differing impacts of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on global precipitation and the ITCZ location via atmosphere and ocean energy perturbations. Journal of Climate, 32(17), 5567-5582, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0616.1.

17)    Zhang H, Zhu SH, Zhao S, Wei XD. 2019. Establishment of high-resolution aerosol parameterization and its influence on radiation calculations. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 243(4923): 106802, doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.106802.

18)    Yu XC, Wang ZL, Zhang H, and Zhao S. 2019. Impacts of different types and intensities of El Niño events on winter aerosols over China. Science of Total Environment, 655, 766-780, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.090.

19)    陈丽娟,赵俊虎,顾薇,梁萍,支蓉,彭京备,赵树云,高辉,李想,张培群.2019.汛期我国主要雨带进程成因及预测应用进展.应用气象学报304),385–400. Chen Lijuan, Zhao Junhu, Gu Wei, Liang Ping, Zhi Rong, Peng Jingbei, Zhao Shuyun, Gao Hui, Li Xiang, Zhang Peiqun. 2019. Advances of research and application on major rainy seasons in China. Journal of Applied Meteorological Science, 30(4), 385–400, doi: 10.11898/1001-7313, 20190401.

20)    Zhao Shuyun, Zhang Hua, Xie Bing. 2018. The effects of El Niño-South oscillation on the winter haze pollution of China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(3), 1863–1877, doi: 10.5194/acp-2017-506.

21)    Zhang H, Zhou C, and Zhao S, 2018. Influences of the internal mixing of anthropogenic aerosols on global aridity change. J. Meteor. Res., 32(5), 723–733, doi: 10.1007/s13351-018-7155-1.

22)    Jing XW, Zhang H, M Satoh, Zhao S, 2018. Improving tropical cloud overlap representation in GCMs based on cloud-resolving model data. Journal. Meteorological. Research, 32(2), 233-245, doi: 10.1007/s13351-018-7095-9.

23)    Zhao Shuyun, Zhang Hua, Wang Zhili, Jing Xianwen. 2017. Simulating the effects of anthropogenic aerosols on terrestrial aridity using an aerosol-climate coupled model. Journal of Climate, 30, 7451–7463, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0407.1.

24)    赵树陈丽娟,崔童. 2017. ENSO位相转换对华北雨季降水的影响大气科学41 (4), 857–868. Zhao Shuyun, Chen Lijuan, and Cuitong. 2017. Effects of ENSO phase-switching on rainy-season precipitation in North China. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences (in Chinese), 41 (4), 857–868, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1701.16226.

25)    Zhou Chen, Zhang Hua, Zhao Shuyun, et al. 2017. On effective radiative forcing of partial internally and externally mixed aerosols and their effects on global climate. Journal Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JD027603.

26)    张华,安琪,赵树. 2017. 关于硝酸气溶胶光学特征和射强迫的研究气象学, 75(4), 539–551. Zhang Hua, An Qi, Zhao Shuyun, Xie Bing, Liu Qianxia. 2017. Advances in the research of optical properties and radiative forcing of nitrate aerosols. Acta Meteorological Sinica, 75 (4), 539–551, doi: 10.11676/qxxb2017.043.

27)    Zhou Chen, Zhang Hua, Zhao Shuyun, et al. 2017. Simulated effects of internal mixing of anthropogenic aerosols on the aerosol-radiation interaction and global temperature. International Journal of Climatology, 37 (suppl. 1), 972–986, doi: 10.1002/joc.5050.

28)    Zhang Hua, Zhao Shuyun*, Wang Zhili, et al. 2016. The updated effective radiative forcing of major anthropogenic aerosols and their effects on global climate at present and in the future. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 4029–4044, doi: 10.1002/joc.4613.

29)    Kristiansen NI, Stohl A, Olivie DJL, …, Zhao SY, et al. 2016. Evaluation of observed and modelled aerosol lifetimes using radioactive tracers of opportunity and ensemble of 19 global models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 3525–3561, doi: 10.5194/acp-16-3525-2016.

30)    Xie Bing, Zhang Hua, Wang Zhili, Zhao Shuyun, et al. 2016. A modeling study of effective radiative forcing and climate response due to tropospheric ozone. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33 (7), 819–828, doi: 10.1007/s00376-016-5193-0.

31)    冬冬,张华,沈新勇,赵树. 2016. 全球和中国地区PM2.5化特征的模中国境科学, 36 (4), 990-999. Yang Dongdong, Zhang Hua, Shen Xinyong, Zhao Shuyun. 2016. Simulation of global distribution of temporal and spatial variation of PM2.5 concentration. China Environmental Science (in Chinese), 36, 990999.

32)    Zhao Shuyun, Zhang Hua, Feng Song, et al. 2015. Simulating direct effects of dust aerosol on arid and semi-arid regions using an aerosol-climate coupled system. International Journal of Climatology, 35, 1858–1866, doi: 10.1002/joc.4093.

33)    Zhang Hua, Zhou Chen, Wang Zhili, Zhao Shuyun, et al. 2015. The influence of different black carbon and sulfate mixing methods on their optical and radiative properties. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 161, 105116.

34)    赵树,智协飞张华. 2014. 气溶胶-气候耦合模式系BCC_AGCM2.0.1_CAM气候的初步气候与境研究, 19 (3), 265-277. Zhao Shuyun, Zhi Xiefei, Zhang Hua, et al. 2014. Primary assessment of the simulated climatic state using a coupled aerosol-climate model BCC_AGCM2.0.1_CAM. Climatic and Environmental Research (in Chinese), 19 (3), 265–277, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2012.12015.

35)    张华琪,冰,赵树. 2014. 中国的PM2.5臭氧及染物排放控制策的合分析气候化研究, 10 (4), 289-296. Zhang Hua, Chen Qi, Xie Bing, Zhao Shuyun. 2014. PM2.5 and tropospheric ozone in China and pollutant emission controlling integrated analysis. Progressus Inquisitiones de Mutatione Climatis (in Chinese), 10(4), 289-296, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673–1719.2014.04.010.

36)    Zhang Hua, Xie Bing, Zhao Shuyun, et al. 2014. PM2.5 and tropospheric O3 in China and analysis of the impact of pollutant emission control. Advances in Climate Research, 5(3), 136141.


三、籍 (1)

1) 张华,王志立,赵树云. 2017. 大气气溶胶及其气候效应. 气象出版社,北京.

2) 赵树云. 2023. 跟气象学家去看云. 武汉出版社,武汉.



1) 2022.12.8-10参加在武汉举办的“第八届青年地学论坛”,为主题13.5“大气物理与大气探测”的召集人之一,做海报“不同气溶胶对全球和赤道降水的影响机制”。

2) 2022.10.26为复旦大学大气与海洋系/大气科学研究院、中国气象局-复旦大学海洋气象灾害联合实验室、上海期智研究院联合主办的论坛做报告,题目为“不同种类气溶胶对赤道辐合带位置的影响”。

3) 2021.8.15参加《气候变化研究进展》杂志和秦大河院士组织“IPCC第六次评估报告第一工作组报告解读交流会”线上会议,做主题报告“地球能量收支、气候反馈和气候敏感度”。

4) 2019.12参加在美国旧金山举办的“The AGU Fall Meeting 2019”,做海报“Impacts of aerosols on ITCZ position with different autoconversion schemes and cumulus parameterizations.

5) 2018.12参加在美国华盛顿特区举办的“The AGU Fall Meeting 2018”,做海报“Differing Impacts of Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols on Global Precipitation and the ITCZ Location via Atmosphere and Ocean Energy Perturbations”;

6) 201810.29-11.1参加在日本仙台举办的日本气象学会“2018 Autumn Meeting”,做口头报告“A modeling study of differing impacts of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on global and tropical precipitation”

7) 2018.05参加在日本千叶县海滨幕张举办的“The Japan Geoscience Union meeting 2018 JpGU2018,做海报“A modeling study of differing impacts of black carbon and sulfate aerosols on global and tropical precipitation”;

8) 2016.06参加南京信息工程大学智协飞教授课题东亚季风年际-年代际气候变率的多模式集成分析及海气反馈研究”2016年年会,做口头报告气候预测工作汇报与感想

9) 2014.10参加在北京举办的第一届中国大地测量和地球物理学学术大会,做口头报告沙尘气溶胶对全球干旱、半干旱地区气候的影响

10) 2014.10参加在北京举办的全国大气科学博士生学术论坛暨第十四届海峡两岸青年学术研讨会,做口头报告沙尘气溶胶对干旱、半干旱地区气候的影响

11) 2013.10参加在南京举办的30届气象学年会,做海报沙尘气溶胶对干旱、半干旱地区气候的影响

12) 2012.12参加在厦门举办的全球变化研究国家重点科学研究计划项目2012年度联合学术会议,并做口头报告沙尘气溶胶对干旱、半干旱地区气候的影响

13) 2011.11参加在厦门举办的28届气象学年会,做口头报告不同气溶胶方案对大气环流模式BCC_AGCM2.0.1模拟性能的影响

14) 2011.08参加在西安举办的亚洲气溶胶会议,做口头报告“Simulation of direct radiative forcing of aerosols and their effects on East Asian climate using an interactive AGCM-aerosol coupled system”;



  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 主要研究气溶胶对气候的影响,尤其是对降水的影响;另一个方向是研究中国夏季降水的异常成因。