Date of Employment:2019-07-01
Business Address:中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区计算机学院616
Administrative Position:特任副教授


Associate professor


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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Education Level:Faculty of Higher Institutions
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(武汉)
Professional Title:Associate professor

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张咏珊,博士,中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院特任副教授,硕士生导师。20196月毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)计算机学院,获工学博士学位;曾于20179月至20189月前往美国University of Illinois at Chicago交流学习一年。主要研究方向包括:机器学习、数据挖掘以及遥感图像分析。目前,已公开发表学术论文二十余篇,研究工作受到国内外同行的高度关注。此外,担任IEEE Transactions on MultimediaIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsNeurocomputingApplied Soft ComputingSCI期刊审稿人。






[1] Yongshan Zhang, Yang Wang, Xiaohong Chen, Xinwei Jiang, Yicong Zhou: Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction With Dual Graph Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Image Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(12): 8500-8511 (2022).(CCF B

[2] Yongshan Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Xinwei Jiang, Yicong Zhou: Robust Dual Graph Self-Representation for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60: 1-13 (2022).(CCF B

[3]  Yongshan Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Xinwei Jiang, Yicong Zhou: Marginalized Graph Self-Representation for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Band Selection. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60: 1-12 (2022).(CCF B

[1]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Zhihua Cai, Philip S. Yu: Multi-view Multi-label Learning with Sparse Feature Selection for Image Annotation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 22(11): 2844-2857 (2020).CCF B, ESI高被引论文) 

[2]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Chuan Zhou, Zhihua Cai, Jian Yang, Philip S. Yu: Multi-View Fusion with Extreme Learning Machine for Clustering. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 10(5): 53:1-53:23 (2019).

[3]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Zhihua Cai, Bo Du, Philip S. Yu: An Unsupervised Parameter Learning Model for RVFL Neural Network. Neural Networks, 112: 85-97 (2019).CCF B

[4]  Yongshan Zhang, Xinwei Jiang, Xinxin Wang, Zhihua Cai: Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification with Superpixel Pattern and Extreme Learning Machine. Remote Sensing, 11(17): 1983 (2019).

[5]  Xinwei Jiang, Xin Song, Yongshan Zhang*, Junjun Jiang, Junbin Gao, Zhihua Cai: Laplacian Regularized Spatial-Aware Collaborative Graph for Discriminant Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery. Remote Sensing, 11(1): 29 (2019).

[6]  Yu Wu, Yongshan Zhang, Xiaobo Liu, Zhihua Cai, Yaoming Cai: A multiobjective optimization-based sparse extreme learning machine algorithm. Neurocomputing, 317: 88-100 (2018).CCF C

[7]  Yaoming Cai, Xiaobo Liu, Yongshan Zhang, Zhihua Cai: Hierarchical ensemble of Extreme Learning Machine. Pattern Recognition Letters, 116: 101-106 (2018).CCF C

[8]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Chuan Zhou, Zhihua Cai: Instance Cloned Extreme Learning Machine. Pattern Recognition, 68: 52-65 (2017).CCF B

[10]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Zhihua Cai, Peng Zhang, Ling Chen: Memetic Extreme Learning Machine. Pattern Recognition, 58: 135-148 (2016).CCF B


[1]  Yuyun Lian (硕士生), Yongshan Zhang*, Xuxiang Feng, Xinwei Jiang, Zhihua Cai: Low-Rank Constrained Memory Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection. ICASSP 2023. AcceptedCCF B

[2]  Guozhu Jiang (硕士生), Jie Zhang, Yongshan Zhang*, Xinwei Jiang, Zhihua Cai: Structured-Anchor Projected Clustering for Hyperspectral Images. ICASSP 2023. AcceptedCCF B

[3]  Jianwen Qi (硕士生), Jie Zhang, Yongshan Zhang*, Xinwei Jiang, Zhihua Cai: Tensor Decomposition Based Latent Feature Clustering for Hyperspectral Band Selection. ICASSP 2023. AcceptedCCF B

[4] Yongshan Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Zhenyu Wang, Xinwei Jiang, Yicong Zhou: Graph Learning Based Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Band Selection. ICASSP 2022: 2794-2798CCF B

[5]  Yongshan Zhang, Xinxin Wang, Zhihua Cai, Yicong Zhou, Philip S. Yu: Tensor-Based Unsupervised Multi-View Feature Selection for Image Recognition. ICME 2021: 1-6CCF B

[6]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Zhihua Cai, Siwei Jiang: A Brain Network Inspired Algorithm: Pre-trained Extreme Learning Machine. ICONIP (5) 2017: 14-23.CCF C

[7]  Yongshan Zhang, Jia Wu, Chuan Zhou, Peng Zhang, Zhihua Cai: Multiple-Instance Learning with Evolutionary Instance Selection. International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA) (1) 2016: 229-241. CCF B

[8]  Yongshan Zhang, Zhihua Cai, Jia Wu, Xinxin Wang, Xiaobo Liu: A Memetic Algorithm Based Extreme Learning Machine for Classification. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2015: 1-8.CCF C

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