Improved single-illumination estimation accuracy and time efficiency by detection of grey pixels
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论文类型 : 期刊论文
通讯作者 : J.J. Zhang
发表刊物 : Optics Express
收录刊物 : SCI
卷号 : 26
期号 : 22
页面范围 : 29055
是否译文 : 否
上一条: Tuning color and saving energy with spatially variable laser illumination
下一条: J. J. Zhang, B. Xie, X. J. Yu, X. B. Luo, T. Zhang, S. S. Liu, Z. H. Yu, L. Liu, X. Jin. Blue light hazard performance comparison of phosphor converted LED sources with red quantum dots and red phosphor [J]. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122 (4): 043103. SCI (IF:2.068).