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上一条 : [5] Zhang, H.L., Dhananjay Ravat, Yára R. Marangoni, Guoxiong Chen, Xiangyun Hu, 2018, Improved total magnetization direction determination by correlation of the normalized source strength derivative and the RTP fields, Geophysics, 83(6): J75-J85. DOI: 10.1190/geo2017-0178.1
下一条 : [3] Zhang, H.L., D. Ravat, and A. Lowry, 2020, Crustal composition and Moho variations of the central and eastern U.S.: Improving resolution and geologic interpretation of EarthScope USArray seismic images using gravity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018537.