Zeng Fuqiang
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I mainly focus on borehole geophysics, especially sonic logging.


7.  Zeng F#,  Zhang W, Li C, Li H. Dispersion curves of acoustoelastic borehole waves: the perturbation method with the correct formulation of the stresses around the borehole. Geophysical Journal International, 2023, 235(2).

6.  Zeng F#,  Li C. Theoretical dispersion curves for borehole real-valued wave modes in vertically transverse isotropic formations. Petroleum Science, 2022, 19(6).

5.  Zeng F,  Yue W#, Li C, Wang Y. Estimation of transversely isotropic formation parameters using flexural and quadrupole dispersion data in the fast formation. Geophysics, 2021, 86(4).

4.  Zeng F,  Yue W#, Li C. Simultaneous anisotropy inversion and type identification in the frequency domain for flexural waves in horizontal transverse isotropic media media. Geophysics, 2018, 83(6).

3.  Zeng F,  Yue W#, Li C. Quaternion-based anisotropic inversion for flexural waves in HTI formations with unmatched sources: A synthetic example. Geophysics, 2018, 83(5).

2.  Zeng F,  Yue W#, Li C. Dispersion analysis of borehole sonic measurements by Hilbert transform and bandpass filters. Geophysics, 2018, 83(4). 

1.  Zeng F,  Yue W#, Li C. Anisotropy inversion in the frequency domain for flexural waves with unmatched sources. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2018, 15(10).

    (# Corresponding author)

  • Education Background
  • Work Experience
2015-9 | 2019-6
  • China University of Petroleum-Beijing
  • Geological resources and geological engineering
  • Doctoral Degree
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering

2010-9 | 2013-7
  • Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology
  • Master's Degree
  • Master's Degree in Engineering

2006-9 | 2010-6
  • Yangtze University
  • Exploration technology and Engineering (Well Logging)
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Bachelor's Degree

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
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Personal information

Associate professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : China University of Petroleum-Beijing

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Status : Employed

School/Department : School of Geophysics and Geomatics

Discipline : Geophysical Prospecting and Information Technology

Business Address : 档案楼518(老珠宝楼)

Contact Information : zengfq@cug.edu.cn

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