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Yuan Aihua

Associate professor
Master Tutor

Gender : Female
Alma Mater : China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Science
Status : Employed
School/Department : School of Earth Sciences
Date of Employment : 2008-07-01
Discipline : Paleontology and stratigraphy
Business Address : 中国地质大学(武汉)西区主楼
Contact Information : aihuay@qq.com
Email :
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Hits : Praise

Course Number : 20116800

School Year : 2020-2021

Semester : Spring Term

Teacher : 冯庆来、喻建新、江海水、顾松竹、袁爱华

Schedule : 春季

Course Type : Undergraduate Course

Top-Quality Courses or Not : no

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