[1] 2013.9 to 2018.7
北京大学 | Atmospheric Science | Doctoral Degree in Education | Doctoral Degree in Science
[2] 2009.9 to 2013.7
兰州大学 | Atmospheric Science | With Certificate of Graduation for Undergraduate Study | 学士学位
燕莹莹,博士,环境学院大气科学系副教授,硕士生导师,2013年毕业于兰州大学,2018年毕业于北京大学,期间于2017年前往德国马普化学所交流学习,2018年作为青年优秀人才引进中国地质大学(武汉)工作,2020年入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划,2021年入选湖北省博士后创新研究岗位。主讲大气科学专业地球流体力学引论、空气污染气象学、边界层气象学等本科生课程。主要从事环境气象、大气化学、大气污染模拟、气候变化及应对;以PM2.5和臭氧为主的空气污染来源及其影响因素、大气环境变化及归因、大气污染与天气气候相互作用等方面的研究。2016年获谢义炳青年气象科技奖,2021年获湖北省环保科技成果奖三等奖。目前为止,在国际国内主流期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,已主持或参与国家/地方性科研项目10余项。代表性学术论文(*为通讯作者)(21) 马静,燕莹莹*,孔少飞, 王五科,童芷萱:VOCs排放控制对SOA和O3的减缓作用,地球科学,https://www.cnki.com.cn/Article/CJFDTotal-DQKX20241015002.htm,2025.(20) Jing Ma, Yingying Yan*, Shaofei Kong, Yongqing Bai, Yue Zhou, Xihui Gu, Aili Song, Zhixuan Tong: Effectiveness of inter-regional collaborative emission reduction for ozone mitigation under local-dominated and transport-affected synoptic patterns, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11356-024-34656-1, 2024. (19) Tong, Y., Yan, Y.*, Lin, J., Kong, S., Tong, Z., Zhu, Y., Yan, Y., Sun, Z., Machine-learning-based corrections of CMIP6 historical surface ozone in China during 1950-2014,Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124397, 2024.(18) Zhixuan Tong, Yingying Yan*, Shaofei Kong, Jintai Lin, Nan Chen, Bo Zhu, Jing Ma, Tianliang Zhao, Shihua Qi: Distribution and formation causes of PM2.5 and O3 double high pollution events in China during 2013–2020, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-023-3156-9, 2024.(17) Yuexuanzi Wang, Yingying Yan*, Jintai Lin, Shaofei Kong, Aili Song, Jing Ma: Influences of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on summertime ozone pollution over central‑eastern China during 1950–2014, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22543-6, 2023.(16) Aili Song, Yingying Yan*, Shaofei Kong, Jing Ma, Zhixuan Tong: Impact of synoptic climate system interaction on surface ozone in China during 1950–2014, Atmospheric Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2022.119126, 2022.(15) 马静,燕莹莹*,孔少飞,宋蔼莉,陈楠,祝波,全继宏,祁士华:武汉军运会前后臭氧及其前体物的特征和来源,中国环境科学,https://doi.org/10.19674/j.cnki.issn1000-6923.20220314.020, 2022.(14) Zexuan Zhang, Yingying Yan*, Shaofei Kong, Qimin Deng, Si Qin, Liquan Yao, Tianliang Zhao, Shihua Qi: Benefits of refined NH3 emission controls on PM2.5 mitigation in Central China, Science of The Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151957, 2022.(13) Xin Cai, Yingying Yan*, Shuanglin Li, Shaofei Kong, Mengyao Liu, Zexuan Zhang: Trend Reversal from Source Region to Remote Tropospheric NO2 Columns, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16857-0, 2022.(12) Yuexuanzi Wang, Yingying Yan*, Kunyu Duan, Shaofei Kong, Jintai Lin, Huang Zheng, Aili Song, Zexuan Zhang: Effect of springtime thermal forcing over Tibetan Plateau on summertime ozone in Central China during the period 1950–2019, Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105735, 2021.(11) Yan, Y., Zhou, Y., Kong, S., Lin, J., Wu, J., Zheng, H., Zhang, Z., Song, A., Bai, Y., Ling, Z., Liu, D., and Zhao, T.: Effectiveness of emission control in reducing PM2.5 pollution in central China during winter haze episodes under various potential synoptic controls, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 3143–3162, https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-21-3143-2021, 2021.(10) Yan, Y., Zheng, H., Kong, S., Lin, J., Yao, L., Wu, F., Cheng, Y., Niu, Z., Zheng, S., Zeng, X., Yan, Q., Wu, J., Zheng, M., Liu, M., Ni, R., Chen, L., Chen, N., Xu, K., Liu, D., Zhao, D., Zhao, T., Qi, S., On the local anthropogenic source diversities and transboundary transport for urban agglomeration ozone mitigation, Atmospheric Environment, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/ j.atmosenv.2020.118005, 2020.(9) Qin Yan, Shaofei Kong, Yingying Yan*, Haibiao Liu, Wei Wang, Kui Chen, Yan Yin, Huang Zheng, Jian Wu, Liquan Yao, Xin Zeng, Yi Chen, Shurui Zheng, Fangqi Wu, Zhenzhen Niu, Ying Zhang, Mingming Zheng, Delong Zhao, Dantong Liu, Shihua Qi: Emission and simulation of primary fine and submicron particles and water-soluble ions from domestic coal combustion in China, Atmospheric Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117308, 2020.(8) Yan, Y.-Y.*, Lin, J.-T., Pozzer, A., Kong, S., and Lelieveld, J.: Trend reversal from high-to-low and from rural-to-urban ozone concentrations over Europe, Atmospheric Environment, 213, 25-36, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2019.05.067, 2019.(7) Yan, Y.-Y., Cabrera-Perez, D., Lin, J.-T., Pozzer, A., Hu, L., Millet, D. B., Porter, W. C., and Lelieveld, J.: Global tropospheric effects of aromatic chemistry with the SAPRC-11 mechanism implemented in GEOS-Chem version 9-02, Geoscientific Model Development, 12, 111-130, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-111-2019, 2019.(6) Yan, Y.-Y., Pozzer, A., Ojha, N., Lin, J.-T., and Lelieveld, J.: Analysis of European ozone trends in the period 1995–2014, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 5589-5605, doi:10.5194/acp-18-5589-2018, 2018.(5) Yan, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-T., and He, C.-L.: Ozone trends over the United States at different times of day, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 1185-1202, doi:10.5194/acp-18-1185-2018, 2018.(4) Zhang, Q., Jiang, X., Tong, D., Davis, S. J., Zhao, H., Geng, G., Feng, T., Zheng, B., Lu, Z., Streets, D. G., Ni, R.-J., Brauer, M., van Donkelaar, A., Martin, R. V., Huo, H., Liu, Z., Pan, D., Kan, H.,Yan, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-T., He, K., and Guan, D.: Transboundary health impacts of transported global air pollution and international trade, Nature, 543, 705-709, doi:10.1038/nature21712, 2017.(3) Yan, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-T., Chen, J., and Hu, L.: Improved simulation of tropospheric ozone by a global-multi-regional two-way coupling model system, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 2381-2400, doi:10.5194/acp-16-2381-2016, 2016.(2) Lin, J.-T., Tong, D., Davis, S., Ni, R.-J., Tan, X., Pan, D., Zhao, H., Lu, Z., Streets, D., Feng, T., Zhang, Q.,Yan, Y.-Y., Hu, Y., Li, J., Liu, Z., Jiang, X., Geng, G., He, K., Huang, Y., and Guan, D.: Global climate forcing of aerosols embodied in international trade, Nature Geoscience, 9, 790-794, doi:10.1038/NGEO2798, 2016.(1) Yan, Y.-Y., Lin, J.-T., Kuang, Y., Yang, D.-W., and Zhang, L.: Tropospheric carbon monoxide over the Pacific during HIPPO: Two-way coupled simulation of GEOS-Chem and its multiple nested models, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 14, 12649-12663, doi:10.5194/acp-14-12649-2014, 2014.教学与指导学生成果(37)在《高教学刊》发表一篇教学论文《习近平生态文明思想融入课程思政的实践与创新—以大气物理与大气化学前沿为例》,2/5(36)指导的2021级本科生朱逸飞保研大气物理研究所(35)指导研究生马静,童芷萱荣获2024年第四届中国气象现代化科技创新创业大赛二等奖(34)指导2021级仝元熙获2024年第四届中国气象现代化科技创新创业大赛一等奖,获2024年国家奖学金(33)指导2022级研究生童芷萱获得2024年国家奖学金(32)指导2020级张艳婷获院级优秀本科毕业论文(31)荣获2023-2024年度校级卓越导学团队称号,排名5/7(30)指导2022级邹奇慧获省级创新创业项目《武汉市VOCs来源及其对臭氧和SOA贡献的解析》(29)指导2021级仝元熙获国家级创新创业项目《全球高分辨率地表臭氧浓度健康风险评价及未来预估》,推荐保送清华大学(28)获2024年度第四届教师教学创新大赛校级一等奖(27)校级环境学院教学研究改革项目《大气物理与大气环境课程群知识图谱建设与实践》—主持(26)《大气物理与大气化学前沿》研究生课程思政项目获校级资助—参与(25)数值天气预报线上—线下—虚拟仿真立体综合教学模式研究获校级教研项目资助—参与(24)探索中构建《大气动力学》课程“教学-反馈-调整”创新机制获校级教研项目资助—参与(23)《大气探测》教学资源建设研究与实践获校级教研项目资助—参与(22)《数值天气预报》本科课程获省级线上线下混合一流课程认定—参与(21)指导研究生童芷萱,马静荣获2023年第三届中国气象现代化科技创新创业大赛二等奖(20)研究生童芷萱获院级第三十三届研究生科技论文报告会三等奖(19)在《教育进展》发表一篇教学论文《基于地质认识实习建立大气科学专业本科生的地球科学知识构架—秦皇岛地质认识实习教学研究与实践》,2/5(18)指导2021级仝元熙、朱逸飞、颜煜坤和孙瞻获得省级创新创业项目资助(17)荣获2022年校级优秀班主任(16)研究生童芷萱、马静分别获院级第三十二届研究生科技论文报告会三等奖、优秀奖(15)指导研究生宋蔼莉,马静荣获2022届中国气象现代化科技创新创业大赛二等奖(14)指导2020级研究生宋蔼莉获得2022年国家奖学金(13)指导的研究生张泽轩获优秀毕业生(12)指导2020级张艳婷获得省级创新项目资助(11)指导2019级张梦洁获得国家级创新训练项目精品项目资助(10)指导2018级王玥璇子获得校级创新项目毕业论文(设计)专项资助,并获得优秀本科毕业设计和优秀毕业生,推荐保送清华大学(9)荣获2021年院级优秀共产党员(8)指导研究生宋蔼莉,本科生王玥璇子、段焜瑀荣获2021届中国气象现代化科技创新创业大赛团体二等奖, 并获得优秀指导老师(7)指导2017级段焜瑀,2018级王玥璇子荣获校级第十三届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖(6)担任本研指导老师,指导的2018级王玥璇子获得2020年国家奖学金(5)指导2018级王玥璇子等3名本科生入选第十二期校级“英才工程 — 科学家计划“(4)指导2020级研究生宋蔼莉荣获院级第三十一届研究生科技论文报告会二等奖(3)荣获2020年校级优秀学务指导老师(2)指导2018级陈葛般若等4名本科生荣获“兖州中材杯”环保创意作品大赛一等奖(1)担任本科毕业设计指导老师,指导的2016级蔡昕入选2020年“研究生创新人才”计划
[1] 2013.9 to 2018.7
北京大学 | Atmospheric Science | Doctoral Degree in Education | Doctoral Degree in Science
[2] 2009.9 to 2013.7
兰州大学 | Atmospheric Science | With Certificate of Graduation for Undergraduate Study | 学士学位
[1] 2021.7 to Now
 环境学院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[2] 2020.7 to 2022.9
 环境科学与工程博士后工作站 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[3] 2018.7 to 2021.6
 环境学院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[4] 2017.2 to 2017.8
[1] 气候变化及应对
[2] 大气污染与天气气候相互作用
[3] 大气化学模拟,对流程臭氧
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