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副教授(特聘) 硕士生导师

曾获荣誉 : 1、博士研究生国家奖学金

性别 : 女

毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)

学历 : 博士研究生

学位 : 工学博士学位

在职信息 : 在职

所在单位 : 环境学院

学科 : 环境工程

办公地点 : 中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区环境学院

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严璐,女,湖北安陆人,环境学院环境科学与工程系特任副教授,“地大学者”青年优秀人才,曾获评“博士研究生国家奖学金”、“优秀博士创新基金”和“王大纯创新奖学金”。2017年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)获环境工程专业学士学位及华中科技大学英语翻译专业双学士学位,2023年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)获环境科学与工程专业博士学位,期间于2021年赴美国麻省大学洛厄尔分校进行访学研究。主要从事海岸带红树林湿地有机质水文-生物地球化学过程、海底地下水排泄及其生态环境效应、滨海湿地生源要素循环、地下水系统中污染物溯源与迁移转化机理等研究;主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,并作为核心骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、中国地质调查局二级项目等科研项目。相关成果在Journal of HydrologyWater ResearchScience of The Total EnvironmentApplied Geochemistry等国际重要刊物上发表系列文章。

ResearchGate:  https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lu-Yan-37









Yan, L., Kuang, Y., Xie, X.*, Peng, K., Deng, Y., Gan, Y., et al. Insights into nitrogen biogeochemical cycling in mangrove wetland from Genome-Resolved metagenomic sequencing. 2024. Journal of Hydrology, 640, 131741.

Xie, X.*, Yan, L., Sun, S., Pi, K., Shi, J., & Wang, Y. Arsenic biogeochemical cycling association with basin-scale dynamics of microbial functionality and organic matter molecular composition. 2024. Water Research, 251, 121117.

Peng, K., Yan, L., Xie, X.*, Deng, Y., Gan, Y., & Zhang, Y. Hydrogeochemical dynamics under saltwater-freshwater mixing in a mangrove wetland over tidal cycles. 2024. Science of The Total Environment, 176827.

Yan, L. , Xie, X.*, Heiss, J. , Peng, K. , Deng, Y. , Gan, Y. , Li, Q. , et al. Isotopic and spectral signatures unravel the sources, preservation and degradation of sedimentary organic matter in the Dongzhai Harbor mangrove estuary, southern China. 2023. Journal of Hydrology, 618, 129256.

Yan, L. , Xie, X.*, Peng, K. , Wang, N. , Zhang, Y. , Deng, Y. , Gan, Y. , Li, Q. , et al. Sources and compositional characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a Hainan tropical mangrove-estuary. 2021. Journal of Hydrology, 600, 126572.

Yan, L. , Xie, X.*, Wang, Y. , Qian, K. , & Gan, Y. Organic-matter composition and microbial communities as key indicators for arsenic mobility in groundwater aquifers: evidence from PLFA and 3D fluorescence. 2020. Journal of Hydrology, 591, 125308.

Yan, L. , Xie, X.*, Gan, Y., Deng, Y. Effects of microbial communities on arsenic mobilization and enrichment in groundwater: Evidence from PLFA and 3D fluorescence analysis. 2019. Goldschmidt 2019, Barcelona, Spain. (Abstract)

Yan, L. , Xie, X. *, Pi, K. , Qian, K. , Li, J. , Chi, Z. , et al. Effects of microbial communities on arsenic mobilization and enrichment in groundwater from the Datong Basin, China. 2018. Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World, pp. 106-107. 

Xie, X. *, Yan, L. , Li, J. , Guan, L. , & Chi, Z. Cadmium isotope fractionation during cd-calcite coprecipitation: insight from batch experiment. 2020. Science of The Total Environment, 760, 143330.

Peng, K. , Xie, X.*, Heiss, J. , Yan, L. , Deng, Y. , Gan, Y. , Li, Q. , et al. Groundwater discharge and saltwater-freshwater mixing in a mangrove wetland over tidal cycles: a field and modeling study. 2023. Journal of Hydrology, 620, 129472.

Xie, X.*, Lu, C., Xu, R., Yang, X., Yan, L., & Su, C. Arsenic removal by manganese-doped mesoporous iron oxides from groundwater: Performance and mechanism. 2022.  Science of The Total Environment, 806, 150615.

Zhang, Y., Li, Q.*, Luo, Y., Yan, L., Peng, K., Liu, Z., & Wang, Y. Groundwater salinization in a subtropical region, Beihai, southern China: Insights from hydrochemistry and multiple isotopes (H, O, S, Sr). 2022. Applied Geochemistry, 141, 105323.

胡甜谢先军*严璐东寨港流域地表水水化学组成特征及其成因[J]. 2022. 安全与环境工程, 29(1):154-162.


2023  The WRI-17/AIG-14 International Symposium水岩相互作用大会,日本

2022  The 49th IAH Congress第49届国际水文地质大会,线上

2022  University of Massachusetts, Lowell,美国

2021  中加课程“Environmental Reactive Transport Modeling”,线上

2019  Goldschmidt 2019 口头汇报,西班牙巴塞罗那

2019  University of Waterloo暑期学校,加拿大滑铁卢

2018  第七届国际砷会议,北京

2018  南方科技大学“Reactive Transport Modeling of Arsenic”培训,深圳

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 海岸带有机质水文生物地球化学
  • 海底地下水排泄过程及其生态环境效应
  • 滨海湿地生源要素循环与演化过程
  • 地下水系统中污染物溯源与迁移转化机理
  • 水文-生物地球化学过程的环境同位素示踪