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2015-至今 中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室,负责场发射扫描电镜维护、开发研究工作

2009-2014 中国地质大学(武汉)地球科学学院,主要从事实验室建设,实验教学工作

2006-2009 中国地质大学(武汉)古生物学与地层学专业,2009 年获理学博士学位 

2003-2006 中国地质大学(武汉)古生物学与地层学专业,2006 年获理学硕士学位 

1999-2003 中国地质大学(武汉)地质学专业, 2003 年获理学学士学位 






 张   麟,2019-2022,获硕士学位
























2014年8月,瑞士“19th International Sedimentological Congress 2014”,会场口头报告“Multiple developing stages of microbialites during the Early Triassic and implications for biotic recovery following the end-Permian biocrisis”,参加会后野外考察

2013年6月,武汉“World summit on P-Tr mass extinction & extreme climate change”会议,会场口头汇报,摘要集编写,领队会前会后野外路线



 Yang, H.*Su, Y., Chen, H. J.,  Cao Y. R.,, Zhang, M. Y., Li,R., Dao-Liang Chu, D. L. Freshwater microconchids from the Tanzhuang Formation (Middle-Late Triassic) in North China, Palaeoworld, 2024, 1316-1326。

Luo, G. M.,  Liu, D.,  Yang, H.,  Microbes in mass extinction: an accomplice or a savior?, National Science Review, 2024, 11(1),  nwad291, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwad291


Zhao, S. Y., Xiao, L., Qian,Y. Q., Zhao, J. W., She, Z. B., He, Q., Wang, Z. C., Wang, X. Y., Cao, K. N., Zeng, X. B., Wang, Y. X., Sun, J. H., Dong, M. T., Xiao, Q., Yin, Z. J., Yang, H., Zhao, J, N., Wang, J., Huang, J., Hu, Z. C., Zong, K. Q., Wu,X., Wang, C. H.Variations in lunar regolith properties with depth as revealed by Chang'e-5 samples, Icarus, 2023, 115766, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2023.115766

Ji, X., Huang, Y., Sun, X., Qiu, X., Yang, H., Tong, J., Yi, X., Tian, L. Ostracodal evolution during the Permian–Triassic transition at the Youping section of the Nanpanjiang Basin. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2023,  11:1147335. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1147335

Wang, X., Jing, Y. H., Peng, H., Yang, H., Zhu, Z. L., Chen, Z. Q. Cadmium isotope evidence deciphers enhanced marine productivity during the middle Mesoproterozoic (the Xiamaling formation, North China),Precambrian Research, 2023, 107021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107021

Long, H. J., Yang, H., Qu, Y. G. Distinguishing geobiological signatures from organic matter in the Ediacaran chert nodules,Precambrian Research, 2023, 107045, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2023.107045

李东东, 罗根明, 杨浩, 佘振兵, 庞科, 中元古代中期神农架群台子组微体化石组合和热演化阶段. 古生物学报, 2023, 62(2): 207–230. DOI:10.19800/j.cnki.aps.2022049


Yang, H., Chen, Z. Q. , Papineau, D.  Cyanobacterial spheroids and other biosignatures from microdigitate stromatolites of Mesoproterozoic Wumishan Formation in Jixian, North China. Precambrian Research, 2022,  368, 106496. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106496

Xiong,W., Mei, X., Mi, B. B., Yang, H., Han, Z. H., Zhang, Y., Lü. W. C.  Current status and cause analysis of microplastic pollution in sea areas in China, China Geology, 2022,  5, 160-170. doi: 10.31035/cg2021072.

Wu, S. Q., Chen, Z. Q., Su, C. M., Fang, Y. H., Yang, H. Keratose sponge fabrics from the lowermost Triassic microbialites in South China: Geobiologic features and Phanerozoic evolution, Global and Planetary Change,  2022, 103787, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103787

Huang, Y. F., He, W. H., Liao, W., Wang, Y. B., Yi, Z. X., Yang, H., Li, G. S.  Two pulses of increasing terrestrial input to marine environment during the Permian–Triassic transition,Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  2022, 110753, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110753

Li, D. D., Luo, G. M., Yang, H., She, Z. B., Papineau, D., Li, C. Characteristics of the carbon cycle in late Mesoproterozoic: Evidence from carbon isotope composition of paired carbonate and organic matter of the Shennongjia Group in South China,Precambrian Research,  2022, 106726, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106726

杨浩* 微康奇虫(Microconchids——一种认识较少的疑难微体化石[J/OL].微体古生物学报.  2022, https://doi.org/10.16087/j.cnki.1000-0674.20211118.001

顾铱, 孙继尧, 肖倩, 李毅恒, 王心怡, 曹克楠, 刘亦婷, 何琦, 杨浩, 陈倩, 杨金昆, 宋文磊, 宗克清, 张文, 巫翔, 胡兆初, 肖龙, 佘振兵, 汪在聪,  嫦娥五号返回月壤微观形貌特征及其对太空风化的指示意义. 地球科学,  2022, 47(11): 4145-4160. doi: 10.3799/dqkx.2022.432


Yang, H.*, Chen, Z. Q. Mei, X.*, Sun, Y. D. Early Triassic microconchids from the Perth Basin, Western Australia: Palaeoecology and flourishing in the aftermath of the end‐Permian mass extinction, Geological Journal, 2021.  https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4115

Sun X, Qiu X, Tihelka E, Yang, H., Sun, D. Y., Tong, J. N., Tian, L.* A diverse gastropod fauna from the shallow marine carbonate platform of the Yangou section (south China) in the immediate aftermath of the Permian – Triassic mass extinction. Geological Journal. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4083


Xiong, W., Mei, X.*,  Meng, X. J.,  Chen, H. J.,  Yang, H.*. Phytoplankton biomarkers in surface sediments from Liaodong Bay and their potential as indicators of primary productivity, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111536

Guo, Y. D., Mei, X.*, Meng, X. J., Lan, X. H., Chen, H. J., Yang, H.*.  Benthic foraminifera and its response to heavy metal pollution: A case study from Liaodong Bay, China,  Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111084

郭业达,杨浩*,二叠纪—三叠纪之交凝块石(微生物岩)的沉积成岩过程——以华南广西百色地区作登剖面为例,沉积学报,2020. 104-112.



Yang, H., Chen, Z. Q.*, Kershaw, S., Liao, W., Lü, E. L., Huang, Y. G. Small microbialites from the basal Triassic mudstone (Tieshikou, Jiangxi, South China): Geobiologic features, biogenicity, and paleoenvironmental implications, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2019.  221-235.

Chen, Z. Q.*, Tu, C. Y., Pei, Y., Ogg, J., Fang, Y. H., Wu, S. Q., Feng, X. Q., Huang, Y. G., Guo, Z., Yang, H. Biosedimentological features of major microbe-metazoan transitions (MMTs) from Precambrian to Cenozoic, Earth-Science Reviews,  2019. 189: 21-50.

Luo, M., Chen, Z.Q.*, Shi, G.R., Feng, X.Q., Yang, H., Fang, Y.H., Li, Y. Microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISSs) from the Lower Triassic Kockatea Formation, northern Perth Basin, Western Australia: Palaeoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  2019. 519, 236-247.

Qiu, X.C., Tian, L., Wu, K., Benton, M.J., Sun, D.Y., Yang, H., Tong, J.N. Diverse earliest Triassic ostracod fauna of the non‐microbialite‐bearing shallow marine carbonates of the Yangou section, South China. Lethaia, 2019. 52 (4), 583–596.


Xiao, Y.F.*, Wu, Kui, Tian, Li, Benton, M.J., Du, Y., Yang, H., Tong, J.N., Framboidal pyrite evidence for persistent low oxygen levels in shallow-marine facies of the Nanpanjiang basin during the Permian-Triassic transition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018.  511, 243-255. 


Yang, H., Chen, Z. Q.*, Fang, Y. H. Microbially induced sedimentary structures from the 1.64 Ga Chuanlinggou Formation, Jixian, North China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  2017. 474, 7-25.

Fang, Y.H., Chen, Z.Q.*, Kershaw, S., Yang, H.,Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites at Zuodeng Section, Guangxi Province, South China: geobiology and palaeoceanographic implications. Glob. Planet. Chang.  2017. 152, 115–128.

Liao, W.,Bond, D.P.G.,Wang, Y.*,He, L.,Yang, H.,Weng, Z.,Li, G.,  An extensive anoxic event in the Triassic of the South China Block: A pyrite framboid study from Dajiang and its implications for the cause(s) of oxygen depletion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017. 486, 86-95.

Wu, S.Q., Chen, Z.Q.*, Fang, Y.H., Pei, Y., Yang, H., Ogg, J.  A Permian-Triassic boundary microbialite deposit from the eastern Yangtze Platform (Jiangxi Province, South China): Geobiologic features, ecosystem composition and redox conditions. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017. 486, 58-73.

He, W., Shi, G.R., Xiao, Y., Zhang, K., Yang, T., Wu, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, B., Yue, M., Shen, J., Wang, Y., Yang, H., Wu, S.Body-size changes of latest Permian brachiopods in varied palaeogeographic settings in South China and implications for controls on animal miniaturization in a highly stressed marine ecosystem.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,  2017. 486, 33–45. 

吕恩铝,孟祥君,梅西,蓝先洪,李嘉佩,郭业达,仲黎明,杨浩, 辽东湾现代沉积物中畸形底栖有孔虫及环境指示意义,海洋地质前沿,2017. 33:9-21.



Luo, M., Chen, Z. Q.*, Shi, G. R.,  Fang, Y. H., Song, H. J.,  Jia, Z. H., Huang, Y. G.,  Yang, H. Upper Lower Triassic stromatolite from Anhui, South China: Geobiologic features and paleoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016. 42, 40-54.



Yang, H., Chen, Z. Q.*, Wang, Y. B., Ou, W. Q., Liao, W., Mei, X., Palaeoecology of microconchids from microbialites near the Permian – Triassic boundary in South China, Lethaia. 2015. 48(4), 497-508.

Yang, H., Chen, Z. Q.*, Ou, W. Q., Microconchids from Microbialites near the Permian-Triassic Boundary in the Zuodeng Section, Baise Area, Guangxi Provence, South China and Their Paleoenvironmental Implications,Journal of Earth Science.  2015. 26: 157–165.

Chen, Z. Q., Yang, H., Luo, M., Benton, M. J., Kaiho, K., Zhao, L. S, Huang, Y., Zhang, K. X., Fang, Y., Jiang, H. S., Qiu, H., Li, Y., Tu, C.Y., Shi, L., Zhang, L., Feng, X. Q., Chen, L., Complete biotic and sedimentary records of the Permian-Triassic transition from Meishan section,South China: ecologically assessing mass extinction and its aftermath. Earth-Science Reviews , 2015. 149, 63-103.



Luo, M., Chen, Z. Q.*, Zhao, L. S., Kershaw, S., Huang, J. Y., Wu, L. L., Yang, H., Fang, Y. H., Huang, Y. G., Zhang, Q. Y., Hu, S. X., Zhou, C. Y., Wen, W., Early Middle Triassic stromatolites from the Luoping area, Yunnan Province, Southwest China: Geobiologic features and environmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014. 412, 124-140.

Chen, Z. Q.*, Wang, Y. B., Kershaw, S., Luo, M., Yang, H., Zhao, L. S., Fang,Y. H., Chen, J. B., Li Y., Zhang, L., Early Triassic stromatolites in a siliciclastic nearshore setting in northern Perth Basin, Western Australia: Geobiologic features and implications for post-extinction microbial proliferation. Global and Planetary Change, 2014. 121, 89-100.

Luo, G, M., Algeo, T. J.. Huang, J. H., Zhou, W. F., Wang, Y. B., Yang, H., Richoz, S., Xie, S. C., Vertical δ13Corg gradients record changes in planktonic microbial community composition during the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2014. 396, 119-131,



He, L., Wang, Y. B. *, Woods, A., Li, G.S., Yang, H., Liao, W., An oxygenation event occurred in deep shelf settings immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction in South China ,Global and planetary change, 2013. 101:72-81.

Luo, G. M.,Wang, Y. B., Grice, K., Kershaw, S., Algeo, T. J., Ruan, X. Y., Yang, H., Jia, C. L., Xie, S. C.*, Microbial-algal community changes during the latest Permian ecological crisis: Evidence from lipid biomarkers at Cili, South China,Global and planetary change, 2013.105:36-51.

魏凡,杨浩,龚一鸣,中国泥盆纪竹节石的时空分布和多样性变化. 古生物学报, 2013. 52(3), 391-398.

Yang, H., Chen, Z., Wang, Y. B.*, Ou, W., Liao, W., Mei, X., Microconchids from microbialite ecosystem immediately after end-Permian mass extinction: ecologic selectivity and implications for microbialite ecosystem structure. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract ,  PP13A-1850.



He, L., Wang, Y. B.*, Woods, A., Li, G. S., Yang, H., Liao, W., Calcareous tubeworms as disasterforms after the end-permian mass extinction in South China. Palaios, 2012. 27(11-12):878-886.

Wei, F., Gong, Y.*, Yang, H., Biogeography, ecology and extinction of Silurian and Devonian tentaculitoids. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2012. 358-360: 40-50.

杨浩,陈斌,地史古生物学典型教学标本图册,中国地质大学出版社. 128千字,2012.



Yang, H.*, Chen Z. Q., Wang Y. B., Tong, J. N., Song, H. J., Chen. J.,  Composition and structure of microbialites ecosystems in South China following the end-Permian mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2011. 308:111-128.

Luo, G., Wang, Y. B., Algeo, T. J., Kump, L. R., Bai, X., Yang, H., Yao, L., Xie, S. C.*, Enhanced nitrogen fixation in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian marine mass extinction. Geology. 2011. 39, 647–650.

Song, H. J., Wignall, P. B., Chen, Z. Q., Tong, J.*, Bond, D. P. G., Lai, X., Zhao, X., Jiang, H.,  Yan, C., Niu, Z., Chen, J., Yang, H., Wang, Y. B., Recovery tempo and pattern of marine ecosystems after the end-Permian mass extinction. Geology. 2011. 39(8): 739-742.

Luo, G. M., Wang, Y. B., Yang, H., Algeo, T., Kump, L., Huang, J. H., Xie, S. C., Stepwise and large-magnitude negative shift in d13Ccarb preceded the main marine mass extinction of the Permian-Triassic crisis interval. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 2011. 299:70-82.

Chen, L., Wang,Y. B., Xie, S. C.*, Kershaw, S., Dong, M., Yang, H., Liu, H., Algeo, T. J. Molecular records of microbialites following the end-Permian mass extinction in Chongyang, Hubei Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2011. 308(1-2): 151-159.

Wang, Y. B.*, Meng, Z., Liao, W., Weng, Z. T., Yang, H., Shallow marine ecosystem feedback to the Permian/Triassic mass extinction. Front. Earth Sci. 2011, 5(1): 14-22.



Xie, S. C.*, Pancost, R. D., Wang, Y. B., Yang, H., Wignall, P. B., Luo,G. M., Jia, C. L., Chen, L. Cyanobacterial blooms tied to volcanism during the 5- million-year Permo-Triassic biotic crisis. Geology. 2010. 50: 50-53.

Luo, G. M., Kump, L.,Wang, Y. B., Tong, J. N., Arthur, M., Yang, H., Huang, J. H, Yin, H. F., Xie S. C.*, Isotopic evidence for an anomalously low oceanic sulphate concentration during end-Permian mass extinction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2010. 300: 101-111.

Liu, H., Wang, Y. B.*, Yuan, A. H., Yang, H., Song, H. J., Zhang, S. X., Ostracod fauna across the Permian-Triassic boundary at Chongyang, Hubei province, and its implication for the process of the mass extinction. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci. 2010. 53 (1): 1-8.

Liao, W., Wang, Y. B.*, Kershaw, S., Weng, Z. T., Yang, H., Shallow-marine dysoxia across the Permian–Triassic boundary: Evidence from pyrite framboids in the microbialite in South China, Sedimentary Geology. 2010. 232:77-83.

何磊, 王永标*, 杨浩, 廖卫, 翁泽婷, 华南二叠纪-三叠纪之交微生物岩的古地理背景及沉积微相特征。古地理学报, 2010. 12(2):151-163.

刘浩, 王永标*, 袁爱华, 杨浩, 宋海军, 张素新, 湖北崇阳地区二叠纪-三叠纪之交微生物岩中的介形虫化石及其对灭绝事件的响应。中国科学(D辑). 2010. 40 (5): 574- 582.

Yang, H., Liu, H., Wang, Y. B*. Calcareous Tube-Worm Fossils in Microbialites after End-Permian Mass Extinction and Their Paleoenvironmental Implications. Journal of Earth Science, 2010.Vol.21, Special Issue, p.174–175.



Chen, Z. Q.*, Tong, J., Zhang, K., Yang, H., Liao, Z., Song, H., Chen, J. Environmental and biotic turnover across Permian-Triassic boundary from shallow carbonate platform in western Zhejiang, South China. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. 2009. 56: 775-797.

Song, H. J, Tong, J.*, Chen, Z. Q., Yang, H., Wang, YB. End-Permian Mass Extinction of Foraminifers in the Nanpanjiang Basin, South China. Journal of Paleontology. 2009. 83: 718-738.

Wang, Q. X., Tong, J.*, Song, H. J., Yang, H., Ecological evolution across the Permian/Triassic boundary at the Kangjiaping section in Cili County, Hunan Province, China. Science in China D, Earth Science. 2009. 52: 797-806.

杨浩,刘浩,王永标*,华南二叠纪-三叠纪之交微生物岩中的生物化石组合及古环境特征。中国古生物学会第十次全国代表大会暨第25届学术年会论文摘要集,2009:133-134 (会议摘要)

何磊,杨浩,王永标*,湖南慈利二叠纪-三叠纪之交微生物岩沉积环境的稀土地球化学证据。第四届全国沉积学大会论文摘要,2009:57 (会议摘要) 

廖卫,杨浩,王永标*,华南二叠纪-三叠纪之交微生物岩中的草莓状黄铁矿及其沉积环境分析。第四届全国沉积学大会论文摘要,2009:112-113 (会议摘要)



Yang, H., Wang Y. B.*, Chen, L., Occurrence of organic matter in calcimicrobialites across Permian-Triassic boundary in Huayingshan region, Sichuan, South China. Earth Science — Journal of China University of Geosciences. 2008.19(5): 518-525.



Yang, H., Wang, Y. B.*, The possibility of microbial carbonates in geological history as a particular kind of potential source rock. Journal of china University of Geosciences.  2007. 18: 376-377

Yang, H., Wang, Y. B.*, Chen, L. Calci-microbialite as a potential source rock and its geomicrobiological processes: Frontiers of Earth Science in China. 2007. 1: 438-443.

杨浩, 王永标*, 陈林, 董曼,地球微生物过程与潜在烃源岩的形成: 钙质微生物岩. 地球科学. 2007. 32(6):797-802.

张素新, 赵来时, 童金南, 杨浩,湖北兴山大峡口浅海相二叠系-三叠系界线附近粘土岩研究: 矿物岩石. 2007, 27: 94-100.

李军, 杨浩, 祁士华, 广西田东剖面二叠纪-三叠纪之交的生物绝灭及生态演化. 华南地质与矿产. 2007, 4: 50-55.



Yang, H., Zhang, S. X., Jiang, H. S., Wang, Y. B.*, Age and General Characteristics of Calcimicrobialite near the Permian-Triassic Boundary in Chongyang, Hubei Province. Earth Science —Journal of China University of Geosciences. 2006. 17(2): 97-102.

杨浩, 张素新, 江海水, 王永标*, 湖北崇阳二叠纪-三叠纪之交钙质微生物岩的时代及基本特征.地球科学, 2006. 31(2): 165-170.



杨浩,王永标*,古生物礁及其研究意义. 自然科学与博物馆研究. 2005.  1:109-106.



Wang, Y. B.*, Yang, H., Middle Permian palaeobiogeography study in East Kunlun, A’nyêmaqên and Bayan Har. Science in China (D). 2004. 47(12): 1120-1126.



王永标*, 杨浩,东昆仑、阿尼玛卿、巴颜喀拉地区中二叠世生物古地理特征. 中国科学(D辑). 2003. 33(8): 775-780.










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