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Zhao, S.R., Xu, H.J., Liu, H.W., Mason, R., Liu, H.F. 2010. Determination of twinning relationships between diopside dendrites. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 43(6): 1393-1399.
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Pre One : Xu, H.J., Jin, Z.M, Mason, R., Ou, X.G. 2009. Magnetic susceptibility of ultrahigh pressure eclogite: The role of retrogression. Tectonophysics, 475(2): 279-290.
Next One : Zhang, J.F., Xu, H.J., Liu, Q., Green, H.W., Dobrzhinetskaya, L.F. 2011. Pyroxene exsolution topotaxy in majoritic garnet from 250 to 300 km depth. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 29(7): 741-751.