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Associate professor
Master Tutor

Gender : Male
Alma Mater : 湖南大学
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Status : Employed
School/Department : 自动化学院
Date of Employment : 2020-09-10
Discipline : Control Science and Engineering
Business Address : 信息楼207
Contact Information : xuda@cug.edu.cn
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Personal Profile

Personal Profile

DA XU received the B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Wuhan University Of Technology and Hunan University. He is currently a Associate Professor, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. He was also a Visiting phd student with Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark and Research Assistant with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. He has published about 20 SCI papers (as first author or corresponding author), incluidng 8 IEEE Transactions papers and 1 ESI paper. He is also a Guest editor of Buildings and Energies.

Main Research Interests

Optimization&control theory and application of intelligent system. Specifically divided into:

1. Theoretical direction: convex optimization, game theory, intelligent algorithm, multi-agent optimization control, distributed optimization, etc.

2. Application direction Optimized control of smart systems such as smart grids, multi-micro grid systems, integrated energy systems, etc.


(1) 2024-Present: Academic Editor of International Journal of Energy Research

(2) 2023-Present: Guest Editor of Buildings, an international SCI academic journal, organizing the special issue “Strategies for Building Energy Efficiency”

(3) 2021-Present: Guest Editor-in-Chief of Energies, an international SCI academic journal, organizing the special issue “Energy Management of Multi-Energy Buildings”

(4) 2024-Present: Guest Editor of Technologies, an international SCI academic journal, organizing the special issue “Next-Generation Distribution System Planning, Operation, and Control”

(5) 2024-Present: Topical Advisory Panel of Technologies, an international SCI academic journal

(6) 2024-Present: Early Career Editorial Board Member of Energy Engineering, an international SCI academic journal

(7) 2024-Present: First Young Editorial Board Member of China's core science journal "Journal of Guizhou University (Natural Science Edition)"

(8) 2024-Present: Editorial Board Member of the international academic journal Discover Energy

(9) Member of the IEEE PES Energy Information Society System Subcommittee

(10) CFEEE 2022 Technical Program Committee

(11) PowerCon2023 Oral Chair

(12) Session Chair of CIEEC 2022

(13) Member of the Artificial Intelligence Society

(14) Member of the Automation Society

(15) Reviewer of multiple trans journals

Main Journal Papers

  1.   Xu D, Xiang S, Bai Z, et al. Optimal multi-energy portfolio towards zero carbon data center buildings in the presence of proactive demand response programs[J]. Applied Energy, 2023, 350: 121806.

  2. Xu D, Bai Z, Jin X, et al. A mean-variance portfolio optimization approach for high-renewable energy hub[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 325: 119888.

  3. Xu D, Yuan Z L, Bai Z, et al. Optimal operation of geothermal-solar-wind renewables for community multi-energy supplies[J]. Energy, 2022, 249: 123672.

  4. Xu D, Zhong F, Bai Z, et al. Real-time multi-energy demand response for high-renewable buildings[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2023, 281: 112764.

  5. Da Xu, Bin Zhou, Nian Liu, Qiuwei Wu, Nikolai Voropai, Canbing Li, and Evgeny Barakhtenko, “Peer-to-Peer Multi-Energy and Communication Resource Trading for Interconnected Microgrids,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatic, DOI:10.1109/TII.2020.3000906.

  6. Da Xu, Bin Zhou, Qiuwei Wu, Chi Yung Chung, Canbing Li, Sheng Huang and She Chen, “Integrated modelling and enhanced utilization of power-to-ammonia for high renewable penetrated multi-energy systems,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 4769-4780, Nov. 2020.

  7. Da Xu, Qiuwei Wu, Bin Zhou, Canbing Li, Li Bai, and Sheng Huang, “Distributed multi-energy operation of coupled electricity, heating and natural gas networks,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 2457-2469, Oct. 2020.

  8. Da Xu, Bin Zhou, Ka Wing Chan, Canbing Li, Qiuwei Wu, and Siwei Xia, “Distributed multi-energy coordination of multi-microgrids with biogas-solar-wind renewables,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 3254-3266, Jun. 2019.

  9. Bin Zhou, Da Xu, Canbing Li, Yijia Cao, Ka Wing Chan, and Yan Xu, “Multiobjective generation portfolio of hybrid energy generating station for mobile emergency power supplies,” IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 5786-5797, Nov. 2018.

  10. Bin Zhou, Da Xu, Canbing Li, Chi Yung Chung, Yijia Cao, Ka Wing Chan, and Qiuwei Wu, “Optimal scheduling of biogas-solar-wind renewable portfolio for multi-carrier energy supplies,” IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 6, pp. 6229-6239, Nov. 2018.

  11. Bin Zhou, Da Xu, Ka Wing Chan, Canbing Li, Yijia Cao, and SiQi Bu, “A two-stage framework for multiobjective energy management in distribution networks with a high penetration of wind energy,” Energy, vol. 135, no. 15, pp. 754-766, Sep. 2017.

Main Conference Papers

1.Xu D, Liu B W, Chi-Seng Lam*, Zhangyou Huang. Short-term Power Load Forecasting using MOGOA and ConvBiLSTM During COVID-19 Pandemic[C]// 2023 International Conference On Power System Technology

2. Hu A, Xu D*, Gao M. Optimal Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Planning for Multi-Energy System[C]//2023 42nd Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2023: 9277-9282.

3. Liu B W, Xu D*, He Y. Short-term power load forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic using XGBoost and Copula theory[C]//2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). IEEE, 2021: 5789-5794.

4. Zhong F, Xu D*, Zhu L. Optimal Dispatch of High-penetrated Renewables for Multi-Carrier Water-Energy Supplies[C]//2022 37th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC). IEEE, 2022: 594-598.

5. Xiang S, Xu D*, Gao M. Optimal Portfolio of Wind-solar-hydro Hybrid Renewable Generation based on Variable Speed Pumped Storage[C]//2023 IEEE 6th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC). IEEE, 2023: 2371-2376.

6. Da Xu, Pengda Wang, Bin Zhou*, Longjie Huang, Guang Feng, and Wenfang Li, “Stochastic optimal operation of low-carbon renewable energy system,” The 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, IEEE APPEEC 2018, 7-10 Oct. 2018, Sabah, Malaysia.(EI)

7. Bin Zhou*, Tao Wang, Da Xu, Kuan Zhang, and Canbing Li, “Biogas renewable microgrid for multi-carrier energy supplies,” Keynote Speech in The 17th IET Annual Power Symposium 2018, 22-24 June 2018, Hong Kong.


Education Background

  • 2015.9 -- 2020.7

    湖南大学       电力系统及其自动化专业       Doctoral Degree in Education       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

  • 2011.9 -- 2015.6

    武汉理工大学       automation       大学本科毕业       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2023.2 -- 2025.1

    澳门大学      科技学院——AMSV国家重点实验室      博士后

  • 2020.9 -- Now

    中国地质大学      自动化学院      副教授

  • 2018.11 -- 2019.11

    丹麦科技大学      电力与能源中心      联合培养博士研究生

  • 2017.7 -- 2018.2

    香港理工大学      电机工程学系      助理研究员

Other Contact Information