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Yi Sun, TaoWu, LongXiao, Ming Bai,Yanhai Zhang. Contrasting mineralogical-geochemical compositions of ore-bearing and ore-barren intrusive complexes in the Handan-Xingtai district, North China Craton: Implications for the iron mineralization. Lithos.
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Pre One : Yuqi Qian, Long Xiao, Shen Yin, Ming Zhang, Yong Pang, Guoxin Wang, Siyuan Zhao, and Jiang Wang. The Regolith Properties of the Chang’e-5 Landing Region and the Ground Drilling Experiments Using Lunar Regolith Simulants. Icarus, Icarus 337 (2020) 113508,
Next One : Jessica Flahaut, James Carpenter, Jean-Pierre Williams, Mahesh Anand, Ian Crawford, Wim van Westrenen, Evelyn Fueri, Long Xiao, Siyuan Zhao. 2019. Regions of Interest (ROI) for future exploration missions to the lunar South Pole. Planetary and Space Science,