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Jiannan Zhao, Jun Huang, Michael D. Kraft, Long Xiao, Yun Jiang. 2017. Ridge-like lava tube systems in southeast Tharsis, Mars. Geomorphology, (295) 831-839
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Pre One : Le Qiao, James Head, Lionel Wilson, Long Xiao, Mikhail Kreslavsky, and Josef Dufek. Ina pit crater on the Moon: Extrusion of waning-stage lava lake magmatic foam results in extremely young crater retention ages. Geology, 45(5): 1-4, doi: 10.1130/G38594.1
Next One : Jiannan Zhao, Long Xiao, Le Qiao, Timothy D. Glotch, and Qian Huang. 2017. The Mons Rümker Volcanic Complex of the Moon: A Candidate Landing Site for the Chang’E-5 Mission. JGR-Planet, DOI: 10.1002/2016JE005247