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SunYi,Long Xiaoa,Qiongyao Zhan,Jianxun Wu,Dan Zhu,Wan Huang,Ming Bai,Yanhai Zhang.Petrogenesis of the Kuangshancun and Hongshan intrusive complexes from the Handan–Xingtai district: Implications for iron mineralization associated with Mesozoic magmatism in the North China Craton.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences.doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.08.003
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Pre One : 杨维,王国灿,纵瑞文,肖龙,李理,西准噶尔志留纪-泥盆纪弧盆格局的确定及其区域构造演化意义, 地球科学,2015,03期:448-460
Next One : Basilevsky A.T., A.M.Abdrakhimov, J.W.Head, C.M.Pieters, YunzhaoWu, Long Xiao. 2015. Geologic characteristics of the Luna 17/Lunokhod 1 and ChangE-3/Yutu landing sites, Northwest Mare Imbrium of the Moon. Planetary and Space Science117(2015)385–400.