吴明魁 (副教授)

副教授 硕士生导师












吴明魁,男,1988年生,湖北孝感人,研究生学历,工学博士学位,现为中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院副教授。主要从事卫星导航定位方面的教学和科研工作。先后参与国家863、国家自然科学基金、国防项目、横向科技开发项目等十余项,已发表(或合作发表)SCI/EI检索论文10余篇。研究方向为GNSS 多频多系统精密定位技术及其应用、GNSS地质灾害监测。

 Researchgate 主页https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mingkui_Wu



(1)    XXXXXX,2022/09-2023/06,主持

(2)    XXXXXX2022/04-2023/08,主持

(3)    横向开发项目,GNSS监测数据智能分析功能模块维护,2021/08-2022/07,主持

(4)    江西省数字国土重点实验室开放基金,北斗/GNSS单差测姿中Line Bias的快速准确估计方法研究,2021/07-2023/07,主持

(5)    国家自然科学基金青年基金,GNSS实时高精度单差测姿方法与关键技术,2020/01-2022/12,主持

(6)    湖北省自然科学基金面上类项目(青年),北斗三号/GPS/GLONASS/Galileo紧组合RTK模型与关键技术,2019/09-2022/09,主持


(1)    Mingkui Wu, Yan He, Hao Wu, Wanke Liu. Multi-dimensional particle filter-based estimation of phase line biases for single-differenced ambiguity resolution in GNSS-based attitude determination. Measurement Science and Technology, 2023, 34 (2023):025026. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/aca16e.

(2)    Mingkui Wu, Jiahang Li, Shuai Luo, Wanke Liu. Attitude Determination with GPS L1/Galileo E1 Observations from Common-Clock Receiver: A Comparison of Four Different Models. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(21):5438. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14215438.

(3)    Mingkui Wu, Yan He, Shuai Luo, Wanke Liu. Particle filter-based real-time phase line bias estimation for GNSS-based attitude determination with common-clock receivers. Advances in Space Research, 2023, 71(3): 1682-1699. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2022.09.062.

(4)    陈杨,吴明魁,刘万科,罗小敏基于GF模型的BDS-3/GPS/Galileo三频模糊度固定性能分析[J].大地测量与地球动力学,202242(07):722-727+744. DOI:10.14075/j.jgg.2022.07.011.

(5)    Mingkui Wu, Shuai Luo, Wang Wang, Wanke Liu. Performance Assessment of BDS-2/BDS-3/GPS/Galileo Attitude Determination Based on the Single-Differenced Model with Common-Clock Receivers. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(23):4845. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13234845.

(6)    Wanke Liu, Mingkui Wu, Xiaohong Zhang*, Wang wang, Wei Ke, Zhiqin Zhu. Sing-epoch RTK performance assessment of tightly combined BDS-2 and newly complete BDS-3. Satellite Navigation, 2021, (6)2. DOI: 10.1186/s43020-021-00038-y.

(7)    Mingkui Wu, Wanke Liu*, Wang wang, Xiaohong Zhang. Differential Inter-System Biases Estimation and Initial Assessment of Instantaneous Tightly Combined RTK with BDS-3, GPS, and Galileo. Remote sensing, 2019, 11(12), 1430. DOI: 10.3390/rs11121430.

(8)     Mingkui Wu, Xiaohong Zhang, Wanke Liu*, Renpan Wu, Renlan Zhang, Yuan Le, Yuexia Wu. Influencing factors of GNSS differential inter-system bias and performance assessment of tightly combined GPS, Galileo, and QZSS relative positioning for short baseline. Journal of Navigation, 2019, 72(4): 965-986. DOI: 10.1017/S0373463318001017.

(9)    Mingkui Wu, Wanke Liu*, Renpan Wu, Xiaohong Zhang. Tightly combined GPS/Galileo RTK for short and long baselines: model and performance analysis. Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63(7): 2003-2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2018.12.008.

(10)  Mingkui Wu, Xiaohong Zhang, Wanke Liu*, Shaojie Ni, Shun Yu. Tightly combined BeiDou B2 and Galileo E5b signals for precise relative positioning. Journal of Navigation, 2017, 70(6): 1253-1266. DOI: 10.1017/S0373463317000273.

(11)  Xiaohong Zhang, Mingkui Wu, Wanke Liu*, Xingxing Li, Shun Yu, Cuixian Lu, Jens Wickert. Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-3: New-generation navigation signals. Journal of Geodesy. 2017, 91(10):1225-1240. DOI: 10.1007/s00190-017-1020-3.

(12)  Xiaohong Zhang, Mingkui Wu, Wanke Liu*. Receiver Time Misalignment Correction for GPS-based Attitude Determination. Journal of Navigation, 2015, 68(4):1-19. DOI: 10.1017/S0373463315000053.

(13)  Wanke Liu, Xueyuan Jin, Mingkui Wu*, Jie Hu, Yun Wu. A new real-time cycle slip detection and repair method under high ionospheric activity for a triple-frequency GPS/BDS receiver. Sensors, 2018, 18(2):427-447. DOI: 10.3390/s18020427.

(14)  Shaoshi Wu, Xiubin Zhao, Liang Zhang*, Chunlei Pang, Mingkui Wu. Improving reliability and efficiency of RTK ambiguity resolution with reference antenna array: BDS+ GPS analysis and test. Journal of Geodesy, 2019, 93(9):1297-1311. DOI: 10.1007/s00190-019-01246-w.

(15)  Yi Dong, Liang Zhang, Dingjie Wang, Qingsong Li, Jie Wu, Mingkui Wu. Low-latency, high-rate, high-precision relative positioning with moving base in real time. GPS Solutions, 2020, 24(2):1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10291-020-0969-1.

(16)  Xiaohong Zhang, Xin Li, Cuixian Lu*, Mingkui Wu, Lin Pan. A comprehensive analysis of satellite-induced code bias for BDS-3 satellites and signalsAdvances in Space Research, 2019, 63(9):2822-2835. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.11.031.

(17)  吴明魁,刘万科,张小红,田文文. GPS/Galileo/BDS-3试验星短基线紧组合相对定位性能初步评估[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版),202045(1)13-20. DOI: 10.13203/j.whugis20180269.

(18)  吴明魁,何俊,汪宏晨*. 北斗三频精密姿态测量中整周模糊度的单历元可靠固定(英文)[J]. 中国惯性技术学报,201624(5)624-632. DOI:10.13695/j.cnki.12-1222/o3.2016.05.012.

(19)  张小红,吴明魁,刘万科*. BeiDou. B2/Galileo E5b短基线紧组合相对定位模型及性能评估[J]. 测绘学报,201645(S2)1-11. DOI: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2016.F020.

(20)  李超,黄劲松,徐亚明,张 涛,吴明魁*,蔡仁澜. PL-RTK:一个基于伪卫星的实时动态定位系统[J]. 测绘通报,20142014(12)1-4.

(21)  虞顺,吴明魁,刘万科*,张小红. Galileo导航系统观测值的质量分析[J]. 测绘地理信息,201944(3)51-56. 10.14188/j.2095-6045.2017072.

(22)  王颖喆,陶贤露,朱锋,刘万科,张小红,吴明魁利用智能手机实现GNSS原始观测值的高精度差分定位[J].武汉大学学报(信息科学版)202146(12):1941-1950.DOI:10.13203/j.whugis20210280.


  • [1]   GNSS精密定位及其应用;GNSS地质灾害监测

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