Date of Employment:2017-07-01
Contact Information:湖北省武汉东湖新技术开发区锦程街68号
Discipline:Surveying and Mapping Engineering
Associate professor
The Last Update Time:..
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Education Level:Faculty of Higher Institutions
Alma Mater:武汉大学
Professional Title:Associate professor
李玮,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,中国测绘学会大地测量与导航专业委员会委员。主要从事卫星导航精密定位及其应用研究,研究方向包括实时动态定位(RTK)、精密单点定位(PPP)、PPP-RTK及近地空间环境监测和应用。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目1项、国防和横向委托项目、国家/省部级实验室开放项目多项,并作为骨干成员参与国家863项目,澳大利亚国家重点项目CRC-SI 2项;目前发表学术论文20余篇,申请软件著作权2项。论文曾获中国卫星导航学术年会青年优秀论文奖和《测绘学报》年度优秀论文,获中国卫星导航定位科技进步二等奖2项;获第十、十一届全国高等学校测绘类专业青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖2次,卫星导航定位优秀教学成果一等奖。 每年可招收2-3名硕士研究生,欢迎具有测绘、遥感、导航定位、空间大气监测等背景的同学报考。 联系方式:Email: 科研项目 国家自然科学基金青年项目:高精度、低成本单频多模RTK算法研究,2019.01-2021.12,24万,主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资助:基于天线阵列辅助BDS/GPS/Galileo的单频RTK定位研究,2018.01-2020.12,6万,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于智能手机的端端相对定位及城市热岛效应监测方法研究,2025.01-2028.12,49万,主持横向委托项目:***系统关键算法和试验验证方法研究,50万,主持 教学情况本科生教学:测量学A、B,GNSS原理及其应用,专业英语阅读研究生教学:专业英语,现代测量数据处理理论 指导研究生获奖情况2021年,研究生国家奖学金(朱松);2021年,第十二届中国卫星导航年会青年优秀论文一等奖(朱松);2023年,第十三届中国卫星导航年会青年优秀论文二等奖(袁凯田); 代表性论文1. Li, Wei; Wang, Keke; Yuan, Kaitian. Performance and Consistency of Final Global Ionospheric Maps from Different IGS Analysis Centers. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15, 1010. Li, Wei; Yuan, Kaitian; Robert Odolinski; Zhang, Shaocheng; Regional Ionospheric Maps with Quad-Constellation Raw Observations as Applied to Single-Frequency PPP, Remote Sensing, 2022, 14 (23):6149. 3. Li, Wei; Zhu, Song; Ming, Zutao; Estimation of Inter-System Biases between BDS-3/GPS/Galileo and Its Application in RTK Positioning, Remote Sensing, 2021, 13(17):3507. 4. Zhang S., Fang L., Wang G., Li W. The impact of second‑order ionospheric delays on the ZWD estimation with GPS and BDS measurements, GPS Solutions, 2020, 24:41. doi: Li, W., Huang, L., Zhang, S.*, Chai, Y. Assessing Global Ionosphere TEC Maps with Satellite Altimetry and Ionospheric Radio Occultation Observations. Sensors, 2019, 19(24), 5489. doi: 10.3390/s19245489.6. Li, W., Wang, G., Mi, J., Zhang, S., Calibration errors in determining slant Total Electron Content (TEC) from multi-GNSS data, Advances in Space Research, 2019, 63:1670-1680. doi: Zhang, S., Du, S., Li, W.*, Wang, G. Evaluation of the GPS Precise Orbit and Clock Corrections from MADOCA Real-Time Products. Sensors, 2019, 19, 2580. doi:10.3390/s19112580.8. Li W., Nadarajah N., Teunissen P. J. G., et. al. Array-aided single-frequency State-Space RTK (SS-RTK) with combined GPS, Galileo, IRNSS and QZSS L5/E5a observations. Journal of Surveying Engineering, 2017, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)SU.1943-5428.0000227.9. Odijk D., Khodabandeh A, Nadarajah N., Choudury M., Zhang B., Li W. and Teunissen P. J.G.. PPP-RTK by means of S-system theory: Australian network and user demonstration. Journal of Space Science, 2016. Li W., Nadarajah N., Teunissen P. J. G. and Khodabandeh A. Single-frequency L5 PPP-RTK with GPS, IRNSS, QZSS and Galileo. In Proceedings of International Technical Meeting of the ION Satellite Division, ION GNSS 2015.11. Li W., Teunissen P., Zhang B., and Verhagen S. Precise point positioning using GPS and Compass observations. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Proceedings of China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2013, May, 2013, Wuhan.12. Li W., Cheng P.F, Bei J.Z., et. al. Calibration of regional ionospheric delay with uncombined precise point positioning and accuracy assessment [J]. Journal of Ea...
- 2003.9 -- 2007.6武汉大学 , Surveying and Mapping Engineering , Bachelor's Degree , Editor
- 2007.9 -- 2010.6中国测绘科学研究院 , Surveying and Mapping Engineering , Master's Degree , With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
- 2010.9 -- 2013.6武汉大学 , Surveying and Mapping Engineering , Doctoral Degree in Engineering , Faculty of Higher Institutions
- 2013.9 -- 2016.4澳大利亚科庭大学 , Research Fellow
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