
Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Degree : 博士学位

Status : Employed

School/Department : 计算机学院

Date of Employment : 2013-07-01

Discipline : Spatial information and digital technology

Business Address : 未来城校区计算机楼437

Contact Information : wxf@cug.edu.cn

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Paper Publications

Kai Xu; Xiaofeng Wang; Chunfang Kong; Ruyi Feng; Gang Liu; Chonglong Wu. Identification of Hydrothermal Alteration Minerals for Exploring Gold Deposits Based on SVM and PCA Using ASTER Data: A Case Study of Gulong, Remote Sens, 2019, 11, 3003.

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Translation or Not : no

Next One : 汪校锋,李德威,杜远生,马瑞申,杜凤军,华北南缘高山河组和云梦山组中解体的次火山岩:锆石U-Pb定年. 大地构造与成矿,2015, 39(5):919-932.

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