Thrust and conjugate strike-slip faults in the 17 June 2018 Mjma 6.1 (Mw 5.5) Osaka, Japan earthquake sequence
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论文类型 : 期刊论文
第一作者 : Yuqiang Li
通讯作者 : Dun Wang
全部作者 : Yuqiang Li, Dun Wang,*, Shenghui Xu, Lihua Fang, Yifang Cheng, Gang Luo, Bing Yan, Enescu Bogdan, and Jim Mori
收录刊物 : SCI
文献类型 : J
是否译文 : 否
上一条: Rapid Estimation of Magnitudes of Large Damaging Earthquakes in and Around Japan Using Dense Seismic Stations in China
下一条: Complex Rupture of the 13 November 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake: Comparison of High-frequency and Low-Frequency Observations