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Tian Tian, Yun Zhang, Hao Dou, Hengjian Tong*, Land-use classification with biologically inspired color descriptor and sparse coding spatial pyramid matching. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2017, 76(21): 22943-22958.
Translation or Not : no
Pre One : Tian Tian, Chang Li, Jinkang Xu, Jiayi Ma*, Urban area detection in very high resolution remote sensing images using deep convolutional neural networks. Sensors. 2018, 18(3), 904.
Next One : Tian Tian, Yun Zhang, kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Weijing Song*, A biologically inspired spatio-chromatic feature for color object recognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2017, 76(18): 18731-18747.