Date of Birth:1981-10-22
Date of Employment:2008-03-01
Business Address:主楼423
Contact Information:13349837331
Discipline:Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology




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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
Education Level:Faculty of Higher Institutions
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(武汉)
Professional Title:Professor
2018年中国地质大学(武汉)第十届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖 School/Department:地球科学学院

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Personal Information





1  1999.92003.7,中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院学习,获资源勘查工程学士学位;

2  2003.92007.12,中国科学院地球化学研究所攻读地球化学硕士、博士学位,导师刘丛强研究员及唐红峰研究员。








1  中国地质大学(武汉)2021年本科教学工程项目,《矿物岩石学》MOOC课程建设,负责人;





2  中国地质大学地质过程与矿产资源国家重点实验室开放研究基金,塔里木西北缘地幔物质组成与Cu-Fe成矿作用(GPMR202420),2024.06——2025.12,负责人;

3  国家自然科学基金面上项目,新疆中新生代玄武岩及其捕虏体揭示地幔性质和演化(41973033),2020.1——2023.12,负责人;






9  国家重点研发计划课题,燕山期重大地质事件的深部过程与资源效应之子课题鄂霍茨克洋与太平洋构造域叠合的岩浆作用与成矿相应,2016.7——2020.12,主要参加者;

10  国家自然科学基金重点国际合作研究项目,中国及邻区特提斯带地质体橄榄岩属性及其地幔动力学(41520104003),2016.1-2020.12,主要参加者;

11  国家自然科学基金重点项目,华北下地壳增生与再造过程研究(41130315),2012.1-2016.12,主要参加者;

12  国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目,华北下地壳岩石组成-物性综合及其精细结构研究(91214204),2013.1-2016.12,主要参加者;

13  中国石油新疆油田分公司横向项目,克拉美丽气田石炭系火山岩序列及岩性岩相研究,2017.5——2017.12,主要参加者。



1  Niu Tianyi, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Zhou Liang, Wang Jian, Chen Xi, Bian Xiao, Zhang Xiahui. Identification of carbonated eclogitic source for Cenozoic intraplate alkaline basalts from western Central Asia and its geodynamic implication. Chemical Geology, 2024, 663, 122259.

2  Bian Xiao, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Wang Jian, Chen Xi, Zhou Liang, Niu Tianyi, Dong Bi’an. Multi-stage melt/fluid modification of lithospheric mantle beneath the circum-cratonic orogenic belt: Evidence from the Tuoyun peridotite xenoliths. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2024, in press.

3  Zhou Liang, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Dai Hongkun, Ma Qiang, Chen Xi, Zhang Xiahui, Xiong Kai, Niu Tianyi, Tong Gang. Geochemical and thermodynamic constraints on the genesis of coexisting alkaline and tholeiitic basalts from Datong, North China: Implications for compositional diversity of continental intraplate basalts. Chemical Geology, 2024, 659, 122143.

4  Bian Xiao, Su Yuping, Khalaf E.A., Zheng Jianping, Xiong Qing, Xiong Kai.  Origin and evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the juvenile Arabian–Nubian Shield: Evidence from the Natash peridotite xenoliths, Southern Eastern Desert, Egypt. Lithos, 2024, 468-469, 107487.

5  Zhang Xiahui, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Liu Penglei, Wang Jian, Zhou Liang.  Considerable heating during clockwise decompression of a long-lived Paleoproterozoic hot orogen: Evidence from the Xuanhua Complex, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 2024, 400, 107251.

6  Zhang Xiahui, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Liu Penglei, Zhou Liang. Late Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal and metamorphic evolution recorded in high-pressure granulites: Evidence from the Xuanhua Complex, northern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 2023, 399, 107246.

7  Bian Xiao, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Xiong Qing, Dai Hongkun, Zhou Xiang, Chen Xi, Zhou Liang, Wang Jian. Circum-cratonic mantle archives the cumulative effects of plume and convergence events. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2023, 360, 81-105.

8  Zhou Liang, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Dai Hongkun, Ma Qiang, Wang Jian, Zhang Sai, Zhang Xiahui, Xiong Kai. Generation of continental intraplate alkaline basalts by edge-driven convection: Insights from the Cenozoic basalts beyond the Big Mantle Wedge. Chemical Geology, 2023, 632, 121537.

9  卞霄, 苏玉平, 郑建平, 董毕安, 牛天意. 西克尔橄榄岩包体揭示塔里木西北缘岩石圈地幔经历多期次交代改造. 岩石学报, 2023, 39(1), 0135-0147.

10  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Dai Hongkun, Tang Gongjian, Ma Qiang, Zhao Junhong, Belousova E.A., Griffin W.L., O’Reilly S.Y.. Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in Central Asia: Mantle upwelling induced by India-Eurasia collision. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2023, 135, 1923-1938.

11  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Belousova E.A., Chen Ming, Dai Hongkun, Zhou Liang. Rapid transition from oceanic subduction to post-collisional extension revealed by Carboniferous magmatism in the East Junggar (NW China), southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2022, 134, 1018-1042.

12  Zhou Liang, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Ma Qiang, Wang Jian, Zhang Xiahui, Bian Xiao. Source composition controls the petrogenesis of Jurassic-Cretaceous adakitic volcanic rocks in the central North China Craton. The Journal of Geology, 2021, 129, 319-341.

13  Bian Xiao, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Xiong Qing, Zhou Xiang, Dai Hongkun, Lin Abing, Wang Jian, Zhou Liang. Multi-stage mantle accretions and metasomatisms related to peripheral subduction or collision in the northern North China Craton: Evidence from the Nangaoya peridotite xenoliths. Lithos, 2021, 390-391, 106116.

14  Zhang Xiahui, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Liu Penglei, Griffin W.L., Ping Xianquan, Wang Jian, Zhou Liang. Metamorphic history and Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic crustal growth of the central Trans-North China Orogen: Evidence from granulite- to amphibolite-facies rocks of the Hengshan complex. Gondwana Research, 2021, 93, 162-183.

15  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Belousova E.A., Chen Ming, Dai Hongkun, Zhou Xiang. Petrogenesis of early Carboniferous bimodal-type volcanic rocks from the Junggar Basin (NW China) with implications for Phanerozoic continental growth in Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research, 2021, 89, 220-237.

16  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Belousova E.A., Chen Ming, Dai Hongkun, Zhou Liang. Slab roll-back triggered back-arc extension south of Paleo-Asian Ocean: Insights from Devonian MORB-like diabase dykes in Chinese Altai. Lithos, 2020, 376-377, 105790.

17  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Belousova E.A., Griffin W.L., Zhou Xiang, Dai Hongkun. Hidden Eoarchean crust in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Lithos, 2020, 360-361, 105437.

18  Wang Jian, Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Gao Shanlin, Dai Hongkun, Ping Xianquan, Xiong Qing, Kahar Niyaz. Geochronology and petrogenesis of Jurassic intraplate alkali basalts in the Junggar terrane, NW China: implication for low-volume basaltic volcanism. Lithos, 2019, 324-325, 202-215.

19  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Liang Lili, Dai Hongkun, Zhao Junhong, Chen Ming, Ping Xianquan, Liu Ziqi, Wang Jian. Derivation of A1-type granites by partial melting of newly underplated rocks related with the Tarim mantle plume. Geological Magazine, 2019, 156, 409-429.

20  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin, William L., Huang Yan, Wei Ying, Ping Xianquan. Geochronology and geochemistry of deep-seated crustal xenoliths in the northern North China Craton: Implications for the evolution and structure of the lower crust. Lithos, 2017, 292-293, 1-14.

21  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Wei Ying, Li Yilong, Ping Xianquan, Huang Yan. Deep-seated crustal xenoliths record multiple Paleoproterozoic tectonothermal events in the northern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 2015, 270, 318-333. 

22  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin William L., Zhao Junhong, Li Yilong, Wei Ying, Huang Yan. Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope of gneissic rocks from the Huai’an Complex: Implications for crustal accretion and tectonic evolution in the northern margin of the North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 2014, 255, 335-354.

23  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin William L., Zhao Junhong, O′Reilly Suzanne Y., Tang Huayun, Ping Xianquan, Xiong Qing. Petrogenesis and geochronology of Cretaceous adakitic, I- and A-type granitoids in the NE Yangtze block: Constraints on the eastern subsurface boundary between the North and South China blocks: Reply. Lithos, 2014, 196-197, 380-383.

24  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin William L., Zhao Junhong, O′Reilly Suzanne Y., Tang Huayun, Ping Xianquan, Xiong Qing. Petrogenesis and geochronology of Cretaceous adakitic, I- and A-type granitoids in the NE Yangtze block: Constraints on the eastern subsurface boundary between the North and South China blocks. Lithos, 2013, 175-176, 333-350.

25  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin William L., Zhao Junhong, Tang Huayun, Ma Qiang, Lin Xiangyang. Geochemistry and geochronology of Carboniferous volcanic rocks in the eastern Junggar terrane, NW China: Implication for a tectonic transition. Gondwana Research, 2012, 22, 1009-1029. 

26  Su Yuping, Zheng Jianping, Griffin William L., Tang Huayun, O′Reilly Suzanne Y., Lin Xiangyang. Zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes of volcanic rocks from the Batamayineishan Formation in the eastern Junggar  Basin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(36), 4150-4161.

27  Su Yuping, Tang Hongfeng, Sylvester Paul J., Liu Congqiang, Qu Wenjun, Hou Guangshun, Cong Feng. Petrogenesis of Karamaili alkaline A-type granites from East Junggar, Xinjiang (NW China) and their relationship with tin mineralization. Geochemical Journal, 2007, 41(5), 341-357.

28  苏玉平, 郑建平, Griffin William L., 汤华云, O′Reilly Suzanne Y., 林向洋. 东准噶尔盆地巴塔玛依内山组火山岩锆石U-Pb年代及Hf同位素研究. 科学通报, 2010, 55(30), 2931-2943.

Education Background
  • 2003.9 -- 2007.12
    中国科学院地球化学研究所 , 地球化学  , 博士学位 , Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • 1999.9 -- 2003.6
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 资源勘查工程  , 学士学位 , Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)
Work Experience
  • 2018.1 -- Now
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 地球科学学院 , 教授
  • 2012.1 -- 2017.12
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 地球科学学院 , 副教授
  • 2008.3 -- 2011.12
    中国地质大学(武汉) , 地球科学学院 , 讲师
  • 2015.3 -- 2016.3
    英国Edinburgh大学 , 访问学者
  • 2009.3 -- 2009.6
    澳大利亚Macquarie大学 , 访问学者
Social Affiliations
No content
Research Focus
  • 岩石地球化学

  • 岩石学

Research Group
  • 付茹
  • 徐德义
  • 张鹏飞
  • 李周波
  • 周云
  • 周传波
  • 周云
  • 闫政旭
  • 周琦深
  • 马金良