Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Faculty of Higher Institutions


Personal Information

Date of Employment:1997-07-01
Business Address:未来城校区科教一(计算机学院大楼)525室


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Personal Information

Jun Song is currently a professor of computer science with the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. He received the Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China, and the Ph.D. degree from Wuhan University, all in computer science. His current research interests include cryptography and its applications, wireless network security, big data and artificial intelligence security, geospatial information security.

We would like to recruit outstanding graduates with great enthusiasm, courage, and stamina to join our team. If you are interested in what I am doing (I highly encourage the applicants to take a look at our current research interest and recent papers) and/or you think I will be interested in what you are doing, please let me know by sending your CV and PS in PDF or TXT format through my email  Thanks.

Let's make great efforts together to portray your shining point refinedly!

[1] 1993.7  to  1997.7
中国地质大学(武汉) | Computer science and technology | 大学本科毕业 | Master's Degree in Engineering
[2] 2000.7  to  2003.7
中国地质大学(武汉) | Computer science and technology | 硕士研究生毕业 | Master's Degree in Engineering
[3] 2003.7  to  2008.7
武汉大学 | information safety | Doctoral Degree in Education | Doctoral Degree in Engineering

[1] 1997.7  to  2022.5
 计算机学院 | 中国地质大学(武汉) 
[2] 2010.1  to  2011.1
 计算机学院 | 加拿大Victoria大学 

[1] wireless network security
[2] big data and artificial intelligence security
[3] geospatial information security
[4] cryptography and its applications

[1] 湖北省区块链技术创新研究院副院长
[2] 湖北省商用密码协会教育专委会副主任
[3] 曾担任QSHINE2014国际会议程序委员会TPC成员;ATC2015国际会议分会议主席;XDef2014-2019全国信息安全防护峰会分场主席
[4] IEEE Transaction On (JASAC,TWC, TVT, ITS), IEEE Access,Information Sciences等国际期刊评审
[5] INFOCOM(2013,2014,2015),GlobeCom(2013,2014,2015), ICC(2013,2014), SCNC(2014,2015), QSHINE(2015)等国际会议评审
[6] 第6-11届中国可信计算与信息安全学术会议评审;2014-2016年密码算法学术会议评审,以及计算机学报、软件学报、密码学报、武汉大学学报评审

Research Group

Name of Research Group:大数据与人工智能安全实验室团队

Description of Research Group:主要研究方向包括移动互联网安全、地学大数据与人工智能安全、地理空间信息安全、密码学及其应用。近年来,在上述研究领域发表国际期刊和国际会议论文四十余篇,承担相关方向科研项目多项。在实验室全体师生的共同努力下,本团队近年来在科研成果、教学成果、学生获奖等方面均取得了较丰硕的成绩。