Wang J, Su YP*, Zheng JP*, Gao SL, Dai HK, Ping XQ. 2019. Geochronology and petrogenesis of Jurassic intraplate alkali basalts in the Junggar terrane, NW China: Implication for low-volume basaltic volcanism. Lithos, 324: 202-215.
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上一条: Ping XQ*, Zheng JP*, Tang HY, Ma Q, W.L. Griffin, Xiong Q, Su YP. 2018. Hadean continental crust in the southern North China Craton: Evidence from the Xinyang felsic granulite xenoliths. Precambrian Research, 307: 155-174.
下一条: Ping XQ*, Zheng JP*, Xiong Q, W.L. Griffin, Yu CM, Su YP. 2019. Downward rejuvenation of the continental lower crust beneath the southeastern North China Craton. Tectonophysics, 750: 213-228.