Associate professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Gender : Male
Alma Mater : 华中科技大学
Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions
Degree : Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Status : Employed
School/Department : 计算机学院
Business Address : 中国地质大学未来城校区计算机学院452办公室
Email :
2007.9 -- 2011.6
华中科技大学  Computer science and technology  Faculty of Higher Institutions  Doctoral Degree in Engineering
IEEE计算智能学会Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Science委员
2005.7 -- Now
中国地质大学 计算机学院 计算机应用系副主任
彭雷,博士,副教授,博士生导师,华中科技大学计算机软件与理论专业研究生毕业,获工学博士学位。2014-2015年,英国University of Strathclyde 大学Advanced Space Concept Lab 实验室从事航天智能优化算法合作研究。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金、博士后科学面上基金、863重大专项子课题、航天科工基金、湖北省自然科学基金等科研项目10余项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文20余篇,参与出版专著7部,获得国家发明专利20余项、软件著作权10项。目前担任IEEE计算智能学会Task Force on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Science委员,Artificial intelligence Review和Advance in Space Research国际学术期刊审稿人。2021年,中国仿真学会科学技术奖创新技术奖一等奖(排名第三);2019年,获得湖北省科学技术进步二等奖1项(排名第三),第二届空间智能技术创新大赛二等奖;2012年,获得第七届湖北省高等学校教学成果三等奖(排名第三),第六届青年教师教学优秀奖,主持完成省级和校级教学项目4项,参与编写计算机教材3部。2022年,指导的研究生获得校级优秀毕业论文;指导学生在全国挑战杯、全国计算机仿真大赛等赛事上获一等奖等奖励多次,指导本科生获得校级和院级大学生科研立项重点项目和一般项目10项。
1. Zhuoming Yuan, Lei Peng*, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang, Jian Li, Wanbing Zhang, and Qianqian Yu. An improved multi-operator differential evolution with two-phase migration strategy for numerical optimization. Information Sciences, 2024, 669: 120548.
2. Lei Peng, Zhuoming Yuan, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang, Jian Li, Zhiming Song, and Xiaoyu Chen. A Multi-strategy Improved Snake Optimizer Assisted with Population Crowding Analysis for Engineering Design Problems, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2024, 21 (3):1567-91.
3. Yu, Qianqian, Guangming Dai, Chen Yang, Lei Peng, Maocai Wang, and Xiaoyu Chen. Bi-level multi-objective optimization of the structure and attitude for space solar power station. Advances in Space Research, 2024, 73 (3):1952-65.
4. Lei Peng, Zhuoming Yuan, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang, and Zhe Tang. Reinforcement learning-based hybrid differential evolution for global optimization of interplanetary trajectory design. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2023, 81:101351.
5. Ziyun Zhang, Lei Peng*, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang, Junfei Bai, Lei Zhang, and Jian Li. A Hybrid Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Under Varying Working Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023, 72:1-13.
6. Qianqian Yu, Chen Yang, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng, and Xiaoyu Chen. Synchronous Wireless Sensor and Sink Placement Method Using Dual-Population Co-evolutionary Constrained Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2023, 19 (6):7561-71.
7. Zhe Tang, Lei Peng*, Guangming Dai, Panpan Wang, Yuwei Zhao, Haozhe Yang, Zhuoying Pu & Mingcheng Zuo. Enhancing the search ability of a hybrid LSHADE for global optimization of interplanetary trajectory design, Engineering Optimization, 2023, 55(4),632-649.
8. Yanyun Zhang, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng, Maocai Wang. Enhancing differential evolution algorithm through a population size adaptation strategy, Natural Computing, 2022.
9. Mingcheng Zuo, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng. A new mutation operator for differential evolution algorithm, Soft Computing, 2021, 25 (21):13595-615
10. Mingcheng Zuo, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng, Maocai Wang. An envelope curve-based theory for the satellite coverage problems. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020: 105750.
11. Mingcheng Zuo, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng*. Multi-agent genetic algorithm with controllable mutation probability utilizing back propagation neural network for global optimization of trajectory design, Engineering Optimization, 2019, 51(1), 120-139.
12. Yanyun Zhang, Lei Peng*, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang. Enhanced Hybrid Differential Evolution for Earth-Moon Low-Energy Transfer Trajectory Optimization, International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018: 1-17.
13. Mingcheng Zuo, Guangming Dai, Lei Peng*, EP_DE II: A significant algorithm to search the optimal solution for global optimization of multi-gravity assist trajectory, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018, 232(12): 2326-2337.
14. Lei Peng, Guangming Dai, Maocai Wang, Huozhen Hu,Yamin Chang and Fangjie Chen. Self-adaptive uniform differential evolution for optimizing the initial integral point of the Earth-Moon low energy transfer. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G-Journal of Aerospace Engineering.2011, 225(11):1263-1.
15.戴光明, 彭雷, 罗治情.行星际脉冲转移轨道设计与优化算法. 中国地质大学出版社,(ISBN:978-7-5625-2804-3), 2012年4月.
4.2022年,第五届湖北省“我梦见——楚天创客”大赛 湖北省二等奖(银奖).