Zhenhua Li
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1.三峡库区地质灾害趋势预测预警系统建设. 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心项目(业务合同YW2022009). 2022/06-2023/04.(序1)

2.华北油气分公司天然气销售策略综合研究--华北油气分公司油气销售信息化管理平台. 2022/03-2022/12.(序2)

3.三峡库区地质灾害风险识别与险情发布系统建设. 中国地质调查局武汉地质调查中心项目(武地科合[2019]038). 2019/03-2019/11.(序2)

4. 湖北省地质环境数据仓库建设. 湖北省地质环境总站项目. 2018/10-2018/11.(序1)

5.决策分析数据管理子系统建设及信息化管理制度汇编.中国地质环境监测院项目(SX2016015). 2016/06-2017/06(序1)


7.地质环境数据仓库及业务支撑平台数据立方建设. 中国地质环境监测院项目(kp2014002-051).2014/07-2015/03(序1)

8.地质环境信息平台建设—地质环境数据仓库及数据仓库管理子系统建设. 中国地质环境监测院项目. 2013/05-20134/01(序1)9.基于演化计算的智能信息处理及其地学应用.中央高校基本科研业务费(CUG090109). 2009/01-2014/12(资助两轮)(序1)



1 Xiaobo Zhang,Hao Li,Qiang Liu,Zhenhua Li*,Claire E.Reymond,Min Zhang,Yuangeng Huang,Hongfei Chen,Zhongqiang Chen.A new machine-learning extracting approach to construct a knowledge base: A case study on global stromatolites over geological time[J].Journal of Earth Science:1-37.2022

2.Tian, Zhaoning, Ying Li, Zhenhua Li*, and Site Li. "Recall Network: A Simple Brain-Inspired Algorithm for Classification." Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (2022).

3. Zhenhua Li*, Guoxuan Cheng, Wenming Cheng,Hongbo Mei. People as Sensors: Towards a Human–Machine Cooperation Approach in Monitoring Landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, China. Cyber-Physical Systems: Architecture, Security and Application,2019,43-53. 

4. Zhenhua Li*, Erik D. Goodman*. Practical Search Index as a Hardness Measure for Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Computers. 2013,8(8):2034-2041

5.Xiaoyue Wang, Zhenhua Li*, Song Gao. Parallel Remote Sensing Image Processing: Taking Image Classification as an Example. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2012), Wuhan, China, 2012: 159-169. 

6.Lei Zhang, Zhenhua Li*, Hao Zhang, Huaming Zhong. A Simulation Study of Modular Robot Self-replication. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2012), Wuhan, China, 2012: 479-489. 

7.Li, Min*; Zhenhua Li*, Grid Resource Scheduling Method Based on BP Neural Network. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2012), Wuhan, China, 2012: 522-530.

8.Huaming Zhong, Zhenhua Li*; Hao Zhang, Chao Yu, Ni Li. Modular Robot Path Planning Using Genetic Algorithm Based on Gene Pool. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2010), Wuhan, China, 2010:380-389. 

9.Jing Chen*, Zhenhua Li, Bian Bian. Application of Data Mining in Multi-Geological-Factor Analysis. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2010), Wuhan, China, 2010:402-411.

10.Zhenhua Li, Erik D. Goodman, A practical search index and population size analysis based on the building block hypothesis. Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '08), Atlanta, GA, USA. 2008:1123-1124.

11.Zhenhua Li, Erik D. Goodman, Exploring Building Blocks through Crossover. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2008), Wuhan, China, 2008:707-714.

12.Weiya Guo, Zhenhua Li, Dan Zhao, Tim Wong. A K-Nearest-Neighbors Pareto Rank Assignment Strategy and Compound Crossover Operator Based NSGA-II and Its Applications on Multi-objective

 Optimization Functions. International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications (ISICA2008), Wuhan, China, 2008:142-151. 









2024年度招生名额未满,欢迎联系。推免生现在即可申请,统考生或调剂生请于复试录取后申请 Emai: zhli@cug.edu.cn。申请成功后,会安排一次远程的编程测试,测试通过后即可进组。

附 近年研究生去向:


刘*  武汉市某局 武汉

王*萱 长江通信 武汉

陈*林 三峡集团 成都


张*博    斗鱼 武汉

田*宁    攻博 武汉


唐*明     阿里 杭州

胡*        阿里 杭州


刘*        腾讯 上海

徐*        网易 广州 

罗*        字节跳动 北京 


代*        百度 北京

李*        字节跳动 北京 

王*        叠纸科技 上海


马*刚    百度 北京

郑*佳    平安科技 上海




洪*        百度 北京 

刘*银     银联 上海 


胡*薇     中国邮政 武汉

李*        攻博 武汉


刘*欢     百度 北京 

李*骅     楚楚街 北京 

何*        绿盟 北京  

  • Education Background
  • Work Experience
1999-9 | 2004-7
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)
  • Doctoral Degree

1991-9 | 1994-7
  • 中国地质大学(武汉)
  • Master's Degree

1987-9 | 1991-7
  • 焦作矿业学院
  • 学士学位

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
  • 湖北计算机协会理事

Personal information

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学

Education Level : Faculty of Higher Institutions

Degree : 博士学位

Status : Employed

School/Department : 计算机学院

Discipline : Computer science and technology

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