28.Xiaoqian Li, Aiguo Zhou*, Cunfu Liu, Hesheng Cai, Yiqun Gan, Jinbo Wu, Hecheng Liang and Jianwei Zhou. 2007. SF6 age of Karst water in Gulin. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 18 (Sp. Iss.): 79-80.
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上一条: 27.Xiaoqian Li, Aiguo Zhou*, Yiqun Gan, Tingting Yu, Dong Wang, and Yunde Liu. 2011. Controls on the δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulfate in the Quaternary aquifers of the North China Plain. Journal of Hydrology, 400: 312–322.
下一条: 29.Xiaoqian Li, Aiguo Zhou*, Cunfu Liu, Yiqun Gan, Tingting Yu, and Yunde Liu. 2010. Fluoride in groundwater of Hebei Plain, Northern China: mineral origin elucidated by isotopic and ion chemistry. Water Rock Interaction, Birkle and Torres-Alvarado (eds.), Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0.