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基本信息Personal Information
教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
性别 : 女
学历 : 博士研究生
学位 : 博士
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室
入职时间 : 2009年07月01日
学科 : 生物科学 环境工程
办公地点 : 中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区科教三楼
联系方式 : qq277561499 手机(微信同号)13871382060
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个人简介Personal Profile
李 平 博士,研究员(教授), 博士生导师,中国地质大学(武汉)腾飞计划入选者、青年拔尖人才、中国生态学学会微生物生态专业委员会委员、长江流域环境水科学湖北省重点实验室副主任、长江流域碳中和产业技术创新中心副主任、生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室地质微生物分室负责人之一;主要从事地下水/土壤污染与修复及其相关的氮、碳、砷、硒和镉等元素生物地球化学过程研究,以及典型行业碳中和微生物机制与技术研发;先后承担和参与包括国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目等在内的多项国家及省部级科研项目;在Nature Communications、The ISME Journal、Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Research等重要国际SCI期刊上发表论文60多篇,授权多项专利;担任国际SCI期刊International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation编委,以及Environmental Science & Technology、Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution、Frontiers in Microbilogy、International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation、Chemspere和Ecotoxicology等杂志特约审稿专家。
QQ277561499,Email pli@cug.edu.cn
1994.9-1998.6 武汉理工大学资源与环境学院,获学士学位
2002.3-2003.2 中国科学院水生生物研究所从事环境生物方面的助研工作
2003.9-2005.12 华中师范大学生命科学学院,获硕士学位
2006.1-2006.7 湖北省生态工程职业技术学院从事生物科学相关的教学工作
2006.9-2009.6 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院,获博士学位
2009.7-2011.12 中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室 讲师
2010.6-2010.10 英国卡迪夫大学 访问学者
2012.1-2014.9 中国地质大学(武汉)地质学博士后
2012.1-2016.11 中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室 副教授
2013.1-2014.4 美国蒙大拿州立大学资源与环境学院 访问学者
2016.12-今 中国地质大学(武汉)生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室 研究员(教授)
2022.11-2023.5 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学生物科学系 高级访问学者
自然资源部平原区农用地生态评价与修复工程技术创新中心课题(20243160002)新垦造耕地土壤地力提升微生物多样性调查研究.2024.1-2026.6 (项目主持人)
世界自然基金会课题(20243170001)长江中游畜禽养殖业低碳绿色发展机制,2024.6-2025.5 (项目主持人)
自然资源部平原区农用地生态评价与修复工程技术创新中心课题(2022316602)典型耕地土壤微生物固碳特征及其影响因素研究. 2022.10-2024.9 (项目主持人)
世界自然基金会课题(2022315089)长江中下游畜禽养殖业CCER机制研究,2022.12-2023.12 (项目主持人)
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目(91851115)地下水系统中微生物介导的关键氮循环过程及其环境效应,2019.1-2021.12 (项目主持人)
浙江省自然资源厅地质专项子课题-浙江典型镉污染耕地土壤修复微生物技术与产品研发(2020316391),2020.1-2022.12 (项目主持人)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41772260)微生物作用下高温地热流体来源砷和硫的地球化学过程及其对砷迁移转化的影响,2018.1-2021.12 (项目主持人)
浙江省自然资源厅地质专项子课题-浙江省典型富硒土壤区地质微生物资源调查与研究(2018316192),2018.1-2019.12 (项目主持人)
国家自然科学基金创新群体项目(41521001)水文地质学,2016.1-2021.12 (项目参与人)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(41372348)微生物参与内蒙古河套平原高砷地下水形成的分子生态学研究,2014.1-2017.12 (项目主持人)
国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作与交流项目(NO41120124003)地热流体来源砷的环境生物地球化学研究,2012.1-2016.12 (主要参与人,排名第三)
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目项目(41002080):强还原地下水环境中砷迁移转化的微生物地球化学作用研究, 2011.1-2013.12 (项目主持人)
国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(41110304040)高砷地下水微生物地球化学作用研究,2011.5-2011.12 (项目主持人)
湖北省自然科学基金重点项目(2009045014)畜禽养殖排泄物抗生物残留及对环境影响研究,2009.1-2010.12 (主要参与人)
Helin Wang, Ping Li*, Xiaohan Liu, Yanhong Wang, Lisa Y Stein. Groundwater flow regime shapes nitrogen functional traits by effecting microbial community assembly processes in the subsurface. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 949: 175083.
Yanting Zhang, Man Tong, Yuxi Lu, Fengyi Zhao, Peng Zhang, Zhenchen Wan, Ping Li, Songhu Yuan*, Yanxin Wang, Andreas Kappler. Directional long-distance electron transfer from reduced to oxidized zones in the subsurface. Nature Communications. 2024, 15: 6576.
Li-Li Han, Lianghao Ge, Ehui Tan, Wenbin Zou, Li Tian, Ping Li, Ming Xu*, and Shuh-Ji Kao. Model the evolutionary pattern of N species and pool size in groundwater continuum by utilizing measured source and sink rates of nitrate and ammonium. Journalof Hazardous Materials. 2024, 136046.
Xiaohan Liu, Ping Li*, Helin Wang, Li-Li Han, Kai Chen, Yanhong Wang, Zhou Jiang, Li Cui, and Shuh-Ji Kao. Nitrogen fixation and diazotroph diversity in groundwater systems. The ISME Journal. 2023, 17, 2023-2034.
Helin Wang, Ping Li*, Xiaohan Liu , Zhang Jing, Lisa Y Stein, and Gu Ji-Dong. An overlooked influence of reactive oxygen species on ammonia-oxidizing microbial communities in redox-fluctuating aquifers. Water Research. 2023: 119734.
Li-Li Han, Helin Wang, Lianghao Ge, Min Nina Xu, Jin-Ming Tang, Li Luo, Ping Li* and Shuh-Ji Kao*. Transition of source/sink processes and fate of ammonium in groundwater along with redox gradients. Water Research. 2023: 119600.
Chongwen Shi, Man Tong, Qizheng Cai, Zhengtao Li, Ping Li, Yuxi Lu, Zixuan Cao, Hui Liu, He-Ping Zhao, and Songhu Yuan*. Electrokinetic-Enhanced Bioremediation of Trichloroethylene-Contaminated Low-Permeability Soils: Mechanistic Insight from Spatio-Temporal Variations of Indigenous Microbial Community and Biodehalogenation Activity. Environmental Science & Technology. 2023, 57: 5046-5055.
Yanhong Wang, Xuege Tian, Tenglong Song, Zhou Jiang, Guanglong Zhang, Ping Li*. Linking DOM characteristics to microbial community: The potential role of DOM mineralization for arsenic release in shallow groundwater. Journalof Hazardous Materials. 2023, 453, 131566.
Chun Qing, Alan Nicol, Ping Li*, Britta Planer-Friedrich, Changguo Yuan & Zhu Kou. Different sulfide to arsenic ratios driving arsenic speciation and microbial community interactions in two alkaline hot springs. Environmental Research. 2023, 218, 115033.
Binbin Liu, Hao Zhou, Lanfeng Li, Jing Ai, Hang He, Junxia Yu, Ping Li, Weijun Zhang*, Environmental impact and ptimization suggestions of pig manure and wastewater treatment systems from a life cycle perspective, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 905: 167262.
Yue Yu, Ping Li*, Yanhong Wang, Xinzhe Lu, Chunlei Huang, Songle Zhang, Hanqin Yin. Impact of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacterial Agent on Cadmium Bioavailability and Microbial Communities in Soil and Cd Accumulation in Lettuce Plants. Journal of Earth Science. 2023, doi.org/10.1007/s12583-023-1852-0
Changguo Yuan, Ping Li*, Chun Qing, Zhu Kou, & Helin Wang. Different Regulatory Strategies of Arsenite Oxidation by Two Isolated Thermus tengchongensis Strains From Hot Springs. Frontiers in microbiology. 2022. 13, 817891-817891.
Man Tong, Yuxi Zhao, Qunqun Sun, Ping Li, Hui Liu & Songhu Yuan*. Fe (II) oxygenation inhibits bacterial Mn (II) oxidation by P. putida MnB1 in groundwater under O2-perturbed conditions. Journalof Hazardous Materials. 2022, 435, 128972.
Changguo Yuan, Ping Li*, Chun Qing, Zhu Kou & Zhou Jiang. Transcriptomic and genomic profiling revealed the unique cellular response mechanism involved in arsenite stress in Thermus tengchongensis. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2022, 175, 105504.
Yanhong Wang, Xinyan Shi, Xianxin Huang, Chunlei Huang, Helin Wang, Hanqin Yin & Ping Li*. Linking microbial community composition to farming pattern in selenium-enriched region: Potential role of microorganisms on Se geochemistry. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022, 112, 269-279.
Xianxin Huang, Yanhong Wang, Helin Wang, Xinyan Shi, Chunlei Huang, Hanqin Yin, Yixian Shao, Ping Li*. A novel selenite-reducing bacterium Bacillus pseudomycoides SA14 isolated from Se-enriched soil and its potential Se biofortification on Brassica chinensis L. Journal of Earth Science. 2022, Doi.10.1007/s12583-022-1676-3
Zhou Jiang, Shen Xin, Bo Shi, Mengjie Cui, Yanhong Wang, Ping Li*. Arsenic Mobilization and Transformation by Ammonium-Generating Bacteria Isolated from High Arsenic Groundwater in Hetao Plain, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022. 19: 9606.
Yanhong Wang, Guanglong Zhang, Helin Wang, Yu Chen, Han Liu Zhou Jiang, Ping Li*, Yanxin Wang, Effects of different dissolved organic matter on microbial communities and arsenic mobilization in aquifers Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 411:125146
Helin Wang, Ping Li*, Han Liu, et al. Microorganisms for ammonia/ammonium-oxidization and anammox detected in Holocene- Pleistocene aquifers with high arsenic concentrations. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2021, 105136
Yanhong Wang, Dazhun Wei, Ping Li*, et al..Diversity and arsenic-metabolizing gene clusters of indigenous arsenate-reducing bacteria in high arsenic groundwater of the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia. Ecotoxicology, 2021, 30(8): 1680-1688.
Chunlei Huang, Helin Wang, Xinyan Shi, Ping Li*, Hanqin Yin, Yixian Shao.Two new selenite reducing bacterial isolates from paddy soil and the potential Se biofortification of paddy rice. Ecotoxicology, 2021, 30: 1465-1475
李平*, 谭添, 刘韩, 王和林. 地下水微生物功能群及生物地球化学循环, 微生物学报, 2021, 61(6): 1598-1609
Liu, Ping Li*, Helin Wang, et al..Arsenic
mobilization affected by extracellular polymeric substances (eps) of the
dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria isolated from high arsenic groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 735, 139501.
Jiang Z, Ping Li*, Yanhong Wang, et al. Arsenic moblization in a high arsenic groundwater revealed by metagenomic and geochip analyses. Scientific Reports, 2019. 9(1): 12972.
Zhang X, Liu K, Li P, et al. Molecular Existence and Diversity of Nitrite-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing (n-Damo) Bacteria in the Lakes of Badain of the Gobi Desert. 2019. Geomicrobiology Journal 36(7):1-11.
Wang YH, Li P*, Jiang Z, et al.. Diversity and abundance of arsenic methylating microorganisms in high arsenic groundwater from Hetao Plain of Inner Mongolia, China. Ecotoxicology, 2018, 27: 1047-1057
Dai X, Li P*, Tu J, et al. Evidence of arsenic mobilization mediated by an indigenous iron reducing bacterium from high arsenic groundwater aquifer in Hetao Basin of Inner Mongolia, China. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 22-27
Jiang Z, Li P*, Tu J, et al. Arsenic in geothermal systems of Tengchong, China: Potential contamination on freshwater resources. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 28-35
Yanxin Wang*, Ping Li, Guo Q, et al. Environmental biogeochemistry of high arsenic geothermal fluids. Applied Geochemistry, 2018. 97: 81-92.
Ping Li*, Zhou Jiang, Yanhong Wang, et al. Analysis of the functional gene structure and metabolic potential of microbial community in high arsenic groundwater. Water Research, 2017. 123: 268-276
Wang YH, Li P*, Jiang Z, et al. Microbial community of high arsenic groundwater in agricultural irrigation area of Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia. Frontiers in Microbilogy, 2016, 7: 1917
Jiang Z, Li P*, Nostrand J, et al.Microbial communities and arsenic biogeochemistry at the outflow of an alkaline sulfide-richhot spring. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 25262.
Zhou Jiang, Ping Li*, Dawei Jiang et al. Microbial Community Structure and Arsenic Biogeochemistry in an Acid Vapor-Formed Spring in Tengchong Geothermal Area, China. PLOS one. 2016, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0146331
Ping Li, Yanhong Wang, Zhou Jiang et al. Microbial Community in High Arsenic Shallow Groundwater Aquifers in Hetao Basin of Inner Mongolia, China. PLOS one. 2015, 10(5): e0125844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0125844
Dawei Jiang, Ping Li*, Zhou Jiang et al. Chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidation by a thermophilic Anoxybacillus flavithermus strain TCC9-4 from a hot spring in Tengchong of Yunnan, China. Frontiers in Microbilogy. 2015, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00360
Wang YH, Li P*, X Dai et al. Abundance and diversity of methanogens: Potential role in high arsenic groundwater in Hetao Plain of Inner Mongolia, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2015, 515–516 (2015) 153-161
Li P, Jiang D, Li B et al. Comparative survey of bacterial and archaeal communities in high arsenic shallow aquifers using 454 Pyrosequencing and traditional methods. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23(10): 1878-1889
Ping Li, Bing Li, Gordon Websteret al. Abundance and diversity of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the high arsenic shallow aquifers of the Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2014 31: 802-812
Zhou Jiang, Ping Li*, Dawei Jiang, et al. Diversity and abundance of the arsenite oxidase gene aioA in geothermal areas of Tengchong, Yunnan, China. Extremophiles 2014, 18:161-170
Yanhong Wang, Ping Li*, Zhou Jiang, et al. Bacterial
Diversity and Community Structure in High Arsenic Aquifers in Hetao Plain of
Inner Mongolia. Geomicrobiology Journal 2014 31:338–349
Zhou Jiang, Ping Li*, Yanhong Wang et al.. Vertical distribution of bacterial populations associated with arsenic mobilization in aquifer sediments from the Hetao plain, Inner Mongolia. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014 71:311-318
Wang YH, Li P *, Jiang Z, et al. Vertical Distribution of Bacterial Community in High Arsenic Sediment of Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23(10): 1890-1899
Qiong Wu, Hui Liu, Li-Sheng Ye, Li P, et al. Biodegradation of Di-n-butyl phthalate esters by Bacillus sp. SASHJ under simulated shallow aquifer condition. 2013. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 76:102-107.
Li M D, Wang Y X, Li P, et al. δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulfate as biotic tracer of biogeochemical influences on arsenic mobilization in groundwater in the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia, China. Ecotoxicology, 2014, 23(10): 1958-1968.
Zhang F, Wang Y, Wang Z, Li P. et al. Karst development and sulfur deposit formation in the Ordos Basin: The role of bacterial sulfate reduction. 2013. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 76: 92-97.
Ping Li, Zhou Jiang, Yanhong Wang et al. Microbial Diversity in High Arsenic Groundwater in Hetao Basin of Inner Mongolia, China, Geomicrobiology Journal 2013 30: 897-909
Jiang Z, Ping Li*, Wang YH, et al. Effects of roxarsone on soil microbial community functional diversity. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2013, 76: 32-35
Ping Li, Wang YH, Wang YX, et al. Bioaugmentation of cellulose degradation in swine wastewater treatment with a composite microbial consortium. Fresenius Environ Bull 2010, 19(12): 3107-3112.
Ping Li, Wang YX, Wang YH, et al. Bacterial community structure and diversity during establishment of an anaerobic bioreactor to treat swine wastewater. Water Sci Technol 2010, 61(1): 243-252.
Ping Li, Tong L, Liu K, et al. Biodegradation of 3-methylindole by Pseudomonas putida LPC24 under oxygen limited conditions. Fresenius Environ Bull 2010, 19(2): 238-242.
Ping Li, Tong L, Liu K, et al. Indole degrading of ammonia oxidizing bacteria isolated from swine wastewater treatment system. Water Sci Technol 2009(12), 59: 2405-2410.
李平 王焰新 刘琨等. 高效纤维素降解菌系的构建. 地球科学 2009, 34: 385-340.
Tong L, Wang YX, Ping Li, et al. HS-SPME and SPE concentration for quantification of malodorous substances in piggery wastewater. Environmental Forensics, 2010. 11(4): 355-362
Tong L, Li P, Wang YX, et al. Analysis of veterinary antibiotic residues in swine wastewater and environmental water samples using optimized SPE-LC/MS/MS. Chemosphere 2009, 74: 1090-1097.
Ping Li, De-li Liu, Nahimana L, Shuli Chen, Xi Yang, Li Zhao. High nitrogen removal from wastewater with
several new aerobic bacteria isolated from diverse ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2006, 18: 525-529.
Ping Li, Yongliang Zheng, Shuli Chen, et al. Identification of an aerobic denitrifying bacterium and its potential application in wastewater treatment. Journal of Applied & Environmental Biology, 2005, 11(5), 600-603.
黄显鑫, 李平, 王和林等. 一种包埋亚硒酸盐还原菌的固定化颗粒及其制备方法和应用. 发明专利,2023.3. 授权专利号:CN113481191B.
张艺博, 李平, 殷汉琴, 黄春雷, 邵一先, 黄显鑫, 余岳. 一种复合富硒微生物菌剂及其制备方法.发明专利,2023.6. 公开号:CN116341949A.
殷汉琴, 黄春雷, 邵一先, 张艺博, 黄显鑫, 余岳, 李平. 一种适用于高有机质土壤的富硒微生物菌剂及其制备方法.发明专利,2023.7. 公开号:CN116426412A.
黄春雷, 余岳, 蔡子华, 李平, 褚先尧, 卢新哲, 解怀生. 一种复合降镉微生物菌剂及其制备方法和应用.发明专利,2023.4. 公开号:2023.4. 公开号:CN115895949A
余岳; 卢新哲; 张嵩乐; 李平; 张艺博; 潘卫丰; 蔡子华; 褚先尧; 解怀生. 一种解磷‑降镉微生物菌剂及其制备方法和应用.发明专利,2023.4. 公开号:CN115786122A
卢新哲; 余岳; 黄春雷; 李平; 潘卫丰; 孙瑞; 何丽. 多功能复合降镉促生长微生物菌剂及其制备方法和应用.发明专利,2023.3. 公开号:CN115747102A
余岳; 黄春雷; 张艺博; 李平; 张嵩乐; 卢新哲; 孙瑞; 何丽; 黄显鑫. 一种具有降镉和固氮作用的降镉微生物菌剂及其制备方法和应用. 发明专利,2023.1. 公开号:CN115612619A
李平, 王艳红, 姜舟等. 一株异化铁还原菌及其应用. 发明专利,2018.5. 授权专利号:CN104974964B
李平, 王焰新, 王艳红等. 一株纤维素降解菌株LCD51. 发明专利,2012.5. 授权专利号: CN101665775B
李平,王焰新,童蕾等. 一株吲哚和粪臭素降解菌株LPC24的应用, 发明专利,2011.12, 授权专利号: CN101817593B,
李平,童蕾,王焰新,刘琨,刘珩等. 畜禽养殖污水处理工艺及其处理系统 发明专利,2012.1, 授权专利号:CN101397178B.
童蕾,李平,王焰新,刘琨,刘珩. 畜禽污水末端多级人工地质快渗处理系统. 实用新型专利. 2009. 5. 授权专利号:CN201240947.
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Ping Li
State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology
China University of Geosciences
Wuhan, P. R. China 430074
Email: plicug@gmail.com
Telephone: +86-27-67883452
Fax: +86-27-67883456
Education and professional background
1994- 1998: Wuhan University of Technology, Major in Mineral Process Engineering; Bachelor Degree received in June, 1998
2003- 2006: Central China Normal University, Major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Master Degree received in June, 2006
2006- 2009: China University of Geosciences, Major in Environmental Sciences and Environmental Engineering; PhD Degree received in June, 2009.
1998- 2000: Faculty in Wuhan Public transport Service.
2000-2001: Faculty in Hubei Ecology Vocational College
2002-2003: Faculty in Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009- : Faculty in State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, China University of Geosciences
Research Interests
Microbial molecular ecology
Biogeochemical processes and their environmental effects
Biological remediation of wastewater, soil and groundwater pollution
Reasearch Experience
As a researcher, I have taken part in these projects:
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 91851115) “Key nitrogen cycle processes mediated by microorganisms and their environmental effects ingroundwater systems”, 2019.1-2021.12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41772260) “Biogeochemistry of arsenic and sulfer and micorbially-mediated arsenic transformation and mobilization from geothermal fluids”, 2018.1-2021.12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41372348) “Microbial molecular ecology in high arsenic aquifers”, 2014.1-2017.12
Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (Grant No. 20100145120010) “Functional microbial communities in high arsenic groundwater system”; 2013.6-2014.9
National Natural Science Foundation of China: International Cooperation and Exchange Project (Grant No. NO41120124003) “Environmental biogeochemistry of arsenic from geothermal fluids” 2012.1-2016.12
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant for Young Scholars No: 41002080), “Microbial geochemistry of arsenic transformation in strongly reducing groundwater”; 2011.1-2013.12
Selected Publications
Helin Wang, Ping Li*, Han Liu, et al. Microorganisms for ammonia/ammonium-oxidization and anammox detected in Holocene- Pleistocene aquifers with high arsenic concentrations. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2020.105136
Chunlei Huang, Helin Wang, Xinyan Shi, Ping Li*, et al.Two new selenite reducing bacterial isolates from paddy soil and the potential Se biofortification of paddy rice. Ecotoxicology, 2020, 27: 1047-1057
Han Liu, Ping Li*, Helin Wang, et al..Arsenic mobilization affected by extracellular polymeric substances (eps) of the dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria isolated from high arsenic groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 735, 139501.
Yanhong Wang, Dazhun Wei, Ping Li*, et al..Diversity and arsenic-metabolizing gene clusters of indigenous arsenate-reducing bacteria in high arsenic groundwater of the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia. Ecotoxicology, 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s10646-020-02305-1
Zhou Jiang, Ping Li*, Yanhong Wang, et al. Arsenic moblization in a high arsenic groundwater revealed by metagenomic and geochip analyses. Scientific Reports, 2019. 9(1): 12972.
Zhang X, Liu K, Li P, et al. Molecular Existence and Diversity of Nitrite-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing (n-Damo) Bacteria in the Lakes of Badain of the Gobi Desert. 2019. Geomicrobiology 36(7):1-11.
Wang YH, Li P*, Jiang Z, et al.. Diversity and abundance of arsenic methylating microorganisms in high arsenic groundwater from Hetao Plain of Inner Mongolia, China. Ecotoxicology, 2018, 27: 1047-1057
Dai X, Li P*, Tu J, et al. Evidence of arsenic mobilization mediated by an indigenous iron reducing bacterium from high arsenic groundwater aquifer in Hetao Basin of Inner Mongolia, China. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2018, 128: 22-27
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Conference Presentations
² Li Ping, Cloning and Expression of N2O Reductase Structural Gene nosZ. Water-Rock Interaction. The 12Th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, 31 July - 5 August 2007, Kunming, China, Poster.
² Li Ping, Yanhong Wang, Zhou Jiang. Bacterial and archaeal communities in high arsenic shallow aquifers of Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia. The First International Conference on Geomicrobial Ecotoxicology, May 28-31, 2011, Wuhan, China, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, The 2ndInternational Conference of Geobiology, June 22-27 2012, Wuhan, China, oral presentation
² Li Ping, Microbial Communities in High Arsenic Groundwater in Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, 34th International Geological Congress, August, 5-10, 2012, Brisbane, Australia, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Vertical and Lateral Distribution of Microbial Communities in Groundwater and Sediment in High Arsenic Shallow Aquifers of Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, The 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment Sebel Cairns, July 22-27 2012, Queensland, Australia, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Yanhong Wang, Comprehensive Survey of Microbial Community in High Arsenic Groundwater in Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia,Sino-German Workshop on Geogenic Arsenic in the Environment, Sept. 21-27, 2014, Beijing, China, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Zhou Jiang, Microbial diversity of arsenic-related bacteria in high arsenic groundwater of Inner Mongolia, China. 6th International Congress Arsenic in the Environment. Jun. 19-23, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Yanhong Wang, Functional Gene Structure and Metabolic Potential of Microbial Community in High Arsenic Groundwater. 8th International Congress Groundwater Quality Jun. 25-27, 2016, Shenzhen, China, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Microbial community and the functional gene structure in high arsenic groundwater. International Workshop of Geomicrobiome: Subsurface Microbial Composition and Function and Microbial Interactions with Subsurface Environment. Oct. 13-15, 2017, Wuhan, China. oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Environmental Hydrobiogeochemistry of High Arsenic Hot Springs. The 11th International Symposium on Geochemistry of the Earth’s Surface June 11-16, 2017, Guiyang, China, poster.
² Li Ping, Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Hot Springs in Tengchong Geothermal Area, China. Goldschmidt2017 conference. Aug. 13-18, 2017, Paris, France, poster.
² Li Ping, Microbial community and the functional gene structure in high arsenic groundwater, oral presentation. 7th International Congress of Arsenic in the Environment (As2018), July, 1-6, 2018, Beijing, China, oral presentation.
² Liu Han, Li Ping, Roles of iron and/or arsenic reducing bacteria in controlling the mobilization of arsenic in high arsenic groundwater aquifer. 7th International Congress of Arsenic in the Environment (As2018), July, 1-6, 2018, Beijing, China, oral presentation.
² Li Ping, Microbial community structure and metabolic potential in high arsenic groundwater, oral presentation, 45th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH2018), Sept. 9-14, 2018, Daejeon, Korea, oral presentation.