Chengcheng Li. Arsenic pollution in shallow drinking wells in Yuncheng Basin, China: occurrence and mechanisms. 7th International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment – Environmental Arsenic in a Changing World (As2018). Beijing, July 1-6, 2018. (海报报告)
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上一条: Chengcheng Li, Xubo Gao, Yanxin Wang. Genesis of high fluoride saline groundwater in Yuncheng Basin, northern China. IAEA/RCA Technical Workshop on Ground Water Recharge and Dynamics Using Isotopic Techniques. Beijing, September 20-21, 2018. (口头报告)
下一条: 李成城,高旭波,王焰新. 运城盆地富钙高氟地下水水文-生物地球化学过程研究. 第六届地下水科学青年论坛. 2020 年11月27-29日, 成都. (口头报告)