Date of Birth:1986-01-01
Date of Employment:2018-01-01
Business Address:中国地质大学(武汉)主楼625
Contact Information:邮箱; QQ:475855433;
Administrative Position:教师
Discipline:mineral resource prospecting and exploration

Dr. Li baoqing

Associate professor


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Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
Education Level:Faculty of Higher Institutions
Alma Mater:中国地质大学(武汉)
Professional Title:Associate professor

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李宝庆,男,甘肃会宁县人。现工作于中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院,副教授,博士生导师。教育经历:2005/09-2009/07,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,学士2009/09-2012/07,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,硕士2012/09-2015/12,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,博士工作经历:2016/01-2017/12,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,博士后2018/01-至今,中国地质大学(武汉),资源学院,副教授研究方向:矿物学和地球化学煤系关键金属矿床(稀土矿床、锂矿床、锆-铪-铌-钽矿床等)煤系资源的综合利用及环境保护主持或参加科研项目(课题)情况:1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,42272207,广西贤按煤田上二叠统煤系中锂和稀土元素的共富集成矿机理,2023/01-2026/12,主持2. 国家重点研发计划专题,2021YFC2902005, 勘查示范区煤系战略性金属矿床综合勘探模型,2021/12-2026/11,主持3. 广西中煤地质有限公司,2021026483,广西上林晚二叠世煤系锂、镓等战略性金属的赋存分异和超常富集机理,2021/06-2022/12,主持4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41972182,黔东北煤田煤中REY-Nb (Ta)-Zr (Hf)-Ga-Li富集成矿机理研究,2020/01-2023/12,主持5. 中国博士后科学基金,2017M612535,新疆二叠系煤型稀有金属元素的赋存和富集机理,2017/05-2018/01,主持6. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,41602176,新疆哈尔交勘查区下二叠统卡拉岗组煤伴生稀有金属元素的分布规律和富集机理,2017/01-2019/12,主持7. 国家重点研发计划二级课题,KZ17KA0018,农业与生活源排放黑碳特性、清单构建及减排情景分析,2016/06-2021/06,参加8.国家自然科学基金面上项目,41372166,内蒙古准格尔煤田石炭-二叠系含煤地层富锂异常中锂的赋存状态和形成机理研究,2014/01-2017/12,参加9.国家973项目二级子课题,2014CB238901,煤中有害元素时空分布规律与赋存状态,2013/03-2018/12,参加10.内蒙古地质工程有限责任公司面上项目,2011150010,内蒙古自治区准格尔煤田布尔陶亥-田家石畔地段煤炭普查有益矿产综合评价,2013/01-2015/12,参加11. 中国地质调查局发展研究中心纵向项目,1212011085500,新疆主要煤盆地聚煤规律和煤质特征研究,2010/6-2013/12,参加代表性论著: 李宝庆,庄新国,宁树正,李晶,汪小妹,黄少青,杜红毅,刘旭,杨林键.稀土-锆(铪)-铌(钽)-镓的活化、迁移和富集机理——以务正道地区上二叠统吴家坪组煤系为例[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(05):1822-1839.Li, Baoqing., Zhuang, X., Querol, X., Moreno, N., Córdoba, P., Shangguan, Y., Zhang, F. Geological controls on the distribution of REY-Zr (Hf)-Nb (Ta) enrichment horizons in late Permian coals from the Qiandongbei Coalfield, Guizhou Province, SW China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2020, 231, 103604.Li, Baoqing., Zhuang, X., Querol, X., Moreno, N., Yang, L., Shangguan, Y., Li, J. Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Late Permian Coals within the Tongzi Coalfield in Guizhou Province, Southwest China. Minerals, 2020, 10(1), 44.Li, Baoqing., Zhuang, X., Querol, X., Li, J., Moreno, N., Córdoba, Liu, S. Geological controls on enrichment of Mn, Nb (Ta), Zr (Hf), and REY within the Early Permian coals of the Jimunai Depression, Xinjiang Province, NW China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019, 215, 103298.Li, Baoqing., Xinguo Zhuang, Querol Xavier, Moreno Natalia, Córdoba Patricia, Jing Li, Jinbin Zhou, Xiaoping Ma, Shunbin Liu, Yunfei Shangguan. The mode of occurrence and origin of minerals in the Early Permian high-rank coals of the Jimunai depression, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, NW China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2019.3.1, 205: 58~74.Li, Baoqing., Xinguo Zhuang, Jing Li, Xavier Querol, Oriol Font, Natalia Moreno. Enrichment and distribution of elements in the Late Permian coals from the Zhina Coalfield, Guizhou Province, Southwest China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 171: 111-129.Li, Baoqing., Xinguo Zhuang, Jing Li, Xavier Querol, Oriol Font, Natalia Moreno, Geological controls on mineralogy and geochemistry of the Late Permian coals in the Liulong Mine of the Liuzhi Coalfield, Guizhou Province, Southwest China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2016, 154–155:1-15.Li, Baoqing., Xinguo Zhuang, Xiaofeng Liu, Chao Wu, Jibin Zhou, Xiaoping Ma, Mineralogical and Geochemical Composition of Middle Permian Lucaogou Formation in the Southern Junggar Basin, China: Implications for Palaeo environment, Provenance and Tectonic Setting, Ara...

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