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  • 韩凤禄 ( 副教授 )

    的个人主页 http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/hanfenglu

  •   副教授   博士生导师   硕士生导师
  • 曾获荣誉 : 中国地质大学(武汉)优秀指导教师(本科2次;硕士1次)













国家自然科学基金面上项目,准噶尔盆地上侏罗统角龙类个体发育和数字形态研究及角龙类的早期演化,2020/01-2023/12, 在研,主持





An Xianyin, Xu Xing, Han Fenglu*, Sullivan Corwin, Wang Qiyu, Li Yong, Wang Dongbing, Wang Baodi, and Hu Jinfeng. 2023. A new juvenile sauropod specimen from the Middle Jurassic Dongdaqiao Formation of East Tibet. PeerJ 11:e14982. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14982 (西藏昌都蜥脚类恐龙新发现)

Ren Jicheng, Jiang Haishui, Xiang Kunpeng, Sullivan Corwin, He Yongzhong, Cheng Long, and Han Fenglu*. 2022. A new basal ichthyosauromorph from the Lower Triassic (Olenekian) of Zhebao, Guangxi Autonomous Region, South China. PeerJ 10:e13209. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13209(广西百色市早三叠世一新的鱼龙型类发现——百色鱼龙)

Hu Jinfeng, Forster CA, Xu Xing*, Zhao Qi, He Yiming, and Han Fenglu*. 2022. Computed tomographic analysis of the dental system of three Jurassic ceratopsians and implications for the evolution of tooth replacement pattern and diet in early-diverging ceratopsians. eLife 11:e76676. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.76676 (最原始角龙类牙齿替换方式研究,揭示了早期角龙类的取食策略和演化)

Wu Rui*, Tu Li, and Han Fenglu*. 2022. A Temnospondyl tooth from the Middle Triassic of the Ordos Basin, Shaanxi Province. Vertebrata Palasiatica 60:54-58. DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.210

刘璠, 武瑞,  韩凤禄*. 2022. 燕辽生物群脊椎动物的多样性及与其他生物群的对比分析. 古生物学报 61:88-106. 

胡金锋,  韩凤禄*. 2022. 虔州豫俊兽 (Yubaatar qianzhouensis sp. nov.): 江西赣州盆地首例晚白垩世哺乳动物化石. 古生物学报 60:565-579. 

Ke Yuzheng, Wu Rui, Zelenitsky DK, Brinkman D, Hu Jinfeng, Zhang Shukang, Jiang Haishui, and Han Fenglu*. 2021. A large and unusually thick-shelled turtle egg with embryonic remains from the Upper Cretaceous of China. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288:20211239. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2021.1239 (河南晚白垩世龟类胚胎蛋研究)

Han Fenglu*, Zhao Qi, and Liu Jun*. 2021. Preliminary bone histological analysis of Lystrosaurus (Therapsida: Dicynodontia) from the Lower Triassic of North China, and its implication for lifestyle and environments after the end-Permian extinction. PLOS ONE 16:e0248681. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0248681(中国水龙兽骨组织学研究,揭示了其在早三叠世生存策略)

Han Fenglu*, Zhao Qi, Stiegler Josef & Xu Xing. 2020. Bone histology of the non-iguanodontian ornithopod Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis and its implications for dinosaur skeletochronology and development, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2020.1768538(一种两足行走的植食性恐龙——热河龙的生长速率研究)

Han Fenglu*, Xu Xing, Sullivan Corwin, Huang Leqing , Guo Yu, Wu Rui. 2019. New titanosauriform (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) specimens from the Upper Cretaceous Daijiaping Formation of southern China[J]. PeerJ 7: e8237. (湖南株洲晚白垩世新的蜥脚类恐龙)

Han Fenglu*, Forster, Catherine A. Xu Xing, Clark James M. 2018. Postcranial anatomy of Yinlong downsi (Dinosauria: Ceratopsia) from the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of China and the phylogeny of basal ornithischians. Journal of Systematic Paleontology 16(14): 1159-1187. (一种原始的角龙类——隐龙的头后骨骨骼形态学和鸟臀类恐龙系统演化分析)

韩凤禄*, 邢海童潜明, Sullivan Corwin徐星武瑞胡能勇童光辉2017. 湖南株洲晚白垩世恐龙化石的初步研究古生物学报 56(2): 225-237.

Han Fenglu*, Forster Catherine A, Clark James M  & Xu Xing. 2016. Cranial anatomy of Yinlong downsi (Ornithischia: Ceratopsia) from the Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, China, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(1): 1029579. (一种原始的角龙类——隐龙的头骨骨骼形态学)

Han Fenglu*, Forster Catherine A, Clark James M and Xu Xing. 2015. A new taxon of basal ceratopsian from China and the early evolution of Ceratopsia, PLoS One 10(12): e0143369. (报道了新疆晚侏罗世一新的角龙类——花脸角龙)

Han Fenglu*, Zheng Wenjie, Hu Dongyu, Xu Xing, and Barrett Paul M. 2014. A new basal ankylosaurid (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation of Liaoning Province, China, PLoS One 9(8): e104551. (报道了辽西早白垩世一新的甲龙——传奇龙)

Han Fenglu*, Barrett Paul M, Butler Richard. J, and Xu Xing. 2012. Postcranial anatomy of Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of China, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32(6): 1370-1395 (一种两足行走的植食性恐龙——热河龙的头后骨骼研究)

Han Fenglu*, Clark James M, Xu Xing, Sullivan Corwin, Choiniere Jonah, and Hone David W. 2011. Theropod teeth from the Middle-Upper Jurassic Shishugou Formation of northwest Xinjiang, China, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31(1): 111-126 (新疆准噶尔盆地晚侏罗世兽脚类恐龙牙齿形态分类学研究)


He Yiming*, Makovicky Peter J, Wang Kebai, Chen Shuqing, Sullivan Corwin, Han Fenglu, and Xu Xing, 2015. A new leptoceratopsid (Ornithischia, Ceratopsia) with a unique ischium from the Upper Cretaceous of Shandong province, China, PLoS One 10(12): e0144148

 Xu Xing*, Han Fenglu, and Zhao Qi. 2014, Homologies and homeotic transformation of the theropod/semilunate/'carpal, Scientific Reports 4: 6042

Xing Hai*, Wang Deyou, Han Fenglu, Sullivan Corwin, Ma Qingyu,  He Yiming, Hone David W., Yan Ronghao, Du Fuming, and Xu  Xing. 2014.  A new basal hadrosauroid dinosaur (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) with transitional features from the Late Cretaceous of Henan Province, China, PLoS One 9(6): e98821

Xu Xing*, You Hailu*, Du Kai, and Han Fenglu. 2011. An Archaeopteryx-like theropod from China and the origin of Avialae, Nature 475(7357): 465-470

Xu Xing*  and Han Fenglu. 2010. A new oviraptorid dinosaur (Theropoda: Oviraptorosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous of China, Vertebrata PalAsiatica 48(1): 11-18

Xu Xing*, Wang Deyou, Sullivan Corwin, Hone David W, Han Fenglu, Yan Ronghao, and Du Fuming. 2010. A basal parvicursorine (Theropoda: Alvarezsauridae) from the Upper Cretaceous of China, Zootaxa, 2413: 1-19

Jonah Choiniere*, Xing Xu, James M. Clark, Catherine A. Forster, Yu Guo, Fenglu Han.  2010. A basal alvarezsauroid theropod from the early Late Jurassic of Xinjiang, China, Science 327(5965): 571-574

Paul M. Barrett*, and Fenglu Han. 2009. Cranial anatomy of Jeholosaurus shangyuanensis (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) from the Early Cretaceous of China, Zootaxa 2072: 31-55


韩凤禄,王原,Corwin Sullivan, 王元青,秦子川,徐星. 道虎沟生物群(黄迪颖编著)——脊椎动物化石 (章节) : p218-251. 上海科学技术出版社.2016. 332pp.


韩凤禄,恐龙,《湖北古生物》,汪啸风等编著,p222-229, 2019年. 湖北科学技术出版社。


韩凤禄. 深陷泥潭的恐龙. 《恐龙2011年第1 

韩凤禄. 恐龙要穿多大鞋? 恐龙能跑多快? 恐龙会飞吗? 恐龙会游泳么? 恐龙有很多种颜色么? 恐龙可以被克隆重生么? 恐龙的声音是怎样复原的?《十万个为什么 古生物卷》,2013年

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