Mei He, Hanming Gu*, Huan Wan. Log interpretation for lithology and fluid identification using deep neural network combined with MAHAKIL in a tight sandstone reservoir[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020, 194: 107498.
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上一条: Jiao Xue, Chengguo Cai, Hanming Gu, and Zongjie Li. Matching pursuit-based sparse spectral analysis: Estimating frequency dependent anomalies from nonstationary seismic data[J]. Geophysics,2020,85(5): V385-V396
下一条: Xintao Chai, Hanming Gu*, Feng Li, Hongyou Duan, Xiaobo Hu & Kai Lin. Deep learning for irregularly and regularly missing data reconstruction[J].Scientific_Reports,2020,10:3302,1-18