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教授(特聘) 硕士生导师
曾获荣誉 : 湖北省人才计划;德国洪堡学者;国家博士后创新人才支持计划;地大学者青年拔尖人才(A类);北京大学“博雅”博士后等
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)
学历 : 博士研究生
学位 : 理学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室
学科 : 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学 地球化学 古生物学与地层学
办公地点 : 中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区生环国重楼B209-2
联系方式 : qian.fang@cug.edu.cn;ClayPSD(Wechat)
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个人简介Personal Profile
方谦,男,特任研究员(特任教授),主要从事地质体系中的黏土矿物学、微生物矿物学、纳米矿物学、矿物风化与结构转变的碳汇-气候-资源效应研究。2014年和2020年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉),分别获学士、博士学位(导师:洪汉烈教授)。期间,2017.11-2018.11赴美国University of Arizona进行公派联合培养(导师:Jon Chorover教授)。2020.9-2023.8在北京大学从事博士后研究(合作导师:鲁安怀教授)。2023年9月起进入中国地质大学(武汉)工作,工作重点之一是协助陈中强教授搭建三维原子探针(APT)+纳米离子探针(NanoSIMS)实验平台,基于顶尖分析手段,构思与解决地质微生物、矿物学、成矿、生物沉积、天体生物及地球关键带等领域相关的前沿重要科学问题。在Nature Communications,Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta、American Mineralogist、Quaternary Science Reviews、Geoderma等期刊发表论文四十篇。入选湖北省“楚天学者”,德国洪堡学者,现为中国古生物学会生物沉积学分会理事。主持国家博士后创新人才支持计划项目、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、博士后基金面上项目等,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目、重大研究计划集成项目等。
地质载体中的:黏土矿物学、微生物矿物学、矿物结构转变-矿物风化形成黏土矿物的碳汇-气候与资源效应、环境矿物学、纳米地球科学、原位微区矿物学(基于原子探针和纳米离子探针)等; 月壤等地外样品纳米地球科学与天体生物学。
1. 在包括现代在内的整个地质历史时期,地球和行星上的矿物暴露在外界环境下(太阳光、水、大气、有机酸等),结构上会失去稳定性(风化),析出多种阳离子并形成对气候非常敏感的微纳米级矿物(黏土矿物、铁锰矿物等),这个过程不仅能记录古气候环境,还能给微生物、动植物提供必要养分,并逐渐影响和形成多种重要的矿产资源(锂矿、稀土矿、锰矿、铝土矿、高岭土矿、油气资源等)。同时,这个过程还能调节地表二氧化碳浓度进而调控地表温度(“地质恒温器”),并通过与微生物等的相互作用,影响全球碳循环过程。但是,人们对这一系列过程,尤其是微观层面上,如何发生、有何后效、微生物如何影响,还认识不足。我们将通过顶尖的仪器组合结合黏土/纳米矿物抓手,揭示相关的微观过程(矿物结构转化与特定元素的赋存与富集机制)及其碳汇-气候-资源效应。
2. 基于嫦娥六号、五号月壤等地外样品/类火星环境/火星类比物的行星矿物与地球化学研究,侧重矿物的形成与转化、潜在微生物信号的微观赋存与天体生物学意义研究。
3. 古老地层中生命和微生物信号、蓝细菌和真核生物细胞器(如类囊体等)纳米-原子尺度超微结构保存与纳米矿物学特征。
4. 矿物与地质微生物的相互作用对C-N-S等元素和其他金属类营养元素的代谢行为深刻影响着全球的元素循环、温室气体排放、气候环境变化甚至整个地球系统的演化史,这一系列有意思的过程还有很多细节值得揭示。我们将进一步结合同位素标记和基于NanoSIMS和APT的原位分析,重点研究地质记录和实验室模拟体系中矿物形成转化和地质微生物C-N-S和金属元素代谢-同位素分馏之间的联系,找到微观-介观尺度联系的Smoking gun。
《地球科学》和《Journal of Earth Science》青年编委
(6) Applied Clay Science, (6)Catena,(3) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, (5) Geoderma, (4) Geoderma Regional, (4) Scientific Reports, (1) Geological Society of America Bulletin, (2) Chemical Geology (1) Marine and Petroleum Geology, (1)Journal of Earth Science,(1)Geological Journal,(1) Vadose Zone Journal, (1)Clays and Clay minerals,(1)Clay minerals,(1) Scientia Agricola等审稿人
Ø Fang, Q., Lu, A., Hong, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Algeo, T.J., Zhao, L., Olshansky, Y., Moravec, B., Barrientes, D., Chorover, J., 2023. Mineral weathering is linked to microbial priming in the critical zone. Mineral weathering is linked to microbial priming in the critical zone. Nature Communications 14, 345.(NI期刊,T1)
ØFang, Q.*,Deng, A., Li, Y., et al., 2024. Formation and transformation of clay minerals in Mars-analog rock varnish. American Mineralogist. (T1)
Highlights and Breakthroughs亮点与突破报道:Dorn, R. Revisiting the importance of clay minerals in rock varnish. American Mineralogist.
Ø Deng, A., Fang, Q.*,Geng, Q., et al., 2025. Clay mineralogical and geochemical responses to pedogenic weathering of intrusive vs. extrusive rocks under a subtropical climate. Applied Clay Science 264,, 107644. (T1)
Ø Liu, C., Fang, Q.*, Hong, H., et al, 2024. Nanoscale insights into weathering of Ti-bearing minerals and heterogeneous crystal growth mechanisms of TiO2 in altered volcanic ashes. American Mineralogist (In press) (T1)
ØLiu, C.#, Fang, Q.#, Hong, H., et al., 2024. Illitization of smectite influenced by chemical weathering and its potential control of anatase formation in altered volcanic ashes. American Mineralogist (T1)
Ø Wang, Y., Fang, Q.*, Hong, H., et al., 2024. Formation and transformation of clay minerals influenced by biological weathering in a red soil profile (subtropical China). American Mineralogist (In press)(T1)
Ø Fang, Q., Hong, H., Algeo, T.J., Huang, X., Sun, A., Churchman, G.J., Chorover, J., Chen, S., Liu, Y., 2019. Microtopography-mediated hydrologic environment controls elemental migration and mineral weathering in subalpine surface soils of subtropical monsoonal China. Geoderma 344, 82-98. (T1)
Ø Fang, Q., Hong, H., Furnes, H., Chorover, J., Luo, Q., Zhao, L., Algeo, T.J., 2019. Surficial weathering of kaolin regolith in a subtropical climate: Implications for supergene pedogenesis and bedrock argillization. Geoderma 337, 225-237. (T1)
Ø Fang, Q., Hong, H., Zhao, L., Furnes, H., Lu, H., Han, W., Liu, Y., Jia, Z., Wang, C., Yin, K., Algeo, T.J., 2017. Tectonic uplift-influenced monsoonal changes promoted hominin occupation of the Luonan Basin: Insights from a loess-paleosol sequence, eastern Qinling Mountains, central China. Quaternary Science Reviews 169, 312-329.(T1)
Ø Fang, Q., Churchman, G. J., Hong, H., Chen, Z. Q., Liu, J., 2017. New insights into microbial smectite illitization in the Permo-Triassic boundary K-bentonites, South China. Applied Clay Science 140, 96-111. (T1)
Ø Fang, Q., Hong, H., Chen, Z. Q., Yu, J., Wang, C., et al., 2017. Microbial proliferation coinciding with volcanism during the Permian–Triassic transition: New, direct evidence from volcanic ashes, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 474, 164-186.(T2)
Ø Fang, Q., Hong, H., Zhao, L., Kukolich, S., Yin, K., Wang, C., 2018. Visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy for investigating soil mineralogy: a review. Journal of Spectroscopy Article ID 3168974. (T4)
Ø 方谦,洪汉烈,赵璐璐,程峰,殷科,王朝文,2018. 风化成土过程中自生矿物的气候指示意义. 地球科学 43, 753-769. (EI检索,凭此文获期刊优秀作者)
Ø Song, Q., Hong, H.*, Algeo, T.J., Fang, Q.*, Zhao, C., Liu, C., Xu, Y., 2023. Clay mineralogy mediated by pH and chemical weathering intensity of Permian–Triassic boundary K-bentonites at Dongpan (Guangxi, South China). Chemical Geology 617, 121262.(T1)
Ø Zhao, L., Fang, Q.*, Hong, H., Algeo, T.J., Lu, A., Yin, K., Wang, C., Liu, C., Chen, L., Xie, S., 2022. Pedogenic-weathering evolution and soil discrimination by sensor fusion combined with machine-learning-based spectral modeling. Geoderma 409, 115648.(T1)
Ø Zhao, L., Hong, H.*, Fang, Q.*, Hetang Hei, Thomas J. Algeo, 2023 Hydrologic regulation of clay-mineral transformations in a redoximorphic soil of subtropical monsoonal China. American Mineralogist 10.2138/am-2022-8706 (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Fang, Q., Cheng, L., Wang, C., Churchman, G.J., 2016. Microorganism-induced weathering of clay minerals in a hydromorphic soil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 184, 272-288. (NI期刊,T1)
Ø Hong, H., Fang, Q., Churchman, G.J., Zhao, L., Ji, K., Jin, X., Yin, K., Wang, C., Liu, C, 2020. Study of organic-matter intercalated vermiculitic phases in the hydromorphic red earth sediments. Applied Clay Science 196, 105744. (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Fang, Q., Wang, C., Churchman, G. J., Zhao, L., Gong, N., Yin, K., 2017. Clay mineralogy of altered tephra beds and facies correlation between the Permian-Triassic boundary stratigraphic sets, Guizhou, south China. Applied Clay Science 143, 10-21. (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Fang, Q., Zhao, L., Schoepfer, S., Wang, C., Gong, N., Li, Z., Chen, Z.Q., 2017. Weathering and alteration of volcanic ashes in various depositional settings during the Permian-Triassic transition in South China: Mineralogical, elemental and isotopic approaches. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 486, 46-57. (T2)
Ø 洪汉烈,方谦,王朝文,宫旎娜,赵璐璐,2017. 岩浆母质对蚀变粘土矿物的约束: 以贵州新民剖面 PT 界线附近火山灰层为例. 地球科学 42, 161-172.(EI期刊)
Ø Hong, H., Algeo, T.J., Fang, Q., Zhao, L., Ji, K., Yin, K., Wang, C., Cheng, S., 2019. Facies dependence of the mineralogy and geochemistry of altered volcanic ash beds: An example from Permian-Triassic transition strata in southwestern China. Earth-Science Reviews 190, 58-88. (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Zhao, L., Fang, Q., Algeo, T.J., Wang, C., Yu, J., Gong, N., Yin, K., Ji, K., 2019. Volcanic sources and diagenetic alteration of Permian–Triassic boundary K-bentonites in Guizhou Province, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 519, 141-153. (T2)
Ø Hong, H., Ji, K., Liu, C., Algeo, T.J., Wang, C., Yin, K., Zhao, L., Hochella, M.F., Fang, Q., Wang, C, 2022. Authigenic anatase nanoparticles as a proxy for sedimentary environment and porewater pH. American Mineralogist 107, 2176-2187. (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Ji, K., Hei, H., Wang, C., Liu, C., Zhao, L., Lanson, B., Zhao, C., Fang, Q., Algeo, T.J., 2023. Clay mineral evolution and formation of intermediate phases during pedogenesis on picrite basalt bedrock under temperate conditions (Yunnan, southwestern China). CATENA 220, 106677. (T1)
Ø Hong, H., Jin, X., Wan, M., Ji, K., Liu, C., Algeo, T.J., Fang, Q., 2021. Occurrence of anatase in reworking altered ash beds (K-bentonites and tonsteins) and discrimination of source magmas: A case study of terrestrial Permian-Triassic boundary successions in China. Clay Minerals 10.1180/clm.2021.2 (T4)
Ø Zhao, L., Hong, H., Fang, Q., Algeo, T. J., Wang, C., Li, M., Yin, K., 2020. Potential of VNIR spectroscopy for prediction of clay mineralogy and magnetic properties, and its paleoclimatic application to two contrasting Quaternary soil deposits. CATENA 184, 104239. (T1)
Ø Chen, S., Hong, H., Huang, X., Fang, Q., Yin, K., Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Cheng, L., Algeo, T.J., 2018. The role of organo-clay associations in limiting organic matter decay: Insights from the Dajiuhu peat soil, central China. Geoderma 320, 149-160. (T1)
Ø Liu, Z., Hong, H., Wang, C., Han, W., Yin, K., Ji, K., Fang, Q., Algeo, T., 2019. Oligocene-Miocene (28–13 Ma) climato-tectonic evolution of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau evidenced by mineralogical and geochemical records of the Xunhua Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 98-108. (T2)
Ø Yin, K., Hong, H., Churchman, G.J., Li, Z., Fang, Q., 2018. Mixed-layer illite-vermiculite as a paleoclimatic indicator in the Pleistocene red soil sediments in Jiujiang, southern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 510, 140-151. (T2)
ØYin, K., Hong, H., et al., 2018. Fe-oxide mineralogy of the Jiujiang red earth sediments and implications for Quaternary climate change, southern China. Scientific Reports, 8, 3610.
Ø Cheng, F., Hong, H., Bae, C.J., Li, Z., Algeo, T.J., Huang, S., Cheng, L., Fang, Q., 2018. Geochemical and detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological constraints on provenance of the Xiaomei red earth sediments (Bose Basin, Guangxi Province, southern China). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 510, 49-62. (T2)
Ø Gong, N., Hong, H., Huff, W.D., Fang, Q., Bae, C.J., Wang, C., Chen, S, 2018. Influences of sedimentary environments and volcanic sources on diagenetic alteration of volcanic tuffs in South China. Scientific reports 8, 1-12. (T2)
Ø Won, C., Hong, H., Cheng, F., Fang, Q., Wang, C., Zhao, L., Churchman, G.J., 2018. Clay mineralogy and its paleoclimatic significance in the Luochuan loess-palaeosols over ~1.3 Ma, Shaanxi, northwestern China. Frontiers of Earth Science 12, 134-147. (T4)
Ø Wang, C., Chen, J., Fang, Q., Yin, K., Hong, H., 2015. Species determination and spectral characteristics of swelling clay minerals in the Pliocene sandstones in Xinghai, Qinghai. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis 10, 2901-2905. (T4)
中石化石勘院企业委托项目:纳米离子探针原位分析制约我国东部混积岩型页岩油的有机质聚集成烃机制 2024.9-2026.8 项目负责人
国家博士后创新人才支持计划:《半干旱地区土壤矿物-微生物交互作用的时空响应及其机制:动-静态观测综合研究》 2020.9-2023.8 项目负责人
国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:《地表铁锰质“矿物膜”中粘土矿物的形成与转化机制及其星球宜居性指示意义》 2022.1-2024.12 项目负责人
国家博士后基金面上资助项目:《多时间尺度下凝灰岩成土风化机制及其环境-资源效应研究》 2020.11-2023.10 项目负责人
地大学者青年拔尖人才项目:2023.9-2027.9 项目负责人
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国家自然基金重大项目:《矿物-微生物共演化》 2022.1-2026.12 参与者
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国家自然科学基金面上项目:《火山成因粘土矿物学的沉积环境响应及母质示踪》 2015.1-2018.12 参与者
国家自然科学基金面上项目:《火山沉积物中锐钛矿的纳米矿物学特征及其对沉积改造的指示》 2020.1-2023.12 参与者