杜尧 (研究员)

研究员 博士生导师 硕士生导师













主要从事生态水文地质、地下水污染与防治、同位素水文地球化学等领域的研究工作。先后主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目/面上项目、湖北省重点研发计划项目等国家和省部级科研项目7项。近年来围绕长江中游地下水氮、磷污染与河湖湿地水环境问题开展了系统研究工作,共计发表SCI论文80余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文48篇(含领域顶刊ES&T 5篇、WR 7篇、WRR 3篇)。担任国际地球化学协会会刊《Applied Geochemistry》副主编、国际水文科学协会中国委员会地下水分委会委员、中国环境科学学会污染源排放与管控专业委员会委员、中国水利学会地下水科学与工程专业委员会委员、中国自然资源学会水资源专业委员会委员等职。获国际地球化学协会青年科学家奖(埃贝尔蒙奖,Ebelmen Award)、中国地质调查局地质科技奖二等奖(4/9)、中国地质大学十大杰出青年等荣誉。指导研究生获国家奖学金11人次、校级优秀学位论文5人次。























48. Yaojin Xiong, Yao Du*Jie Zhang, Yamin Deng, Xinwen Zhao, Qinghua Li, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Mechanisms controlling spatial variability of geogenic ammonium in coastal aquifers: Insights from Holocene sedimentary evolution. Water Research, 2025, 274, 123124.

47. Wenhui Liu, Yao Du*, Wenkai Qiu, Yamin Deng, Yanxin Wang. Constraints on vertical variability of geogenic ammonium in multi-layered aquifer systems. Water Research, 2025, 268, 122639.

46. Hao Tian, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Xiaoliang Sun, Shunjie Zhu, Jiawen Xu, Qinghua Li, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Seasonal Dynamics of Methane Fluxes from Groundwater to Lakes: Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls. Water Research, 2025, 122679.

45. Xiaoliang Sun, Yao Du*Jiawen Xu, Hao Tian, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Control of Groundwater-Lake Interaction Zone Structure on Spatial Variability of Lacustrine Groundwater Discharge in Oxbow Lake. Water Resources Research, 202561 (1), e2024WR039334.

44. Zhanyao Shi, Yao Du*, Hongni Liu, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan, Xianjun Xie. Molecular characteristics of dissolved organic phosphorus in watershed runoff: Coupled influences of land use and precipitation. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2025, 148, 387-398.

43. Qinghua Li, Yaojin Xiong, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan, Yao Du*. Contrasting sources and fate of ammonium in groundwater systems of two large alluvial-lacustrine basins. Applied Geochemistry, 2025.

42. Yao Du, Yaojin Xiong, Yamin Deng*, Yanqiu Tao, Hao Tian, Yanpeng Zhang, Qinghua Li, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang*. Geogenic Phosphorus Enrichment in Groundwater due to Anaerobic Methane Oxidation-Coupled Fe(Ⅲ) Oxide Reduction. Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58 (18), 8032-8042.

41. Yaojin Xiong, Yao Du*, Meihui Liu, Yamin Deng, Huanhuan Shi, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Revealing degradation pathways of soluble and dissolved organic matter in alluvial-lacustrine aquifer systems impacted by high levels of geogenic ammonium. Water Research, 2024, 264, 122215.

40. Yaojin Xiong, Yao Du*, Zhaohui Liu, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma, Qinghua Li, Yanxin Wang. Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter Contribute to Geogenic Ammonium Enrichment in Coastal versus Alluvial-lacustrine Aquifers. Water Research, 2024, 250, 121025.

39. Hao Tian, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Xiaoliang Sun, Jiawen Xu, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Identification of methane cycling pathways in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifers using multiple isotope and microbial indicators. Water Research, 2024, 250, 121027.

38. Xiaoliang Sun, Yao Du*, Jing Wu, Jiawen Xu, Hao Tian, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan*, Yanxin Wang. Two-Decadal Variability of Lacustrine Groundwater Discharge: Coupled Controls from Weather and Hydrologic Changes. Water Resources Research, 2024, 60, e2024WR037173.

37. Jie Zhang, Yao Du*, Yanqiu Tao, Yamin Deng, Yaojin Xiong, Yanxin Wang. Co-occurring characteristics and mechanisms of geogenic ammonium and phosphorus in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifer systems. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 638, 131444.

36. Huanhuan Shi, Yao Du*, Yaojin Xiong, Yamin Deng, Qinghua Li*. Source-oriented health risk assessment of groundwater nitrate by using EMMTE coupled with HHRA model. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 934, 173283.

35. Zhanyao Shi, Yao Du*, Hongni Liu, Xianjun Xie. Unraveling the role of anthropogenic and hydrologic drivers with respect to the optical and molecular properties of dissolved organic matter and organic phosphorus in a P-contaminated river. Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 951, 175647.

34. Jiawen Xu, Yao Du*, Xiaoliang Sun, Yamin Deng, Shunjie Zhu, Peng Han, Yiqun Gan. Spatial patterns and controlling factors of radon concentration in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifer systems. Applied Geochemistry, 2024, 165, 105977.

33. Anqi Chen, Yao Du*, Zichen Wang, Xiaoliang Sun, Rui Xu, Yaojin Xiong, Liangping Yang, Junting Liu, Yiqun Gan*. Source identification of nitrate in groundwater of an agro-pastoral ecotone in a semi-arid zone, northern China: Coupled evidences from MixSIAR model and DOM fluorescence. Applied Geochemistry, 2024, 175, 106197.

32. Huanhuan Shi, Yao Du*, Yueping Li, Yamin Deng, Yanqiu Tao, Teng Ma. Determination of high-risk factors and related spatially influencing variables of heavy metals in groundwater. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 358, 120853.

31. Yao Du, Yamin Deng, Yueping Li, Yanwen Huang, Zhaohui Liu, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang*. Paleo-Geomorphology Determines Spatial Variability of Geogenic Ammonium Concentration in Quaternary Aquifers. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57 (14), 5726-5738.

30. Yanqiu Tao, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Peng Liu, Zhihang Ye, Xinxin Zhang, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang*. Coupled Processes Involving Organic Matter and Fe Oxyhydroxides Control Geogenic Phosphorus Enrichment in Groundwater Systems: New Evidence from FT-ICR-MS and XANES. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57 (45), 17427-17438.

29. Yanqiu Tao, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Degradation of phosphorus-containing natural organic matter facilitates enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in Quaternary aquifer systems: A molecular perspective. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 620, 129513.

28. Meihui Liu, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Yueping Li, Yanqiu Tao, Yiqun Gan, Teng Ma. Effect of depositional evolution on phosphorus enrichment in aquifer sediments of alluvial-lacustrine plain. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 900, 165857.

27. Pengbo Sun, Yao Du*, Xiaoliang Sun, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan, Teng Ma. Spatial variability of lacustrine groundwater discharge in the largest urban lake in Asia: Coupled influence from land use and hydrogeology. Hydrological Processes, 2023, 37, e14942.

26. Zhaohui Liu, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Yanwen Huang, Xinwen Zhao, Qinghua Li. Enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in a coastal groundwater system: New insights from dissolved organic matter characterization. Chemosphere, 2023, 322, 138214.

25. Hongni Liu, Yao Du*, Zhanyao Shi, Yamin Deng, Yiqun Gan, Xianjun Xie. Effects of reservoir construction on optical and molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter in a typical P-contaminated river. Chemosphere, 2023, 341, 140037.

24. Yuan Jiang, Yao Du*, Xiaoliang Sun, Yamin Deng, Jiawen Xu, Hao Tian, Peng Han, Yiqun Gan, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Quantification of groundwater-borne greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2, N2O) fluxes to an oxbow lake in a subtropical alluvial-lacustrine plain. Applied Geochemistry, 2023, 155, 105743.

23. Shuai Shen, Teng Ma*, Yao Du*, Zhihui Han, Jingwei Zhang, Wenhui Liu, Kewen Luo. Contrastive mechanisms of groundwater ammonium enrichment in different hydrogeologic settings. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 875, 162542.

22. Yaojin Xiong, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Feammox in alluvial-lacustrine aquifer system: nitrogen/iron isotopic and biogeochemical evidences. Water Research, 2022, 222, 118867.

21. Xiaoliang Sun, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Hongchen Fan, Zihao Zhou, Yiqun Gan, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Spatial patterns and quantification of lacustrine groundwater discharge determined based on 222Rn. Water Resources Research, 2022, 58, e2022WR031977.

20. Jun Zhou, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Yanqiu Tao, Zhichao Leng, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Source identification of groundwater phosphorus under different geological settings in the central Yangtze River basin. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 612, 128169.

19. Yanqiu Tao, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Yanwen Huang, Zhichao Leng, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Carbon and iron isotope approach elucidates the enrichment of geogenic phosphorus in alluvial-lacustrine sedimentary aquifers. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 607, 127517.

18. Yueping Li, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Ruiyu Fan, Yanqiu Tao, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Predicting the spatial distribution of phosphorus concentration in Quaternary sedimentary aquifers using simple field parameters. Applied Geochemistry, 2022, 142, 105349.

17. Xiaoliang Sun, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Hongchen Fan, Teng Ma, Yiqun Gan. Contrasting nutrients input along with groundwater discharge to east Dongting Lake, central China: A geological perspective. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 145, 109658.

16. Shuai Shen, Kewen Luo, Teng Ma*, Yao Du*, Xing Liang, Jingwei Zhang, Zhihui Han, Xinyao Ye. Nitrogen burial characteristics of Quaternary sediments and its controls on high ammonium groundwater in the Central Yangtze River Basin. Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 842, 156659.

15. Yao Du, Yamin Deng*, Zhaohui Liu, Yanwen Huang, Xinwen Zhao, Qinghua Li, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Novel Insights into Dissolved Organic Matter Processing Pathways in a Coastal Confined Aquifer System with the Highest Known Concentration of Geogenic Ammonium. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55 (21), 14676-14688.

14. Yaojin Xiong, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma, Dian Li, Xiaoliang Sun, Guangning Liu, Yanxin Wang. Contrasting sources and fate of nitrogen compounds in different groundwater systems in the Central Yangtze River Basin. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 290, 118119.

13. Yanwen Huang, Yao Du*, Teng Ma, Yamin Deng, Yanqiu Tao, Yu Xu, Zhichao Leng. Dissolved organic matter characterization in high and low ammonium groundwater of Dongting Plain, central China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 208, 111779. 

12. Xiaoliang Sun, Yao Du*, Yamin Deng, Hongchen Fan, Yanqiu Tao, Teng Ma. Contribution of groundwater discharge and associated contaminants input to Dongting Lake, Central China using multiple tracers (222Rn, 18O, Cl-). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2021, 43 (3), 1239-1255.

11. Yao Du, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma, Yu Xu, Yanqiu Tao, Yanwen Huang, Rui Liu, Yanxin Wang*. Enrichment of geogenic ammonium in Quaternary alluvial-lacustrine aquifer systems: Evidence from carbon isotopes and DOM characteristics. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 6104-6114.

10. Yao Du, Yamin Deng, Teng Ma*, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu, Yiqun Gan. Spatial variability of nitrate and ammonium in Pleistocene aquifer of central Yangtze River Basin. Groundwater, 2020, 58(1), 110-118.

9. Yanqiu Tao, Yamin Deng*, Yao Du*, Yu Xu, Zhichao Leng, Teng Ma, Yanxin Wang. Sources and enrichment of phosphorus in groundwater of the Central Yangtze River Basin. Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 737, 139837.

8. Yao Du, Yamin Deng*, Teng Ma*, Zongjie Lu, Shuai Shen, Yiqun Gan, Yanxin Wang. Hydrogeochemical evidences for targeting sources of safe groundwater supply in arsenic-affected multi-level aquifer systems. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 645, 1159-1171.

7. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Yamin Deng, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu. Characterizing groundwater/surface-water interactions in the interior of Jianghan Plain, central China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26(4), 1047-1059. 

6. Teng Ma*, Yao Du*, Rui Ma, Cong Xiao, Yanjun Liu. Review: Water-rock interactions and related eco-environmental effects in typical land subsidence zones of China. Hydrogeology Journal, 2018, 26(5), 1339-1349.

5. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Cong Xiao, Yanjun Liu, Liuzhu Chen, Haotian Yu. Water-rock interaction during the diagenesis of mud and its prospect in hydrogeology. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 128, 141-147.

4. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Yamin Deng*, Shuai Shen, Zongjie Lu. Sources and fate of high levels of ammonium in surface water and shallow groundwater of the Jianghan Plain, Central China. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2017, 19, 161-172.

3. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Liuzhu Chen, Cong Xiao, Cunfu Liu. Chlorine isotopic constraint on contrastive genesis of representative coastal and inland shallow brine in China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2016, 170, 21-29.

2. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Liuzhu Chen, Huimei Shan, Cong Xiao, Yu Lu, Cunfu Liu, Hesheng Cai. Genesis of salinized groundwater in Quaternary aquifer system of coastal plain, Laizhou Bay, China: geochemical evidences, especially from bromine stable isotope. Applied Geochemistry, 2015, 59, 155-165.

1. Yao Du, Teng Ma*, Jie Yang, Ling Liu, Huimei Shan, Hesheng Cai, Cunfu Liu, Liuzhu Chen. A precise analytical method for bromine isotopes in natural waters by GasBench II-IRMS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2013, 338, 50-56.



  • 谢先军, 甘义群, 刘运德, 李俊霞, 李小倩, 杜尧. 环境同位素原理与应用. 科学出版社, 2019.


  • 2024/04,中国地质大学十大杰出青年.

  • 2024/03,国际地球化学协会青年科学家奖(埃贝尔蒙奖,Ebelmen Award).

  • 2023/11,国际地球化学协会会刊《Applied Geochemistry》优秀审稿人奖(Excellence in Review Award).

  • 2020/12,中国地质调查局地质科技奖二等奖(4/9).






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