- 存储系统中的语义量化方法研究, 国家自然科学基金项目
- 数据采集与数据分析系统开发, 教育部科技项目
- 基于云平台的VR系统研发, 企事业单位委托科技项目
- 网络空间大数据集成、安全与协同认知系统研发, 企事业单位委托科技项目
- 校园心里大数据表征与分析, 企事业单位委托科技项目
- 基于空间关系的社交网络融合建模及社区发现研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 在研, 国家自然科学基金项目
- 社交网络大数据融合与系统开发, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 在研
- Hao Liu.An Effective Data Fusion Model for Detecting the Risk of Transmission Line in Smart Grid.IEEE Internet of Things Journal,1(1):1
- Yunliang Chen.LPR-MLP: A Novel Health Prediction Model for Transmission Lines in Grid Sensor Networks.Complexity.2021:8867190:1-8867190:10
- Jining Yan.Multistep Prediction of Land Cover From Dense Time Series Remote Sensing Images With Temporal Convolutional Networks.IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING,13
- Taige Zhao.Efficient Strategy Mining for Football Social Network.Complexity:8823189:1-8823189:11
- Nur Al Hasan Haldar.Activity location inference of users based on social relationship.World Wide Web Journal,24(4):1165-1183
- Yuankui Cao.Prediction model for recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection by using neighbor2vec based algorithms.Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,11(2)
- Weidong Fang.A Trust-Based Security System for Data Collection in Smart City.IEEE Transactions on Industrail Informatics,17(6):4131-4140
- Xiangyu Song.JKT: A joint graph convolutional network based Deep Knowledge Tracing.Information Sciences,580:510-523
- Junqing Fan.Binocular camera calibration model based on GEP.Journal of Computational Information Systems.2015
- Yunliang Chen.A Quantitative Analysis on Semantic Relations of Data Blocks in Storage Systems.Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers.2015,24(8):1550118:1-1550118:13
- Yunliang Chen.Mining association rules in big data with NGEP.Cluster Computing.2015,18(2)
- Xiaodao Chen.CEVP: Cross Entropy based Virtual Machine Placement for Energy Optimization in Clouds.The Journal of Supercomputing.2016,72(8)
- Yunliang Chen.Stochastic Workload Scheduling for Uncoordinated Datacenter Clouds with Multiple QoS Constraints.IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing.2016
- Yunliang Chen.PM2.5 forecasting with hybrid LSE model-based approach.Software: Practice and Experience.2017,47(3)
- Yunliang Chen.EPLS: A novel feature extraction method for migration data clustering.Journal of Parallel and Distribute Computing.2017,103:96-103