的个人主页 http://grzy.cug.edu.cn/zhuyuan
1. 信息科学、数学、计算机科学或大数据相关专业
2. 扎实的编程能力(如Python、MATLAB、R等)
3. 对数据建模与算法设计有浓厚兴趣
1. 聚焦前沿领域,研究课题具有应用潜力
2. 提供丰富的科研资源与学术指导,助力学生快速成长
3. 鼓励创新思维,支持学生探索自己的科研兴趣
Research Directions
My research areas include machine learning, medical image analysis, statistical pattern recognition,
complex biological network analysis, and bioinformatics.
The research focus is on modeling and algorithm development, aiming to address key scientific
challenges in biological data analysis and prediction.
Recruitment Information
I am currently seeking highly motivated graduate students who are interested in the aforementioned research areas.
If you have a background in one of the following fields, you are welcome to join my team:
Information science, mathematics, computer science, or big data;
Strong programming skills (e.g., Python, MATLAB, R);
A keen interest in data modeling and algorithm design.
Team Advantages
Focus on cutting-edge research topics with high academic value and application potential;
Access to abundant research resources and academic guidance to support rapid growth;
Encouragement of innovative thinking and support for students to explore their research interests.
Contact Information
Interested students are welcome to reach out via email: zhuyuan@cug.edu.cn
Friendly Reminder
Due to the technical and academic requirements of the research directions,
students with limited programming experience or unclear academic goals are advised to consider carefully.
1. 2016年度中国地质大学(武汉)地大学者(2017-2019)
2. 2016年度最受欢迎课程“信号与系统”
3. 2015年度自动化学院青年教师讲课比赛第二名
4. 2018年度中国地质大学青年教师竞赛二等奖(第三名)
5. 2019年度中国地质大学青年教师竞赛二等奖
6. 2020年度中国地质大学首届教师创新大赛二等奖
1. 基于基因互作关系空间模式的细胞异质性解析方法研究
国家自然科学基金面上项目, No.12371506, 2024.01-2027.12, 经费43.5万元
2. 单细胞数据的多尺度统计建模与分析
国家自然科学天元访学基金,导师:邓明华教授(北京大学),No.12126367, 2022.01-2022.12, 经费10万元
3. 多模态抑郁症脑影像组学数据建模和动力学分析
计算神经科学与类脑智能教育部重点实验室开放基金, No.2018SHZDZX01, 2021.01-2022.12,经费3万元
4. 图小波及稀疏概率图模型在重构高精度蛋白质网络中的应用
国家自然科学基金青年基金, No.11401110, 2015.01-2017.12, 经费22万元
5. 基于稀疏概率图模型及多源数据融合的动态蛋白质相互作用网络建模与应用研究
湖北省自然科学基金面上项目, No.2016CFB481, 2017.01-2018.12, 经费3万元
6. 面向高维融合数据的稀疏图模型及在蛋白质相互作用网络重构方面的应用
广东省高校自然科学研究项目, No.2013KJCX0086, 2013.01-2015.12, 经费6万元
代表性论文(Selected Publications, 篇幅有限,仅列部分作者)
1. Fangqin Zhang, Zhan Shen, Yuan Zhu and et al., SpaInGNN: Enhanced clustering and integration of spatial transcriptomics based on refined graph neural networks. Methods, 233: 42-51, 2025.
2. Yuan Zhu and et.al., Deep learning for clustering single-cell RNA-seq data. Current Bioinformatics, 19(3): 193-210, 2024.
3. Zhen He, Xiaochen Bo#, Xiaomin Ying#, Yuan Zhu and et al., Mosaic integration and knowledge transfer of single-cell multimodal data with MIDAS. Nature Biotechnology, 42: 1594–1605, 2024.
4. Haishu Ma, Yuan Zhu# and et al., Preoperative prediction of microvascular invasion in hepatocellular carcinoma from multi-sequence magnetic resonance imaging based on deep fusion representation learning, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, doi: 10.1109/JBHI.2024.3451331, 2024.
5. Yuan Zhu#, Feng Zhang and et al. Predicting latent lncRNA and cancer metastatic event associations via variational graph auto-encoder, Methods, 211: 1-9, 2023.
6. Yuan Zhu#, Minghua Deng, Ming Yi, and et al., Discovery of pan-cancer related genes via integrative network analysis. Briefings in Functional Genomics, DOI: 10.1093/bfgp/elac012, 21(4): 325-338, 2022.
7. Chao Wang, Yuan Zhu* and et al., Inference of pan-cancer related genes by orthologs matching based on enhanced LSTM model. Frontiers in Microbiology, DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2022.963704, 2022.
8. Hui-Sheng Li, Le Ou-Yang, Yuan Zhu, Hong Yan, Xiao-Fei Zhang, scDEA: Differential Expression Analysis in Single-cell RNA-sequencing Data via Ensemble Learning. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 23(1): bbab402, 2022.
9. Jia-Juan Tu, Le Ou-Yang, Yuan Zhu, …, Xiao-Fei Zhang and et.al., Differential network analysis by simultaneously considering changes in gene interactions and gene expression. Bioinformatics, 37(23): 4414-4423, 2021.
10. Yuan Zhu#, Dexin Zhang, Xiaofei Zhang, Ming Yi#, Le Ou-Yang, Mengyun Wu, EC-PGMGR: ensemble clustering based on probability graphical model with graph regularization for single-cell RNA-seq data, Frontiers in Genetics, 11(572242), 2020,DOI:doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.572242.
11. Yuan Zhu#, Jiufeng Zhou, Hong Yan, A unified formulation of a class of graph matching technique, Pattern Recognition, 95: 223-234, 2019.
12. X. T. Huang, Yuan Zhu*#, Inference of cellular level signaling networks using single-cell gene expression data in C.elegans reveals mechanisms of cell fate specification, Bioinformatics, 33(10): 1528-1535, 2017.
13. X. T. Huang, Yuan Zhu*#, H. Yan, Integrative C. elegans protein-protein interaction network with reliability assessment based on probabilistic graph model, Molecular Biosystems, 12(1): 85-92, 2016.
14. Yuan Zhu#, X. F. Zhang D. Q. Dai and M. Y. Wu, Identifying spurious interactions and predicting missing interactions in the protein-protein interaction networks via a generative network model, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 10: 219-225, 2013.
15. Yuan Zhu#, W. Zhou, D. Q. Dai and H. Yan, Identification of DNA-binding and protein-binding proteins using enhanced graph wavelet features, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 10: 1017-1031, 2013.
1. 朱媛,张晓飞,欧阳乐,吴梦云。生物分子网络中的信息挖掘方法,电子工业出版社,2020。
2. 朱媛, 董凯锋,李丹云,刘力。工程信号分析及处理,中国地质大学出版社,2022。
1. 2024华中生物数学及交叉领域前沿问题进展学术会议,报告题目:基于网络嵌入的零元素保持的单细胞转录组测序数据填补方法,2024.11.22-24, 武汉,2024.
2. 第三届数学生命科学大会,报告题目:基于多序列深度融合MRI预测肝癌微血管侵犯, 2023.10.20-2023.10.22,无锡,2023.
3. 第十届系统生物学研讨会,报告题目:网络结构驱动的疾病模式识别与发现,2023.04.08-2023.04.10,昆明,2023.
4. 2021数学肿瘤学研讨会,报告题目:网络集成视角识别泛癌症驱动基因,2021.11.06-2021.11.07,武汉,2021.
5. 2021定量生物医学-数学建模和统计推断研讨会,报告题目:基于单细胞数据探究细胞命运抉择,2021.11.06-2021.11.07,厦门,2021.
6. 中国计算机学会CCF_YOCSEF走进华中农业大学主题活动,报告题目:单细胞聚类分析的集成方法,2021.09.19,武汉.
7. 第九届计算系统生物学研讨会,报告题目:单细胞数据分析的集成方法, 2021.06.18-2021.06.20,天津.
8. 2019武汉生物学与生物动力学论坛,报告题目:Inference of cellular level signaling networks using single-cell gene expression data in Caenorhabditis Elegans reveals mechanisms of cell fate specification, 2019.12.19-2019.12.21,武汉,2019.
1. 彭晓宇,硕士研究生(工程硕士),2016-2018,武汉船舶职业技术学校专任教师
2. 刘 松,硕士研究生(工学硕士),2017-2020,武汉中原电子集团有限公司
3. 张德鑫,硕士研究生(工学硕士),2018-2021,乐元素科技(北京)股份有限公司
4. 张厚望,硕士研究生(工学硕士),2018-2021,香港城市大学攻读博士学位
5. 陈 磊,硕士研究生(工程硕士), 2018-2021,深信服科技股份有限公司
6. 刘晨亮,硕士研究生(工学硕士), 2020-2023,美的集团(佛山)
7. 白立泰,硕士研究生(工程硕士), 2020-2023,潍柴动力(潍坊)
8. 曹冠松,硕士研究生(工程硕士), 2020-2023,中航光电(洛阳)
9. 余艾莲,硕士研究生(工程硕士), 2021-2024,金山科技(武汉)
10. 蔡 柯,硕士研究生(工程硕士),2021-2024,金山科技(武汉)
11. 钱 全,硕士研究生(工程硕士),2021-2024,小鹏汽车(广州)
香港城市大学  电子信息工程  研究生(博士后)  工学博士学位
香港城市大学  电子信息工程 访问学者
中山大学  数学与应用数学  博士研究生
中国地质大学(武汉) 数学与物理学院 副教授 副教授
中国地质大学(武汉) 自动化学院 副教授
中国地质大学(武汉) 自动化学院 讲师
广东财经大学 数学与统计学院 讲师