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2013.09—2018.12 中国地质大学(武汉) 环境科学与工程 博士 导师:袁松虎
2009.09—2013.06 中国地质大学(武汉) 应用化学 学士
2017.10—2018.10 滑铁卢大学 环境科学 联合培养 导师:Philippe Van Cappellen
Zhang, P.*, Liu, J., Yu, H., Cheng, D., Liu, H., Yuan, S., 2023. Kinetic models for hydroxyl radical production and contaminant removal during soil/sediment oxygenation. Water Res., 240, 120071.
Qian, A., Lu, Y., Zhang, Y., Yu, C., Zhang, P.*, Liao, W., Yao, Y., Zheng, Y., Tong, M., Yuan, S.*, 2023. Mechanistic insight into electron transfer from Fe(II)-bearing clay minerals to Fe (hydr)oxides. Environ. Sci. Technol., 57(21), 8015-8025.
Yu, C., Lu, Y., Zhang, Y., Qian, A., Zhang, P.*, Tong, M., Yuan, S.*, 2022. Significant contribution of solid organic matter for hydroxyl radical production during oxygenation. Environ. Sci. Technol., 56(16), 11878–11887.
Zhang, P.; Van Cappellen, P.*; Pi, K.; Yuan, S.*, Effects of riboflavin and desferrioxamine B on Fe(II) oxidation by O2. Fundamental Research 2022, 2, (2), 208-217.
Lu, Y.; Zhang, P.*; Liu, H.; Bu, X.; Li, Y.; Wen, Z.; Li, M.; Mao, S.; Yuan, S., Effect of dam on iron species distribution and transformation in riparian zones. Journal of Hydrology 2022, 610, 127869.
Yu, H.; Zhang, P.*; Liu, J.; Zheng, Y.; Mustapha, N. A., Effects of low-molecular-weight organic acids/thiols on hydroxyl radical production from natural siderite oxidation. Chemical Geology 2021, 584, 120537.
Peng Zhang, Philippe Van Cappellen*, Kunfu Pi, Songhu Yuan. Oxidation of Fe(II) by flavins under anoxic conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 2020, 54, (18), 11622-11630.
Peng Zhang, Songhu Yuan*, Rong Chen, Xiaochuang Bu, Man Tong, Qiaoyi Huang. Oxygenation of acid sulfate soils stimulates CO2 emission: Roles of acidic dissolution and hydroxyl radical oxidation. Chemical Geology 2020, 533, 119437.
Peng Zhang, Wan Huang, Zhuan Ji, Chenggang Zhou, Songhu Yuan*. Mechanisms of hydroxyl radicals production from pyrite oxidation by hydrogen peroxide: Surface versus aqueous reactions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2018, 238, 394-410.
Peng Zhang, Songhu Yuan*. Production of hydroxyl radicals from abiotic oxidation of pyrite by oxygen under circumneutral conditions in the presence of low-molecular-weight organic acids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2017, 218, 153-166.
Peng Zhang, Weiyu Yao, Songhu Yuan*. Citrate-enhanced release of arsenic during pyrite oxidation at circumneutral conditions. Water Research 2017, 109, 245-252.
Peng Zhang, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Liao. Mechanisms of hydroxyl radical production from abiotic oxidation of pyrite under acidic conditions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2016, 172, 444-457.
Peng Zhang, Man Tong, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Liao. Transformation and removal of arsenic in groundwater by sequential anodic oxidation and electrocoagulation. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 2014, 164, 299-307.
Rong Chen, Hui Liu*, Man Tong, Lei Zhao, Peng Zhang, Deng Liu, Songhu Yuan. Impact of Fe(II) oxidation in the presence of iron-reducing bacteria on subsequent Fe(III) bio-reduction. Science of The Total Environment 2018, 639, 1007-1014.
Songhu Yuan*, Xixiang Liu, Wenjuan Liao, Peng Zhang, Xiaoming Wang, Man Tong. Mechanisms of electron transfer from structrual Fe(II) in reduced nontronite to oxygen for production of hydroxyl radicals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2018, 223, 422-436.
Jian Zhu, Peng Zhang, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Liao, Ao Qian, Xixiang Liu, Man Tong, Lina Li. Production of hydroxyl radicals from oxygenation of simulated AMD due to CaCO3-induced pH increase. Water research 2017, 111, 118-126.
Dong Cheng, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Liao, Peng Zhang. Oxidizing impact induced by mackinawite (FeS) nanoparticles at oxic conditions due to production of hydroxyl radicals. Environmental Science & Technology 2016, 50 (21), 11646-11653.
Ao Qian, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Zhang, Man Tong. A new mechanism in electrochemical process for arsenic oxidation: production of H2O2 from anodic O2 reduction on the cathode under automatically developed alkaline conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 2015, 49 (9), 5689-5696.
Man Tong, Songhu Yuan*, Peng Zhang, Peng Liao, Akram N. Alshawabkeh, Shiwei Xie, Yanxin Wang. Electrochemically induced oxidative precipitation of Fe(II) for As(III) oxidation and removal in synthetic groundwater. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48 (9), 5145-5153.
Peng Liao, Songhu Yuan*, Mingjie Chen, Man Tong, Wenjing Xie, Peng Zhang. Regulation of electrochemically generated ferrous ions from an iron cathode for Pd-catalytic transformation of MTBE in groundwater. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47 (14), 7918-7926.
滕晓宇,郑云松,蔡其正,卢钰茜,张鹏*,袁松虎. 沉积物活化氧气和过氧化氢产生羟自由基降解三氯乙烯的比较研究[J].环境科学研究, 2022, 35, 289(02):547-555.
周帆, 朱健, 张鹏, 袁松虎* 地下水化学组成对Fe2+氧化产生羟自由基的影响. 地球科学 2017, 42 (6), 1039-1044.
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