谢先军 (教授)

教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师









学科:环境工程 地下水科学与工程





谢先军,教授,博士生导师, 基金委“环境水文地质”创新群体骨干成员。2002年毕业于中国地质大学(武汉)获地球化学专业学士学位,2008年获得环境工程专业博士学位。曾先后在美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校和路易斯安那州立大学进行访学研究。主要研究领域包括地下水污染、高砷地下水成因、水岩作用机理、同位素水文地质学。长期致力于通过野外调查、监测与室内实验、模拟相结合的综合研究,揭示地下环境中原生污染物的迁移转化规律与修复机理,研发场地修复绿色高效新技术,为供水安全保障提供理论与技术支撑。先后承担国家自然科学基金3项、水专项课题1项及其他省部级课题10余项,作为骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、科技部“863”项目、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目各1项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文四十余篇。申请国家发明专利8项。



Researcher ID:http://www.researcherid.com/rid/C-4900-2011



  1. 国家科技部重点研发专项,“劣质地下水改良的原位调控理论与技术研究”(课题一),2021/12-2026/11,课题负责人

  2. 湖北省重点研发计划项目,高温地热系统多场原位监测关键技术与装备,2020/08-2022/07,项目负责人

  3. 内蒙古地质调查院科技项目,内蒙古自治区河套罐区盐碱地生物修复与综合开发研究,2018/07-2021/07,项目负责人

  4. 中国地质调查局武汉地调中心地调项目,海口江东新区综合地质调查红树林湿地土壤环境质量分析及评价,2019/05-2019/12,主要参与人

  5. 国家科技重大专项,唐河污水库及雄安新区地下水污染防控技术研究及工程子课题,2018/01-2020/06,课题负责人

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,地下水系统中硫氧化还原循环对砷迁移转化的影响研究,2018/01-2021/12,项目负责人

  7. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体,环境水文地质,2016/01-2021/12,主要参与人

  8. 湖北省重大科技创新项目,地下水砷/铁原位联合去除关键技术与示范,2016/01-2018/12,项目负责人

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,地表灌溉对浅层地下水系统中砷迁移富集的影响研究,2014/01-2017/12,项目负责人

  10. 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目,地热流体来源砷的环境生物地球化学研究,2012/01-2016/12,主要参与人

  11. 国家863高技术项目,天然劣质地下水修复与示范,2012/05-2014/12,主要参与人

  12. 国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金项目,地下水系统中砷迁移富集过程的铁同位素示踪研究,2010/01-2012/12,项目负责人



  1. Liu, H., Li, J., Cao, H., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y., 2022. Prediction modeling of geogenic iodine contaminated groundwater throughout China. Journal of Environmental Management, 303: 114249.

  2. Cao, H., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y., Liu, H., 2022. Predicting geogenic groundwater fluoride contamination throughout China. Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 115: 140-148.

  3. Xie, X.*, Lu, C., Xu, R., Yang, X., Yan, L., Su, C., 2021. Arsenic removal by manganese-doped mesoporous iron oxides from groundwater: Performance and mechanism. Science of The Total Environment, 806(5):150615

  4. Xie, X.*, Luo, J., Guan, L., Zhong, W., Jing, C., Wang, Y., 2021. Cadmium isotope fractionation during leaching with nitrilotriacetic acid. Chemical Geology, 584: 120523.

  5. Xiao, Z., Xie, X.*, Pi, K., Gong, J., Wang, Y., 2021. Impact of organic matter on arsenic mobilization induced by irrigation in the unsaturated and saturated zones. Journal of Hydrology, 602: 126821.

  6. Xie, X.*, Yan, L., Li, J., Guan, L., Chi, Z., 2021. Cadmium isotope fractionation during Cd-calcite coprecipitation: Insight from batch experiment. Science of the Total Environment, 760: 143330.

  7. Yan, L., Xie, X.*, Peng, K., Wang, N., Zhang, Y., Deng, Y., Gan, Y., Li, Q., Zhang, Y., 2021. Sources and compositional characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in a Hainan tropical mangrove-estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 600: 126572.

  8. Xu, R., Xie, X.*, Ren, B., Dionysiou, D.D., 2021. Novel slow release ammonium persulfate capsules for in situ remediation of high arsenic groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 600: 126571.

  9. Liu, H., Xie, X.*, 2021. Thiol-methyl-modified magnetic microspheres for effective cadmium (II) removal from polluted water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(31): 42750-42762.

  10. Cao, H., Xie, X.*, Wang Y., Deng Y., 2021. The interactive natural drivers of global geogenic arsenic contamination of groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 597: 126214.

  11. Chi, Z., Xie, X.*, Pi, K., Wang, Y., 2021. Mineralogical controls on arsenite adsorption onto soils: Batch experiments and model-based quantification. Science of The Total Environment, 767: 144920.

  12. Xie, X.*, Yan, L., Li, J., Guan, L., Chi, Z., 2020. Cadmium isotope fractionation during Cd-calcite coprecipitation: Insight from batch experiment. Science of the Total Environment: 143330.

  13. Yan, L., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y., Qian, K., 2020. Organic-Matter Composition and microbial communities as Key indicators for Arsenic Mobility in Groundwater Aquifers: Evidence from PLFA and 3D fluorescence. Journal of Hydrology, 591: 125308.

  14. Sun, S., Xie, X.*, Li, J., Qian, K., Chi, Z., 2020. Distribution and formation of thioarsenate in high arsenic groundwater from the Datong Basin, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 590: 125268.

  15. Qian, K., Li, J., Chi, Z., Liu, W., Wang, Y., Xie, X.*, 2020. Natural organic matter-enhanced transportation of iodine in groundwater in the Datong Basin: Impact of irrigation activities. Science of the Total Environment, 730: 138460.

  16. Cao, H., He, J., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y., Li, J., Qian, K., Deng, Y., Gan, Y., 2020. The effect of groundwater velocities on sulfidation of arsenic-bearing ferrihydrite: Insight from column experiments. Journal of Hydrology, 586:124827.

  17. Liu, W., Wang, Y., Li, J., Qian, K., Xie, X.*, 2020. Indices of the dual roles of OM as electron donor and complexing compound involved in As and Fe mobilization in aquifer systems of the Datong Basin. Environmental Pollution, 262:114305.

  18. Xie, X.*, Peng, K., Wang, Y., Li, J., Qian, K., Deng, Y., Gan, Y., 2020. In situ arsenic immobilization by chemical oxidation: Field trial and reactive transport modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 583:124645.

  19. Chi, Z.Xie, X.*, Pi, K., Wang, Y., Li, J., Qian, K., 2018. The influence of irrigation-induced water table fluctuation on iron redistribution and arsenic immobilization within the unsaturation zone. Science of the Total Environment, 637–638: 191-199.

  20. Xue X., Li J., Xie X.*, Wang Y.*, Tian X., Chi X., Wang Y., 2019. Effects of depositional environment and organic matter degradation on the enrichment and mobilization of iodine in the groundwater of the North China Plain. Science of The Total Environment, 686: 50-62.

  21. Xiao, Z., Xie, X.*,Pi, K., Yan, Y., Li, J., Chi, Z., Qian, K., Wang, Y.*, 2018. Effects of irrigation-induced water table fluctuation on arsenic mobilization in the unsaturated zone of the Datong Basin, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 564: 256-265.

  22. Pi, K., Wang, Y., Postma, D., Ma, T., Su, C., Xie, X.*, 2018. Vertical variability of arsenic concentrations under the control of iron-sulfur-arsenic interactions in reducing aquifer systems. Journal of Hydrology, 561: 200-210.

  23. Cao, H., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y., Pi, K., Li, J., Zhan, H., 2018. Predicting the risk of groundwater arsenic contamination in drinking water wells. Journal of Hydrology, 560: 318-325.

  24. Qian, K., Li, J., Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, 2017. Organic and inorganic colloids impacting total iodine behavior in groundwater from the Datong Basin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602: 380-390.

  25. Pi, K., Wang, Y., Xie, X.*, Ma, T., Su, C., Liu, Y., 2016. Role of sulfur redox cycling on arsenic mobilization in aquifers of Datong Basin, northern China. Applied Geochemistry, 77:31-43.

  26. Pi, K., Wang, Y., Xie, X.*, Ma, T., Liu, Y., Su, C., Zhu, Y., Wang, Z., 2016. Remediation of arsenic-contaminated groundwater by in-situ stimulating biogenic precipitation of iron sulfides. Water Research, 109: 337-346.

  27. Xie, X.*, Pi, K., Liu, Y., Liu, C., Li, J., Zhu, Y., Su, C., Teng, M., Wang, Y.*, 2016. In-situ arsenic remediation by aquifer iron coating: Field trial in the Datong basin, China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 302: 19-26.

  28. Xie, X.*, Liu, Y., Pi, K., Liu, C., Li, J., Duan, M., Wang, Y.*, 2016. In situ Fe-sulfide coating for arsenic removal under reducing conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 534: 42-49.

  29. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Pi, K., Liu, C., Li, J., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Duan, M., 2015. In situ treatment of arsenic contaminated groundwater by aquifer iron coating: Experimental study. Science of the Total Environment, 527-528C: 38.

  30. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Li, J., Yu, Q., Wu, Y., Su, C., Duan, M., 2015. Effect of irrigation on Fe(III)-SO42- redox  cycling and arsenic mobilization in shallow groundwater from the Datong basin, China: Evidence from hydrochemical monitoring and modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 523: 128-138.

  31. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Li, J., Wu, Y., Duan, M., 2014. Soil geochemistry and groundwater contamination in an arsenic-affected area of the Datong Basin, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 71(8): 3455-3464.

  32. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Ellis, A., Liu, C., Duan, M., Li, J., 2014. Impact of sedimentary provenance and weathering on arsenic distribution in aquifers of the Datong basin, China: Constraints from elemental geochemistry. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 3541-3549.

  33. Xie, X.*, Johnson, T.M., Wang, Y., Lundstrom, C.C., Ellis, A., Wang, X.*, Duan, M., Li, J., 2014. Pathways of arsenic from sediments to groundwater in the hyporheic zone: Evidence from an iron isotope study. Journal of Hydrology, 511(4): 509-517.

  34. Wang, Y.*, Xie, X.*, Johnson, T.M., Lundstrom, C.C., Ellis, A., Wang, X., Duan, M., Li, J., 2014. Coupled iron, sulfur and carbon isotope evidences for arsenic enrichment in groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 414-422.

  35. Xie, X., Wang, Y., Su, C., Duan, M., 2013. Effects of recharge and discharge on δ2H and δ18O composition and chloride concentration of high arsenic/fluoride groundwater from the Datong Basin, northern China. Water Environment Research A Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation, 85(2): 113-123.

  36. Xie, X., Wang, Y., Ellis, A., Su, C., Li, J., Li, M., Duan, M., 2013. Delineation of groundwater flow paths using hydrochemical and strontium isotope composition: A case study in high arsenic aquifer systems of the Datong basin, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 476(2): 87-96.

  37. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Ellis, A., Li, J., Su, C., Duan, M., 2013. Multiple isotope (O, S and C) approach elucidates the enrichment of arsenic in the groundwater from the Datong Basin, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 498(18): 103-112.

  38. Xie, X.*, Wang, Y.*, Duan, M., Li, J., 2013. Provenance and Paleoenvironment Impact on Arsenic Accumulation in Aquifer Sediments from the Datong Basin, China: Implications from Element Geochemistry. Procedia Earth & Planetary Science, 7: 904-907.

  39. Xie, X.*, Johnson, T.M., Wang, Y.*, Lundstrom, C.C., Ellis, A., Wang, X., Duan, M., 2013. Mobilization of arsenic in aquifers from the Datong Basin, China: evidence from geochemical and iron isotopic data. Chemosphere, 90(6): 1878-1884.

  40. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Su, C., Li, J., Li, M., 2012. Influence of irrigation practices on arsenic mobilization: Evidence from isotope composition and Cl/Br ratios in groundwater from Datong Basin, northern China. Journal of Hydrology, 424-425(6): 37-47.

  41. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Su, C., 2012. Hydrochemical and Sediment Biomarker Evidence of the Impact of Organic Matter Biodegradation on Arsenic Mobilization in Shallow Aquifers of Datong Basin, China. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 223(2): 483-498.

  42. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Ellis, A., Su, C., Li, J., Li, M., 2011. The sources of geogenic arsenic in aquifers at Datong basin, northern China: Constraints from isotopic and geochemical data. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 110(2): 155-166.

  43. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Duan, M., Xie, Z., 2009. Geochemical and environmental magnetic characteristics of high arsenic aquifer sediments from Datong Basin, northern China. Environmental Geology, 58(1): 45-52.

  44. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Duan, M., Liu, H., 2009. Sediment geochemistry and arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of the Datong basin, northern China. Environmental Geochemistry & Health, 31(31): 493-502.

  45. Xie, X., Ellis, A., Wang, Y.*, Xie, Z., Duan, M., Su, C., 2009. Geochemistry of redox-sensitive elements and sulfur isotopes in the high arsenic groundwater system of Datong Basin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 407(12): 3823-3835.

  46. Xie, X., Wang, Y.*, Su, C., Liu, H., Duan, M., Xie, Z., 2008. Arsenic mobilization in shallow aquifers of Datong Basin: Hydrochemical and mineralogical evidences. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 98(3): 107-115.


  1. 谢先军, 甘义群, 刘运德, 李俊霞, 李小倩, 杜尧. 环境同位素原理与应用[M]. 科学出版社, 2019.

  2. 谢先军, 苏春利, 段萌语. 山西大同盆地地质成因高砷地下水系统地球化学研究[M]. 中国地质大学出版社, 2014.


  1. 谢先军, 冯宇, 张雅, 王志强, 钱坤, 王焰新, 甘义群. 一种Fe型树脂离子交换处理高硬度高砷地下水的方法[P]. 湖北省:CN107473332B,2020-09-04.

  2. 关林瑞, 汪莹, 刘红杏, 谢先军. 一种可脱硫除尘的旋风洗涤装置[P].湖北: CN209406044U, 2019-09-20.

  3. 池泽涌, 谢先军, 冯宇, 王志强, 皮坤福, 钱坤, 薛肖斌, 王焰新. 一种模拟高砷地下水灌溉对地下水环境影响的实验装置[P]. 湖北: CN107643376B, 2019-09-17.

  4. 刘红杏, 周彦兆, 谢先军. 一种浅层土壤取样省力装置[P]. 湖北:CN207662652U, 2018-07-27.

  5. 谢先军, 何俊蓉, 冯宇. 一种探究不同磁场对厌氧微生物影响的实验装置[P]. 湖北:CN207567241U, 2018-07-03.

  6. 谢先军, 冯宇, 王志强, 钱坤, 皮坤福, 王焰新, 甘义群, 李韬. 一种基于调节CO2分压处理高硬度地下水的装置[P]. 湖北:CN207468305U, 2018-06-08.

  7. 谢先军, 张丽萍, 柳亚清, 王志强, 皮坤福, 马腾, 王焰新, 苏春利. 一种基于表面原位镀铁技术的除砷方法[P]. 湖北:CN103880111A, 2014-06-25.

  8. 谢先军, 柳亚清, 王志强, 皮坤福, 马腾, 王焰新, 苏春利. 一种区域含水层原位镀铁除砷方法[P]. 湖北:CN103880142A, 2014-06-25.


[1]   2005.9-2008.6

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  环境工程  |  工学博士学位  |  博士研究生

[2]   2002.9-2005.6

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  同位素地球化学  |  理学硕士学位  |  硕士研究生

[3]   1998.9-2002.6

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  地球化学  |  学士学位


[1]   2019.4-至今

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  环境学院  |  副院长

[2]   2014.12-至今

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  环境学院  |  教授

[3]   2015.3-2016.3

美国路易斯安那州立大学  |  地质与地球物理系  |  访问学者

[4]   2011.6-2011.12

美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校  |  地质学  |  访问学者

[5]   2010.12-2014.12

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  环境学院  |  副教授

[6]   2008.7-2010.11

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  环境学院  |  讲师


  • [1]   地下水(土壤)污染修复

  • [2]   同位素水文地球化学

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