汪樱,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,湖北武汉人,主要从事生态系统服务与农户可持续生计、人类—环境耦合系统演化、多智能体模拟等相关领域研究。入职以来,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、湖北省自然科学基金面上项目1项、湖北省社科基金一般项目2项、湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目1项,作为骨干成员参与科研项目10余项;入选自然资源部高层次科技创新人才工程科技创新团队,获湖北省科技进步奖三等奖1项。在Journal of Rural Studies、Land Use Policy等SSCI/SCI/CSSCI期刊发表学术论文50余篇。担任PLOS ONE期刊学术编辑以及50多个国际学术期刊审稿人。
[1] 2021-至今,本科生专业选修课,城市规划原理,主讲,48学时(获2023年度教师本科教学质量评价排名前10%)
[2] 2024-至今,硕士研究生专业必修课,土地科学前沿(合上)
[3] 2024-至今,博士研究生专业必修课,土地科学前沿(合上)
[4] 2025-至今,硕士研究生专业选修课,国土空间规划专题(合上)
[10] 2024/01-2027/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(42371315):“多维风险交互下的生态系统服务与农户生计福祉耦合机理及风险管控”,主持,在研
[9] 2020/01-2022/12,国家自然科学基金青年项目(41901213):“社会网络和农业环境政策交互影响下农户生计响应、生态环境效应与政策优化路径”,主持,结题
[8] 2024-2025,2024年湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目)(HBSKJJ20243281):“社会网络嵌入下的农户发展韧性研究:理论、实证与模拟”,主持,在研
[7] 2023-2024,2023年湖北省社科基金一般项目(后期资助项目)(HBSKJJ20233242):“生态补偿政策、地理空间因素与社会网络影响下的农户可持续生计研究”,主持,在研
[6] 2020/03-2022/03,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2020CFB856):“生态补偿政策引导下连片特困地区农户生计转型:特征、机理与调控”,主持,结题
[5] 2020/12-2022/12,湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目(20G017):“社会网络嵌入下的社会-生态耦合系统韧性提升路径——以湖北大别山集中连片特困地区为例”,主持,结题
[4] 2020/01-2022/12, 中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院青年教师成长基金:“社会网络嵌入下农村社会生态系统韧性研究——基于微观主体建模”,主持,结题
[3] 2019/01-2021/12, 中央高校基本科研业务费“新青年教师科研启动基金”:“社会网络视角下农业环境政策对农户生计与生态环境的影响”,主持,结题
[2] 2014/12- 2015/12,中国地质大学(武汉)实验室开放基金:“基于Dyna-CLUE的海南省陵水县土地利用变化:驱动机制、生态环境效应及情景模拟”,主持,结题
[1] 2014/01-2014/12,中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院研究生开放基金:“基于RS和GIS的武汉市生态承载力时空动态演化及驱动机制研究”,主持,结题
[9] 2025/01-2028/01, 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42471306):“要素跨区域配置引导下城市群国土空间优化驱动碳减排机理、效应及路径研究” ,参与,在研(排名第二)
[8] 2022/06-2023/12,河南省国土空间调查规划院纵向科研项目:“河南省全民所有自然资源资产所有权委托代理机制试点项目:自然资源资产保护、使用规划研究”,参与,在研
[7] 2021/01-2024/12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(42071254):“中心城市国土空间演化的社会生态风险识别与适应性治理”,参与,在研(排名第三)
[6] 2019/02-2021/12,鄂州市自然资源与规划局纵向科研项目:“鄂州市乡村振兴暨城乡融合发展规划”,参与,结题
[5] 2018/07-2019/07,武汉市测绘研究院纵向科研项目:“武汉市多要素城市地质调查示范项目-城市地质成果管理政策研究”,参与,结题
[4] 2016/01-2018/12,国家自然科学基金(41501183):“快速城市化背景下土地系统脆弱性研究及其适应策略”,参与,结题
[3] 2015/12-2017/12,美国国家科学基金重大课题(1313756):“CNH: The Effects of China's Grain-for-Green Program on the Dynamics of Coupled Natural-Human System in Rural China”,参与,结题
[2] 2013/01- 2014/12,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2012FFB02702):“生态承载力约束下的城市土地利用格局演化与结构优化研究”,参与,结题
[1] 2010/11-2015/05,中国地质调查局:“资源型地区资源环境承载力评价指标研究,参与,结题
[57] Liu, X., Zheng, L*., Wang, Y*., 2025. Revealing the roles of climate, urban form, and vegetation greening in shaping the land surface temperature of urban agglomerations in the Yangtze River Economic Belt of China. Journal of Environmental Management 377, 124602
[56] Li, Y., Zheng, L., Cui, H., Wu, D., Wang, Y*., 2025. Climate and human activities shaping carbon-water-food interactions: Implications for governance in the Yangtze River Basin and its sub-basins, China. Journal of Environmental Management 377, 124582
[55] Wang, Y*., Cui, H., Wang, C., Wang, W*., 2025. Understanding rural livelihood diversification in China’s contiguous poverty-stricken areas: A comparative analysis. Transactions in Earth, Environment, and Sustainability. Accepted.
[54] Xu, Y., Wang, W., Wang, Y*., 2025. Unraveling multidimensional land transfers in mountainous areas: influence of grassroots governance, geographic location, livelihood capital, and demographic factors. Journal of Mountain Science 22(2): 611-635.
[53 Liu, L., Zheng, L*., Wang, Y*., Liu, C., Zhang, B., Bi, Y., 2025. Impact of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services Values in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China in the Context of National Water Network Project Construction. Chinese Geographical Science 35, 111-130.
[52] Cui, H., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., 2025. The impact of changes in land transfer decisions on rural livelihood transitions: Evidence from dynamic panel data in China. Applied Geography 176.
[51] 汪樱, 唐兰云, 郑亮*, 杨斌, 王卫雯,2025. 农户感知生态系统服务与生计韧性的耦合协调关系及其影响因素——以湖北大别山区为例,农业资源与环境学报,online first
[50] Wang, W.W., Shen, Y., Qiao, J.J*., Wang, Y*., Lochan Kumar Batal. 2025. How does urban-rural residents’ life quality gap drive the cultivated land transfer decision-making? Land Use Policy, 148, 107402.
[49] Yang, B., Song, X., Wang, Y., Ma, X., Li, J., Wu, Y., Tian, J., Huang, W., 2025. Impacts of village consolidation on household livelihood resilience in coal resource-exhausted areas. Habitat International 156, 103292
[48] Cui, H., Wang, Y*., Wang, W.W., Liu, C.C., 2024. Rural households' livelihood transitions in rural China: processes, drivers, and outcomes. China Agricultural Economic Review. Online first
[47] Liao, X*, Zhao, X., Zhou, S., Wang, Y*., 2024. Towards Equitable Compensation: Unraveling China’s Regional Comprehensive Land Price System from Legal Connotation to Practical Implementation. Sustainability 16.
[46] Zheng, L., Wang, Y.J, Yang, H., Bi, Y., Xu, L., Wang, Y*., 2024. Identifying Trade-Offs and Synergies of Production–Living–Ecological Functions and Their Drivers: The Case of Yangtze River Urban Agglomerations in China. Land 13.
[45] Wu, D., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Gong, J*., Li, J.F, Chen, Q., 2024. Dynamics in construction land patterns and its impact on water-related ecosystem services in Chengdu-Chongqing urban agglomeration, China: A multi-scale study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 469, 143022.
[44] Wang, F., Wang, Y*., 2024. How geographic accessibility and rural governance mitigate the impact of multiple risks on rural households’ well-being: Evidence from the Dabie Mountains in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 34, 1195-1227.
[43] Zhang, Q., Gong, J., Wang, Y*., 2024. How resilience capacity and multiple shocks affect rural households’ subjective well-being: A comparative study of the Yangtze and Yellow River Basins in China. Land Use Policy 142.
[42] Cui, H., Wang, Y*., Zheng, L., 2024. Livelihood sustainability of rural households in response to external shocks, internal stressors and geographical disadvantages: empirical evidence from rural China. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
[41] Wang, Y*., Sun, J., Liu, C., Liu, L., 2024. Exploring the nexus between perceived ecosystem services and well-being of rural residents in a mountainous area, China. Applied Geography 164.
[40] Wu, D., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Gong, J*., Li, J.F, Chen, Q., 2024. Characteristics of urban expansion in megacities and its impact on water-related ecosystem services: A comparative study of Chengdu and Wuhan, China. Ecological Indicators 158.
[39] Yang, B., Wang, Y*., Yang, H., Chen, F., 2024. How does regional economic integration affect carbon emission efficiency? Evidence from the Yangtze River Delta, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.
[38] 王卫雯,龚健*,汪樱,申杨,乔家君, Lochan Kumar Batala. 基于田园功能与底线约束的乡村分类与发展策略研究,地理科学进展,2024,43(3):561-572. (CSSCI)
[37] Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Li, J.F*., 2023. Quantifying the spatial impact of landscape fragmentation on habitat quality: A multi-temporal dimensional comparison between the Yangtze River Economic Belt and Yellow River Basin of China. Land Use Policy, 125. “高被引论文”
[36] Wang, W.W., Wang, Y*., Shen, Y., Cheng, L.S., Qiao, J.J., 2023. The role of multi-category subsidies in cultivated land transfer decision-making of rural households in China: Synergy or trade-off? Applied Geography 160.
[35] Bi, Y.Z, Zheng, L., Wang, Y*.,Li, J.F., Yang, H., Zhang, B., 2023. Coupling relationship between urbanization and water-related ecosystem services in China's Yangtze River economic Belt and its socio-ecological driving forces: A county-level perspective. Ecological Indicators, 146. “高被引论文”
[34] Chen, Q., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Wu, D., Li, J.F., 2023. A comparative study on urban land use eco-efficiency of Yangtze and Yellow rivers in China: From the perspective of spatiotemporal heterogeneity, spatial transition and driving factors. Ecological Indicators, 151.
[33] Chen, Q., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Wu, D., Li, J.F., 2023. Spillover effects of urban form on urban land use efficiency: evidence from a comparison between the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 125816-125831.
[32] Liu, C.C, Wang, Y*., Yang, B., Zheng, L., 2023. How do socioeconomic differentiation and rural governance affect households' land transfer decisions? Evidence from China. Land Degradation & development 35, 884-897.
[31] Wu, D., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Gong, J., Li, J.F., Chen, Q., 2023. Urban expansion patterns and their driving forces analysis: a comparison between Chengdu-Chongqing and Middle Reaches of Yangtze River urban agglomerations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.195, 1121.
[30] Yang, B., Wang, Y*., Li, Yan., Mo, L., 2023. Empirical Investigation of Cultivated Land Green Use Efficiency and Influencing Factors in China, 2000–2020, Land,12,1589.
[29] Zhang, B.W, Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Li, N., Li, J.F., Yang, H., Bi, Y., 2023. Multiscale ecosystem service synergies/trade-offs and their driving mechanisms in the Han River Basin, China: implications for watershed management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30, 43440-43454.
[28] Liu, L.H, Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Liu, C., Zhang, B., Bi, Y., 2023. Land Use and Ecosystem Services Evolution in Danjiangkou Reservoir Area, China: Implications for Sustainable Management of National Projects. Land 12.
[27] Tang, L.Y., Xu, Y.N., Wang, W.W., Wang, Y*., 2023. Impact of livelihood capital and rural site conditions on livelihood resilience of farm households: evidence from contiguous poverty-stricken areas in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 123808-123826.
[26] 汪樱*, 唐兰云, 王卫雯, 王建英, 郑亮, 2023. 农户生计韧性驱动机理及其生计环境效应. 长江流域资源与环境, 32, 665-677.
[25] Gu, Z., Gong, J., Wang, Y.,2023. Construction and evaluation of ecological networks among natural protected areas based on “quality-structure–function”: A case study of the Qinghai-Tibet area, Ecological Indicators,151(7664):110228
[24] Zhang, B., Wang, Y*., Li, J.F., Zheng, L., 2022. Degradation or Restoration? The Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Ecosystem Services and Its Determinants in the Yellow River Basin, China. Land, 863.
[23] Yang, H., Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Li, J.F*., Zhang, B.W., Bi, Y.Z., 2022. Quantifying the Relationship between Land Use Intensity and Ecosystem Services' Value in the Hanjiang River Basin: A Case Study of the Hubei Section. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19.
[22] Zhang, D., Wang, J., Wang, Y*., Xu, L., Zheng, L*., Zhang, B., Bi, Y., Yang, H., 2022. Is There a Spatial Relationship between Urban Landscape Pattern and Habitat Quality? Implication for Landscape Planning of the Yellow River Basin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19.
[21] Li, X., Wang, Y., Song, Y., 2022. Unraveling land system vulnerability to rapid urbanization: An indicator-based vulnerability assessment for Wuhan, China. Environmental Research, 112981.
[20] Wang, W.W, Gong, J., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., 2022. The Causal Pathway of Rural Human Settlement, Livelihood Capital, and Agricultural Land Transfer Decision-Making: Is It Regional Consistency? Land 11.
[19] Wang, Y*., Zhang, Q., Li, Q., Wang, J., Sannigrahi, S., Bilsborrow, R., Bellingrath-Kimura, S.D., Li, J.F., Song, C*., 2021. Role of social networks in building household livelihood resilience under payments for ecosystem services programs in a poor rural community in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, 208–225.
[18] Wang, Y., Zhang, Q., Sannigrahi, S., Li, Q., Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R., Li, J.F., Song, C*., 2021. Understanding the Effects of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation with a Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model. JASSS-The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 24(3).
[17] Zheng, L., Wang, Y*., Li, J*., 2021. How to achieve the ecological sustainability goal of UNESCO Global Geoparks? A multi-scenario simulation and ecological assessment approach using Dabieshan UGGp, China as a case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129779.
[16] Wang, J., Xu, Y., Zou, L., Wang, Y., 2021. Does Culture Affect Farmer Willingness to Transfer Rural Land? Evidence from Southern Fujian, China. Land 10.
[15] Wang, W.W, Gong, J., Wang, Y., Shen, Y., 2021. Exploring the effects of rural site conditions and household livelihood capitals on agricultural land transfers in China. Land Use Policy 108.
[14] Xiang, J., Li, X., Xiao, R., Wang, Y., 2021. Effects of land use transition on ecological vulnerability in poverty-stricken mountainous areas of China: A complex network approach. Journal of Environmental Management 297, 113206.
[13] Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Zhang, Q., Chakraborti, S., Wang, Y., Basu, B., Basu, A.S., Joshi, P.K., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Sutton, P.C., Bhatt, S., Rahmat, S., Jha, S., Singh, L.K., 2021. Examining the effects of green revolution led agricultural expansion on net ecosystem service values in India using multiple valuation approaches. Journal of Environmental Management 277, 111381.
[12] Wang, Y., Zhang, Q*., Bilsborrow, R.E., Tao, S., Chen, X, Kira, S.-W., Huang, Q., Li, J.F., Song, C*., 2020. Effects of payments for ecosystem services programs in China on rural household labor allocation and land use: Identifying complex pathways. Land Use Policy, 99, 105024.
[11] Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Tao, S., Bilsborrow, R.E., Qiu, T., Liu, C., Sannigrahi, S., Li, Q., Song, C., 2020. Divergent socioeconomic-ecological outcomes of China’s conversion of cropland to forest program in the subtropical mountainous area and the semi-arid Loess Plateau. Ecosystem Services 45.
[10] Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A.S., Sarkar, K., Chakraborti, S., Joshi, P.K., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Bhatt, S., Bhatt, A., Jha, S., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., 2020. Examining the effects of forest fire on terrestrial carbon emission and ecosystem production in India using remote sensing approaches. Science of the Total Environment 725, 138331.
[9] Sannigrahi, S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Basu, A.S., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Joshi, P.K., Chakraborti, S., Coscieme, L., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Sutton, P.C., 2020. Identification of Conservation Priority Zones Using Spatially Explicit Valued Ecosystem Services: A Case from the Indian Sundarbans. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 16(5), 773–787
[8] Sannigrahi, S., Zhang, Q., Joshi, P.K., Sutton, P.C., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Pilla, F., Basu, B., Wang, Y., Jha, S., Paul, S.K., Sen, S., 2020. Examining effects of climate change and land use dynamic on biophysical and economic values of ecosystem services of a natural reserve region. Journal of Cleaner Production 257.
[7] Sannigrahi, S., Zhang, Q., Pilla, F., Joshi, P.K., Basu, B., Keesstra, S., Roy, P.S., Wang, Y., Sutton, P.C., Chakraborti, S., Paul, S.K., Sen, S., 2020. Responses of ecosystem services to natural and anthropogenic forcings: A spatial regression based assessment in the world's largest mangrove ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 715, 137004.
[6] 朱晓南,刘艳中,汪樱,陈勇,张祚,2020. 武汉市生态系统服务功能对城市用地扩张的响应机理,长江流域资源与环境,29(07): 1515-1524.
[5] Wang, Y*., Bilsborrow, R.E., Zhang, Q., Li, J.F*., Song, C*., 2019. Effects of payment for ecosystem services and agricultural subsidy programs on rural household land use decisions in China: Synergy or trade-off? Land Use Policy, 81, 785-801.
[4] Wang, Y., Li, X.M*., Zhang, F*., Wang, W.W, Xiao, R*., 2019. Effects of rapid urbanization on ecological functional vulnerability of the land system in Wuhan, China: A flow and stock perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production, 248, 119284
[3] Wang, Y., Li, X.M*., Zhang, Q., Li, J.F*., Zhou, X.W, 2018. Projections of future land use changes: Multiple scenarios-based impacts analysis on ecosystem services for Wuhan city, China. Ecological Indicators, 94, 430-445.
[2] 雷彬, 李江风, 周学武, 赵栋, 汪樱, 2015. 湖北大别山(黄冈)国家地质公园地质遗迹资源特征及地学意义. 地球学报, 3: 376-383.
[1] 汪樱,李江风*,2013. 基于生态服务价值的乡镇土地利用功能分区——以湖北省神农架木鱼镇为例. 国土资源科技管理, 06: 20-27.
[2] 汪樱,农业环境政策与农户生计可持续转型研究, 中国农业出版社,出版时间2024,10;版号ISBN 978-7-109-32627-9
[1] Ying Wang, Weiwen Wang, Bin Yang, The Impact of Social and Ecological Factors on Coupled Human-Environment Systems, MDPI, Beijing, May 2023, ISBN978-3-0365-7653-4 (PDF), 394 pages (reprint of a Special Issue that was published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health)
[3] PLOS ONE期刊 (JCR Q1)学术编辑,2024/07-至今
[2] Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050)专刊“Regional Land Use Dynamics: The Natural Environment and Socioeconomic Perspectives”,客座编辑,2024/05-2025/02
[1] IJERPH (ISSN 1660-4601)专刊"The Impact of Social and Ecological Factors on Coupled Human-Environment Systems",客座编辑,2022/04-2023/03
[18] 2024年10月,李育龙,汪樱,口头报告:“Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists,Climate and Human Activities Shaping Carbon-Water-Food Interactions: Implications for Governance in the Yangtze River Basin and Its Sub-basins, China”
[17] 2024年9月,李育龙,汪樱,2024年中国地理学大会,口头报告:“量化气候变化和人类活动对长江流域水-粮-碳变化的综合影响”
[16] 2024年5月,王非凡,汪樱,2024’现代土地资源科学与工程学术研讨会,口头报告:“How geographic accessibility and rural governance mitigate the impact of multiple risks on rural households’ well-being: Evidence from the Dabie Mountains in China”
[15] 2024年4月,崔红萍,汪樱,中国区域科学协会区域可持续发展专业委员会2024学术年会,口头报告:“Livelihood sustainability of rural households in response to external shocks, internal stressors and geographical disadvantages: empirical evidence from rural China”
[14] 2024年4月,汪樱,中国区域科学协会区域可持续发展专业委员会2024学术年会,口头报告:“农户自然资源依赖、感知生态系统服务与生计福祉的关系研究”
[13] 2023年11月,汪樱,中国地理学会农业地理与乡村发展专业委员会学术年会,口头报告:“How do socioeconomic differentiation and rural governance affect households’ land transfer decisions? Evidence from China”
[12] 2023年8月,汪樱,中国农村发展高层论坛暨中国农村发展学会年会,口头报告:“农户感知生态系统服务与生计福祉的关系及其规划启示”
[11] 2023年8月,刘凌华,汪樱,第一届生态系统服务学术研讨会,口头报告:“国家水网工程建设背景下模拟土地利用变化对丹江口库区生态系统服务的影响”
[10] 2023年7月,汪樱,第一届《中国环境科学》青年论坛,口头报告:“Exploring the nexus between perceived ecosystem services and livelihood well-being for rural households in Dabie mountainous area, China”
[9] 2023年7月,汪樱,中国国土经济学会学术年会,口头报告:“农户生计韧性驱动机理及其生计环境效应”
[8] 2022年12月,刘冲冲,汪樱,中国地理学和农业地理与乡村发展学术年会,口头报告:“Role of Social Networks in Building Livelihood Resilience under Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Poor Rural Community in China”
[7] 2021年12月,汪樱,第七届“国际青年学者地大论坛”公共管理学院分论坛,口头报告:“Role of Social Networks in Building Livelihood Resilience under Payments for Ecosystem Services in a Poor Rural Community in China”
[6] 2021年4月,汪樱,美国地理学家学会(AAG)年会,口头报告:“Understanding the Effects of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation with a Spatially Explicit Agent-Based Model”
[5] 2021年4月,汪樱,国际景观生态学协会北美分会(IALE-NA)年会,口头报告:“Agent-Based Modeling to Assess Impacts of China's Agro-Environmental Policies on Rural Households' Labor and Land Allocation Decisions”
[4] 2019年5月,汪樱,土地政策SSCI期刊联合国际学术会议,口头报告:“农业环境政策影响下社会-生态系统演化研究——基于多智能体模型的政策实验”
[3] 2018年11月,汪樱,中国自然资源学会学术年会,口头报告:“基生态补偿政策和农业补贴政策对农户土地利用决策的交互影响研究:协同还是权衡?”
[2]2018年10月,汪樱,第十七届全国高校土地资源管理院长(系主任)联席会暨2018 年中国土地科学论坛,口头报告:“基于多智能体的农业环境政策影响下农户劳动力与土地资源配置决策机理研究”
[1] 2017年4月,汪樱,美国地理学家学会(AAG)年会,口头报告:“The Direct and Indirect Determinants of Rural Household Labor Allocation: A Case Study in Tiantangzhai Township, Anhui, China”
[13] 2024年12月:指导研究生张琪、刘冲冲获国家奖学金
[12] 2024年11月:指导研究生参加第三十五届科技论文报告会,王雅婧获校级一等奖,李育龙获校级二等奖,刘旭同获院级三等奖,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[11] 2024年11月:指导本科生团队参加第三十五届科技论文报告会,冯遇、边宇佳、柳泓宇、关雪怡获校级三等奖
[10] 2024年10月:指导研究生李育龙获“2024 Global Food Security Forum for Young Scientists” Best Student Paper
[9] 2024年9月:指导本科生团队“智壤绘梦队”参加2024年大学生暑期社会实践活动“乡村振兴专项”,获校级三等奖
[8] 2024年5月:指导本科生冯遇、关雪怡、边宇佳,获批中国地质大学(武汉)大学生创新训练计划项目立项
[7] 2023年11月:指导研究生参加第三十四届科技论文报告会,刘冲冲、王非凡获校级一等奖,崔红萍获校级二等奖,张琪、徐依楠获院级三等奖,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[6] 2023年6月:指导本科生孙嘉良获校级优秀毕业论文,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[5] 2023年5月:指导本科生孙嘉良参加第三十三届科技论文报告会,成果获校级特等奖,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[4] 2022年11月:指导本科生参加“国地杯”第四届全国大学生土地国情调查大赛荣获全国一等奖
[3] 2020年12月:指导国家级大学生创新训练项目精品项目1项,结题成果评定为“优秀”,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[2] 2019年1月:指导本科生参加第二十九届科技论文报告会,成果获校级特等奖,被评为“优秀指导教师”
[1] 2018年8月:指导少年游团队参加“学习之路”主题社会实践,成果获校级三等奖
[1] 2008.9-2012.6
中国地质大学(武汉) | 土地资源管理 | 工学学士学位 | 本科毕业
[2] 2010.9-2012.6
华中科学大学 | 建筑学 | 工学学士学位 | 本科毕业(双)
[3] 2012.9-2018.6
[4] 2015.12-2017.12
[1] 2018.10-2020.11
[2] 2020.12-至今
[1] 生态系统服务与农户可持续生计
[2] 人类—环境耦合系统演化
[3] 农村土地政策
[4] 多智能体模拟
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