Wang Dun

Doctoral Degree in Science

Doctoral Degree in Education


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Date of Employment:2016-06-01
Business Address:地勘楼219A


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主要从事观测地震学、人工智能地震学和地震地质等研究。近年来主要研究成果包括: 1. 实时地震学:提出并系统论证了一种新的大震震级标度和大震地震动场(烈度图)快速估计方法,在近年来全球大震减灾中取得了较好效果。 2. 诱发地震:三峡地区诱发地震的密集地震观测及中强震加密地震观测。 3. 大震震源物理及地震地质:利用高密度地震台网数据,系统分析了近年来全球大震震源的破裂过程及关键震源参数,比如破裂速度、破裂尺度、和持续时间等,发现了超剪切破裂广泛存在于大型走滑断层型地震中;提出了一种新的震源成像方法,显著提高了大震震源破裂过程的解析精度。 以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文30余篇,合作发表学术论文共计40余篇,主要发表于国际重要地学SCI期刊如EPSL、JGR、GRL、BSSA等主流杂志,被国际主流杂志广泛引用。获国家优秀自费留学生奖(2013)、日本学振会外国人特别研究基金(JSPS Fellowship, 2013)、自然资源部杰出青年人才(2018)、湖北省高层次人才计划(2019)、国家优青(2019)等荣誉。 目前主要研究方向为: 1. 实时地震学及人工智能地震学 基于近年来全球密集地震台网观测大数据,系统研究大震参数快速测定新方法。并基于实时地震数据流,探索快速地震减灾及海啸预警新方法。 2. 诱发地震 三峡地区微震监测及诱发地震机理研究 3. 大震破裂过程及地震地质 持续追踪近年来大震破裂过程特征,开发震源破裂研究新方法,深入认识大震破裂过程及其特征。 基于地震学、大地测量学(LiDAR、GPS等)数据,利用地震震源机制、地震精定位、精密测量等手段,研究发震断层、地震应力场及区域构造应力环境。课题组内学生国际交流访问机会多(加州大学、东京大学地震研究所、京都大学、日本统计数理研究所等),指导学生以第一作者在JGR-Solid Earth、SRL、BSSA等学界权威期刊发表SCI论文,多人次获国家奖学金、优秀毕业论文、优秀毕业生等荣誉。欢迎对地学大数据及地震减灾有浓厚兴趣并乐于为之付出艰辛努力的同学们加入我们!欢迎对实时地震减灾和地震地质有强烈兴趣的博士后加盟我们!行政及学术任职:未来技术学院副院长中国地震学会青年工作委员会副主任中国地震局地球物理研究所特聘专家中国地震局地震研究所科技委会成员地震预警湖北省重点实验室学术委员会成员中国地震学会地震地质专业委员会、中国地球物理学会地震学专业委员会等专业委员会委员SCI期刊《Journal of Earth Science》、EI期刊《地球科学》和《Earthquake Research Advances》副主编。《Earthquake Science》、《地震学报》、《地质科技通报》等期刊编委。教育及工作经历: 2010-2013 日本京都大学 博士研究生2004-2007 中国地震局地震研究所 硕士研究生2000-2004 中国地质大学(武汉)地质学基地班 本科2016-至今 中国地质大学@武汉 教授2013-2016 日本东京大学地震研究所 博士后研究员2007-2016 中国地震局地震研究所 助理研究员代表性论文:Peng Y., Wang, D.*, Takeuchi, N., Rivera, L. (2024). Slip Modeling of Large Earthquakes by Joint Inversion of W-phase and Back-projected Images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (In press).Chen, F., Wang, D.*, Yao, D.*, Liao W., and Na, H. (2024). Three Gorges Seismological Network: Monitoring Seismicity at the Three Gorges Reservoir Forebay. Seismological Research Letters (In press).Wan, Z., Dong, R., Wang, D.*, Xu, S., Wang, Z., & Wang, Q. (2024). Along‐Strike Variation of Rupture Characteristics and Aftershock Patterns of the 2023 M w 7.8 Türkiye Earthquake Controlled by Fault Structure. Seismological Research Letters, 95(4), 2071-2080.Cheng, C., Wang, D.*, Yao, Q., Fang, L.*, Xu, S.*, Huang, Z., Liu, T., Wang, Z. & Huang, X. (2023). The 2021 Mw 7.3 Madoi, China earthquake: Transient supershear ruptures on a presumed immature strike‐slip fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128(2), e2022JB024641.Wan, Z., Wang, D.*, Zhang, J., Li, Q., Zhao, L., Cheng, Y., Mori, J., Chen, F. and Peng, Y.(2023). Two‐Staged Rupture of the 19 October 2020 M w 7.6 Strike‐Slip Earthquake Illuminated the Boundary of Coupling Variation in the Shumagin Islands, Alaska. Seismological Research Letters, 94(1), pp.52-65.Chen, W., Wang, D*., Si, H., & Zhang, C. (2022). Rapid Estimation of Seismic Intensities Using a New Algorithm That Incorporates Array Technologies and Ground‐Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112(3), 1647-1661.Li, Y., Wang, D*., Xu, S., Fang, L., Cheng, Y., Luo, G., Yan, B., Enescu. B., and Mori, J. (2019). Thrust and Conjugate Strike‐Slip Faults in the 17 June 2018 MJMA 6.1 (Mw 5.5) Osaka, Japan, Earthquake Sequence. Seismological Research Letters, 90(6), 2132-2141.Yao, Q., Wang, D.*, Fang, L., & Mori, J. (2019). Rapid Estimation of Magnitudes of Large Damaging Earthquakes in and around Japan Using Dense Seismic Stations in ChinaRapid Estimation of Magnitudes of Large Damaging Earthquakes in and around Japan. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(6), 2545-2555.Wang, D.*, & Hutko, A. R. (2018). Relative relocations of the North Korean nuclear tests from 2006 to 2017 using the Hi‐Net array in Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(15), 7481-7487.Wang, D.*, Chen, Y., Wang, Q., & Mori, J. (2018). Complex rupture of the 13 November 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake: Comparison of high-frequency and low-frequency observations. Tectonophysics, 733, 100-107.Wang, D.*, Kawakatsu, H., Zhuang, J., Mori, J., Maeda, T., Tsuruoka, H., & Zhao, X. (2017). Automated determination of magnitude and source length of large earthquakes using backprojection and P wave amplitudes. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(11), 5447-5456.Wang, D.*, Kawakatsu, H., Mori, J., Ali, B., Ren, Z., & Shen, X. (2016). Backprojection analyses from four regional arrays for rupture over a curved dipping fault: The Mw 7.7 24 September 2013 Pakistan earthquake. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(3), 1948-1961.Wang, D.*, Takeuchi, N., Kawakatsu, H., & Mori, J. (2016). Estimating high frequency energy radiation of large earthquakes by image deconvolution back-projection. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449, 155-163.Wang, D.*, Mori, J., & Koketsu, K. (2016). Fast rupture propagation for large strike-slip earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 440, 115-126.Wang, D.*, & Mori, J. (2016). Short‐period energy of the 25 April 2015 M w 7.8 Nepal earthquake determined from backprojection using four arrays in Europe, China, Japan, and Australia. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 106(1), 259-266.Wang, D.*, & Mori, J. (2012). The 2010 Qinghai, China, earthquake: A moderate earthquake with supershear rupture. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(1), 301-308.Wang, D.*, Mori, J., & Uchide, T. (2012). Supershear rupture on multiple faults for the Mw 8.6 Off Northern Sumatra, Indonesia earthquake of April 11, 2012. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(21).Wang, D., & Mori, J.* (2011). Frequency‐dependent energy radiation and fault coupling for the 2010 Mw8. 8 Maule, Chile, and 2011 Mw9. 0 Tohoku, Japan, earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(22).Wang, D., & Mori, J. (2011). Rupture process of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake (Mw 9.0) as imaged with back-projection of teleseismic P-waves. Earth, planets and space, 63(7), 603-607.

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