陈思 (副教授)

副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师



毕业院校:中国地质大学(武汉);The University of Texas at Austin













陈思博士具有地球物理、地质的综合学术背景,长期从事含油气盆地方面的研究工作,近年来在层序地层和油气资源方面完成过一批重要的项目,作为项目负责人或第一技术负责人参与了多项国内外课题(含三项国家自然科学基金课题、多项国家科技重大专项及横向课题)的研究,研究区域包括南美洲厄瓜多尔、特立尼达、渤海湾盆地、酒泉盆地、中国南海莺歌海盆地等,研究内容主要涉及潮控三角洲精细刻画、断陷盆地构造转化带划分、沉积动力学过程、隐蔽油气藏预测等。在南美洲、美国犹他州、德州等区域开展了大量的野外地质工作。多次参与AAPGSPE年会等高水平的国际学术会议,并做口头报告,担任多个学术期刊审稿人。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文60余篇,独立撰写国际专著(Fluvial-Tidal Sedimentology)一个章节,总引用次数680余次。



1 潮控环境硅质碎屑沉积及层序地层学



1. 2018-2020 国家自然科学基金项目《琼东南盆地晚新生代陆架边缘陆坡生长沉积过程与体量计算》。

2. 2017-2020 国家科技重大专项课题《陆相深水储集体成因与地质评价新方法-研究任务三: 深水重力流水道-扇体沉积模式与储层地质评价》。

3. 2016-2018 国家科技重大专项《南堡凹陷高精度层序地层研究与有利构造-岩性圈闭预测》。

4. 2016-2017 中国石化西北油田分公司项目《塔西南寒武系沉积结构及早中寒武世烃源岩展布特征研究》。

5. 2015-2016 南美洲Orinoco三角洲陆架边缘沉积演化与源汇体系研究。

6. 2014-2016 厄瓜多尔安迪斯石油公司与美国德州大学合作项目:Ecuador Zamona M1 & M2 沉积体系及储层特征研究。

7. 2013-2014 南美洲Orinoco三角洲沉积特征时空演化研究-潮控三角洲部分。

8. 2012-2013 南美洲Orinoco海相潮控三角洲 Morne L'Enfer 组沉积充填特征及时空演化研究。

9. 2011-2012 中国石油冀东油田分公司项目《南堡1号构造Ng-Ed1沉积特征与储层评价》。

10. 2009-2010 中国石油玉门油田分公司项目《酒泉盆地青西凹陷和营尔凹陷下沟组构造古地貌、层序地层与沉积充填演化研究》。

11. 2007-2010 大港油田与中国地质大学(武汉)签订的重大基础地质研究项目《歧口富油气凹陷结构构造、层序地层及沉积体系研究》。

12. 2007-2009 中国石油冀东油田分公司项目《南堡凹陷构造古地貌、沉积体系、热动力学研究及有利勘探方向预测》。


2017年10月 法国-西班牙比利牛斯山脉前陆盆地河控三角洲野外考察;

2017年9月 湖北秭归野外专业地质实习;

2017年5月 新疆天山湖相泥岩沉积野外考察;

2015年7月 Trinidad and Tobago, Manzanilla Bay 海相潮汐沉积充填野外工作;

2014年11月 Green River and Price, Utah, 研究生课程野外实习;

2014年7月 Trinidad and Tobago, Mature Bay 海相潮汐河道沉积野外工作;

2013年10月 Shelf Deltaic to Deepwater-Slope in South Trinidad, Trinidad and Tobago.

2015年7月 Slope channel systems in Quinam Bay, Trinidad and Tobago.

2013年4月 Siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary environment in Guadalupe Mountain, New Mexico 研究生课程野外实习;

2013年3月 Carbonate deposits in Austin Texas.

2013年1月 Trinidad and Tobago, Mayaro Bay 海相潮控三角洲沉积野外工作;

2012年11月 Bastrop, Texas, Paleocene-Eocene 界面沉积环境野外考察;

2012年9月 Green River and Price, Utah, 研究生课程野外实习;

2012年5月 Trinidad and Tobago, Erin Bay, Cedros Bay 海相潮控三角洲沉积野外工作;

2012年3月 Trinidad and Tobago, Matura Bay, Mayaro Bay(浪控三角洲沉积)野外考察;


1. Chen, S., Zhao, R., Chen, C., Wang, H., Ma, J., Gong, T., & Yu, Z., 2023. Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Paleogene Qikou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, NE China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 148: 106057.

2. Yu, Z., Chen, S., Xie, W., Zhao, S., Ma, J., & Gong, T., 2022. Implication Linkage among Microfacies, Diagenesis, and Reservoir Properties of Sandstones: A Case Study of Dongying Formation, Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin. Energies, 15(20): 7751.

3. Xie, W., Wang, M., Chen, S., Vandeginste, V., Yu, Z., & Wang, H., 2022. Effects of gas components, reservoir property and pore structure of shale gas reservoir on the competitive adsorption behavior of CO2 and CH4. Energy, 254: 124242.

4. Xie, W., Chen, S., Vandeginste, V., Yu, Z., Wang, H., & Wang, M., 2022. Review of the Effect of Diagenetic Evolution of Shale Reservoir on the Pore Structure and Adsorption Capacity of Clay Minerals. Energy & Fuels, 36(9): 4728–4745. 

5. Chen, S., Steel, R.J., Olariu, C., Wang, H., Zhang, J., & Osman, A., 2022. Outer-shelf conduit within growth-fault compartment Pliocene Orinoco Delta. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 140: 105680.

6. Xie, W., Chen, S., Wang, M., Yu, Z. and Wang, H., 2021. Progress and Prospects of Supercritical CO2 Application in the Exploitation of Shale Gas Reservoirs. Energy & Fuels, 35(22): 18370-18384.

7. 巩天浩, 吴琳娜, 陈思, 潘凯, 余政宏, 张悦辉, 2021. 歧口凹陷中部沙一下亚段异重流沉积识别特征与控制因素分析. 地质科技通报: 1-15. (doi:10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0061)

8. Chen, S., Steel, R., Wang, H., Zhao, R., & Olariu, C., 2020. Clinoform growth and sediment flux into late Cenozoic Qiongdongnan shelf margin, South China Sea. Basin Research.(DOI: 10.1111/bre.12400)

9. Steel, R.J., Olariu, C., Zhang, J., & Chen, S., 2020. What is the topset of a shelf-margin prism? Basin Research, 32(2): 263-278.

10. Zhao, R., Chen, S., Olariu, C., Steel, R., Zhang, J., & Wang, H., 2019. A model for oblique accretion on the South China Sea margin; Red River (Song Hong) sediment transport into Qiongdongnan Basin since Upper Miocene. Marine Geology, 416: 106001.

11. Zhao, R., Chen, S., Wang, H., Gan, H., Wang, G., & Ma, Q., 2019. Intense faulting and downwarping of Nanpu Sag in the Bohai Bay Basin, eastern China: Response to the Cenozoic Stagnant Pacific Slab. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 109: 819-838.

12. Zhao, R., Chen, S., Wang, H., Yan, D., Cao, H., Gong, Y., He, J., & Wu, Z., 2019. Paleogene sedimentation changes in Lenghu Area, Qaidam Basin in response to the India–Eurasia collision. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 108(1): 27-48.

13. Chen, S., Steel, R., Olariu, C., & Li, S., 2018. Growth of the paleo-Orinoco shelf-margin prism: Process regimes, delta evolution, and sediment budget beyond the shelf edge. GSA Bulletin, 130(1-2): 35-63.

14. Wang, H., Chen, S., Huang, C., Shi, X., & Liao, Y., 2017. Architecture of sandstone bodies of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Northern Qikou Sag, Northeast China. Journal of Earth Science, 28(6): 1078-1085.

15. Chen, S., Steel, R., & Olariu, C., 2016. Upper-Slope to Shelf-Edge Delta Architecture, Miocene Cruse Formation, Orinoco Shelf-Margin, Trinidad. In Journal of Sedimentary Research. pp. 87–106.

16. Chen, S., Steel, R., & Olariu, C., 2015. Palaeo-Orinoco (Pliocene) Channels on the Tide-Dominated Morne L'Enfer Delta Lobes and Estuaries, SW Trinidad. In P. J. Ashworth, ed. Fluvial-Tidal Sedimentology. Elsevier, pp. 227–281.

17. Wang, H., Chen, S., Gan H., Liao J., & Sun M., 2015. Accumulation mechanism of large shallow marine turbidite deposits: A case study of gravity flow deposits of the Huangliu Formation in Yinggehai Basin. Earth Science Frontiers, 2015, 22(1): 21-34.

18. Chen, S., Steel, R. J., Dixon, J., & Osman, A., 2014, Facies and architecture of a tide-dominated segment of the Late Pliocene Orinoco Delta (Morne L'Enfer Formation) SW Trinidad: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 57, p. 208-232. (DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.05.014)

19. Chen, S., Wang, H., Wei, J., Lv, Z., Gan, H., & Jin, S., 2014, Sedimentation of the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation and its response to regional tectonics in the Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin, NW China: Cretaceous Research, v. 47, p. 72-86. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cretres.2013.11.006)

20. Chen, S., Wang, H., Wu, Y., Huang, C., Wang, J., Xiang, X., & Ren, P., 2014, Stratigraphic architecture and vertical evolution of various type structural slope breaks in Paleogene Qikou sag, Bohai bay basin, northeastern China: Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, v. 122, p. 567-584. (doi:10.1016/j.petrol.2014.07.003)

21. Jin, S., Wang, H., Cao, H., Chen, S., Lin, Z., Yu, J., & Pan, S., 2014, Sedimentation of the Paleogene Liushagang Formation and the response to regional tectonics in the Fushan Sag, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea: Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 107, no. 2, p. 112-130.

22. Jin, S., Wang, H., Chen, S., Gan, H., Lü, Z., & Cao, H., 2013, Control of anticline crest zone on depositional system and its geological significance for petroleum in Changshaling, Yinger sag, eastern Jiuquan Basin: Journal of Earth Science, v. 24, p. 947-961.

23. Chen, S., Wang, H., Zhou, L., Huang, C., Wang, J., Ren, P., & Xiang, X., 2012, Sequence thickness and its response to episodic tectonic evolution in Paleogene Qikou Sag, Bohaiwan Basin: Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition(SCI), v. 86, no. 5, p. 1077-1092.11.

24. Huang, C., Wang, H., Wu, Y., Wang, J., Chen, S., Ren, P., Liao, Y., Zhao, S., & Xia, C., 2012, Genetic types and sequence stratigraphy models of Palaeogene slope break belts in Qikou Sag, Huanghua Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, Eastern China: Sedimentary Geology (SCI), v. 261, p. 65-75. 7.

25. Chen, S., Wang, H., Zhou, L. H., Huang, C. Y., Ren, P. G., Wang, J. H., Liao, Y. T., Xiang, X. M., & Xia, C. Y., 2011, Recognition and depiction of special geologic bodies of Member 3 of Dongying Formation in Littoral Slope Zone, Qikou Sag: Journal of Central South University of Technology (SCI) (EI Compendex), v. 18, no. 3, p. 898-908.

26. Liu, E., Yue, Y., Huang, C., Zhou, Y., Liao, Y., Chen, S., Shi, X., & Ren, P., 2010. The Characteristics and Mechanism of the Subsidence of the Dongying Formation in the Qikou Sag: Geotectonica et Metallogenia (Compendex), v. 34, p. 563-572. (In Chinese)

27. Huang, C., Wang, H., Xiao, D., Chen, S., Wang, J., & Liao, Y., 2009, Syndepositional fault controlling on depositional filling of the third member of Shahejie Formation in Beitang sag: Journal of Earth Science (SCI-E), v. 20, p. 949-958.

28. Wang, H., Huang, C., Zhao, S., Yan, D., Bai, Y., Xiang, X., Chen, S., Xia, C., & Liao, J., 2009, Paleogeomorphy, provenance system and sedimentary system of the Dongying formation in the Qikou sag. Mining Science and Technology (EI), v. 19, p. 800-806.


2022年8月:21th. International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2022), Beijing, China. Oral: Outer-shelf conduit within growth-fault compartment Pliocene Orinoco Delta in Session T6-7: Mixed depositional processes in coastal to shelf environments.

2022年8月:21th. International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2022), Beijing, China. Invited talk: Estimating paleotidal constituents from well-preserved tidal rhythmites: Review and new data from Pliocene "tidal gauges" in the paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad in Session T6-7: Mixed depositional processes in coastal to shelf environments.

2021年4月:EGU General Assembly 2021, Gather Online. Virtual PICO: Clinoform growth and sediment flux of Late Cenozoic Yinggehai and Qiongdongnan shelf margins, Northern South China Sea in GM3.17 Processes and timescales of sediment production, transport, and deposition from source to sink.

2019年5月:2019 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), San Antonio, Texas. Poster: Mixed Tidal-Wave Processes in a Growth-Fault Controlled Outer Shelf Conduit Near the Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-Edge in Theme 1: Paralic and Shallow Marine Systems I: Process Variability and Impact on Reservoir Distribution and Architecture.

2018年10月:9th. International Conference on Asian Marine Geology, Shanghai, China. Poster: Growth-fault Controlled Outer Shelf Conduits near the Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-edge in When and how clastic detritusare transported from shelf-edge staging areasinto deep-waterareas: From a source-to-sink perspective.

2018年8月:20th. International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2018), Quebec City, Canada.  Poster: Double Intense Effect of Tectonic Activity and Sedimentation of Late Paleocene Dongying Formation, Nanpu Sag, Northeast China in 2.4 Lacustrine sedimentology: recent progress and new perspectives.

2018年8月:20th. International Sedimentological Congress (ISC2018), Quebec City, Canada.  Short Oral: Growth of the Late Miocene to Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Shelf-Margin Prism in 5.1-B 4-D Sedimentology: sources, sinks, and geologic time.

2018年4月:EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. SSP3-Sedimentology-Processes and Products, SSP3.5 Clinoform drivers and stratigraphic products in siliciclastic and carbonate successions, Clinoform Drivers of the Late Miocene toPliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta.

2017年10月:IMS-International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017, 33rd IAS & 16th ASF Joint Meeting, Toulouse, France. Poster: Sediment process and flux during shelf-edge clinoform growth since the Late Cenozoic, Qiongdongnan Basin margin, Northern South China Sea in SB2 Extensional to transtensional basins: rifts and passive margins (PAMELA-ACTION MARGE).

2017年4月:2017 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Houston. Poster: Unusually Well Preserved Tidal Signals and Tidal Constituents on Pliocene Paleo-Orinoco Delta, Trinidad in Theme 1: Siliciclastics: Continental to Shallow Marine II: Fluvial, Deltaic and Aeolian (SEPM).

2016年6月:2016 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Calgary, Canada. Poster: Paleo-Orinoco Shelf-Margin Growth- Process Regimes and Delta Evolution in Theme 1: Linkages between Continental, Shelf and Deepwater Sedimentary Systems (SEPM).

2015年10月:Bureau Seminar Talk, Bureau of Economic Geology (德州经济地质局). Invited talk: Onshelf to deepwater architecture of the late Miocene to Pliocene Orinoco Delta, Trinidad.

2015年6月:2015 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Denver. Poster: Upper-Slope to Shelf-Edge Delta Architecture of the Miocene Cruse Formation Orinoco Shelf- Margin, Trinidad.

2014年4月:2014 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition), Houston. Poster: Shelf Deltaic to Deepwater-Slope Architecture of the Miocene-Pliocene Orinoco Shelf-Margin, South Trinidad.

2013年4月:2013 SPE Western Regional/Pacific Section AAPG Joint Technical Conference, Monterey, CA. Oral: Fluvial and Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Insights from Outcrops and Subsurface Prediction in Theme 9: Fluvial and Shallow Marine Depositional Systems: Insights from Outcrops and Subsurface Prediction.

2013年2月:2nd Annual Jackson School Student Research Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

2012年10月:Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies and Gulf Coast Section of SEPM 62nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas.

2012年4月:2012 AAPG年会 (AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition),长滩会议中心,Long Beach, California. Poster: Sequence Patterns and Episodic Tectonic Evolution of Various Types Structural Slope-Break and Their Petroleum Geological Significance in Paleogene Qikou Sag, Bohaiwan Basin, East China in Theme 6: Petroleum System.


AAPG Bulletin

Basin research

Marine and Petroleum Geology

Journal of African Earth Sciences

Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Geologica Carpathica‏

Journal of Earth Sciences

Journal of Central South University of Technology

Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology


[1]   2003.9-2007.7

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  地球物理学专业  |  学士  |  大学本科毕业

[2]   2012.1-2013.12

The University of Texas at Austin  |  矿产普查与勘探  |  工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业
2012-2014: Exchanging Ph.D. in Sedimentology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin.

[3]   2007.9-2014.6

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  矿产普查与勘探  |  工学博士学位  |  博士研究生毕业
2007-2014: Ph.D. in Petroleum Geology, Faculty of Earth Resources, in successive postgraduate and doctoral program, China University of Geosciences.


[1]   2016.9-至今

中国地质大学(武汉)  |  资源学院石油系  |  特任副教授  |  在职

[2]   2014.6-2016.7

The University of Texas at Austin  |  Jackson School of Geosciences  |  博士后  |  全职
2014-2016: Postdoc in Sedimentology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin.


  • [1]   2018.7-至今    


  • [1]   基于高分辨率地震及钻井资料的沉积盆地分析

  • [2]   潮控环境硅质碎屑沉积及层序地层学

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