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Kunfu Pi joined the School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences in 2020. He received his B.Eng. in Applied Chemistry in 2011 and his Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering in 2016 from China University of Geosciences at Wuhan. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Ecohydrology Research Group, University of Waterloo, Canada.
His research focuses on the sources, environmental fate, transport, eco-environmental effects and health impacts of biologically significant trace elements (BIOSITE) and geogenic contaminants, spanning a spectrum of research themes from the smart, nano(bio)technology-based monitoring of BIOSITE in water and soil environments to their hydrobiogeochemical cycles across multiple observational scales combined with predictive modeling, and the development of novel in-situ remediation and management technologies for BIOSITE and geogenic contaminants in soil and groundwater systems. His research interest has recently been extended to cold-region hydrobiogeochemistry that employs multiple experimental and modeling tools to shed light on the impacts of interacted climate change and agricultural activities on soil and groundwater qualities in the world's cold regions.
China University of Geosciences  Environmental Science and Engineering  Doctoral Degree  Doctoral Degree
China University of Geosciences  Applied Chemistry  Bachelor's Degree  Bachelor's Degree
China University of Geosciences Faculty of Environmental Science and Engineering Deputy Director On
China University of Geosciences School of Environmental Studies Professor On
University of Waterloo Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Postdoctoral Researcher Completed
China University of Geosciences School of Environmental Studies Assistant Research Fellow Completed
Member of Professional Committee of Hydrogeochemistry, Chinese Society for Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Member of Professional Committee of Groundwater Science and Engineering, Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society
Youth Member of Editorial Board of Safety and Environmental Engineering
Invited reviewer for Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Hydrology, Applied Geochemistry, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Earth Science, among others
Member of Cold Regions Ecohydrogeology International Research Partnership
International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress Session Chair
Goldschmidt Conference Session Convener and Chair
AGU Fall Meeting Session Convener
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Hydrobiogeochemistry Research Group at CUG focuses on the sources, environmental fate, transport, eco-environmental effects and health impacts of biologically significant trace elements (BIOSITE) and geogenic contaminants, spanning a spectrum of research themes from the smart, nano(bio)technology-based monitoring of BIOSITE in water and soil environments to their biogeochemical cycles across multiple observational scales combined with predictive modeling, and the development of novel in-situ remediation and management technologies for BIOSITE and geogenic contaminants in soil and groundwater systems.
Hydrobiogeochemistry Research Group sincerely welcomes undergraduate students, postgraduates and early-career researchers who show interest in general hydrobiogeochemistry and water-soil pollution and prevention.
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