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罗银河(Yinhe Luo),男,汉族,出生于湖北省赤壁市,博士,教授,博士生导师



电子邮箱:luoyinhe@cug.edu.cn   办公室电话:027-67883703






















Xie, J., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., 2021, Retrieving PmP travel times from a persistent localized microseismic source. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(21), e2021GL094827.

Yang, X., Luo, Y., Zhao, K., 2021, 3D crustal and upper mantle model of East‐Central China from a joint inversion of surface and body waves and its tectonic implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021JB022667.

Rao, H., Luo, Y., Zhao, K., Yang, Y., 2021, Extracting surface wave dispersion curves from asynchronous seismic stations: method and application. Geophysical Journal International, 226(2), 1148-1158.

Zhao, K., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Yang, X., 2021, High-resolution lithospheric structures of the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt: Implications for deep subduction and delamination of continental lithosphere. Tectonophysics, 806, 228799.

Chen, G., Cheng, Q., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, H., Deng, X., 2021, Seismic imaging of the Caosiyao giant porphyry molybdenum deposit using ambient noise tomography. Geophysics, 86(6), B401-B412.

Liu, Y., Du, J., Hu, Z., Hu, D., Luo, Y., Chen, C., 2021, Crustal magma plumbing system beneath the Quaternary volcanic area (northern Hainan Island, China) revealed by magnetotelluric data. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 419, 107362.

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Xie, J., Yang, X., Ren, F., Zhao, K., & Xu, H., 2020, Evaluating Uncertainties of Phase Velocity Measurements from Cross‐Correlations of Ambient Seismic Noise. Seismological Research Letters, 91(3), 1717-1729.

Xu, H., Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Shen, W., Yin, X., Chen, G., Yang, X., Sun, S., 2020, Three‐dimensional crustal structures of the Shanxi Rift constructed by Rayleigh wave dispersion curves and ellipticity: Implication for sedimentation, intraplate volcanism, and seismicity. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(11), e2020JB020146.

Yang, X., Luo, Y., Xu, H., & Zhao, K., 2020, Shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy structures beneath the central Pacific from surface wave analysis of OBS records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 534, 116086.

Zhao, K., Yang, Y., Luo, Y., 2020, Broadband Finite Frequency Ambient Noise Tomography: A Case Study in the Western United States Using USArray Stations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(6), e2019JB019314.

Xie, J., Yang, Y., Luo, Y., 2020, Improving cross-correlations of ambient noise using an rms-ratio selection stacking method. Geophysical Journal International, 222(2), 989-1002.

Tang, C. C., Xu, H., Zhu, L., Huang, R., & Luo, Y., 2020, Detecting repeating aftershocks in the Three Gorges Reservoir region, Central China. Geophysical Journal International, 221(2), 1402-1411.

Luo, S., Zhu, L., Huang, R., Luo, Y., Jiang, X., & Hua, Y., 2019, Determination of crustal thickness and velocities by using receiver functions and PmP travel times. Geophysical Journal International, 216(2), 1304-1312.

Tang, C. C., Lin, L. C., Luo, Y., Liu, S., Xu, R., & Lin, C. H., 2019, Possible Earth‐Tide Modulations of Early Aftershocks in Southern Taiwan Short Note. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(4), 1571-1577.

Luo, Y., Lin, J., Yang, Y., Wang, L., Yang, X., & Xie, J., 2018, Joint Inversion of Active Sources and Ambient Noise for Near‐Surface Structures: A Case Study in the Balikun Basin, China. Seismological Research Letters, 89(6), 2256-2265.

Luo, Y., Zhao, K., Tang, C. C., & Xu, Y., 2018, Seismic evidence for multiple-stage exhumation of high/ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks in the eastern Dabie orogenic belt. Geophysical Journal International, 214(2), 1379-1390.

Xu, H., Luo, Y., Tang, C. C., Zhao, K., Xie, J., & Yang, X., 2018, Systemic Comparison of Seismometer Horizontal Orientations Based on Teleseismic Earthquakes and Ambient‐Noise Data Systemic Comparison of Seismometer Horizontal Orientations. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 108(6), 3576-3589.

Zhao, K., Luo, Y., Xie, J., 2017, Broad-band Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps (10–150 s) across the United States from ambient noise data. Geophysical Journal International, 208(2), 1265-1275.

Xu, Y., Zhu, L., Wang, Q., Luo, Y., Xia, J., 2017, Heat shielding effects in the Earth’s crust. Journal of Earth Science, 28(1), 161-167.

王奡,罗银河,吴树成等,2017,西准噶尔地区地震背景噪声源分析,地球物理学报,60(4): 1376-1388.

Wang, K., Luo, Y., & Yang, Y., 2016, Correction of phase velocity bias caused by strong directional noise sources in high-frequency ambient noise tomography: a case study in Karamay, China. Geophysical Journal International, 205(2), 715-727.

Luo, S., Luo, Y., Zhu, L., Xu, Y., 2016, On the reliability and limitations of the SPAC method with a directional wavefield. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 126, 172-182.

Xu, H., Luo, Y., Chen, C., Xu, Y., 2016, 3D shallow structures in the Baogutu area, Karamay, determined by eikonal tomography of short-period ambient noise surface waves. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 129, 101-110.

Xu, Z., Xia, J., Luo, Y., Cheng, F., Pan, Y., 2016, Potential Misidentification of Love-Wave Phase Velocity Based on Three-Component Ambient Seismic Noise. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 173(4), 1115-1124.

Cheng, F., Xia, J., Luo, Y., Xu, Z., Wang, L., Shen, C., ... Hu, Y., 2016, Multichannel analysis of passive surface waves based on crosscorrelations. Geophysics, 81(5), EN57-EN66.

Hu, Y., Wang, L., Cheng, F., Luo, Y., Shen, C., Mi, B., 2016, Ground-roll noise extraction and suppression using high-resolution linear Radon transform. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 128, 8-17.

Xu, Y., Zhang, S., Griffin, W. L., Yang, Y., Yang, B., Luo, Y., ...Lei, B., 2016, How did the Dabie Orogen collapse? Insights from 3‐D magnetotelluric imaging of profile data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(7), 5169-5185.

Xu, Y., Yang, B., Zhang, S., Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Huang, R., ...Luo, Y., 2016, Magnetotelluric imaging of a fossil paleozoic intraoceanic subduction zone in western Junggar, NW China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(6), 4103-4117.

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Xu, Y., Xu, H., Zhao, K., Wang, K., 2015, On the limitations of interstation distances in ambient noise tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 201(2), 652-661.

Luo, Y., Yang, Y., Zhao, K., Xu, Y., Xia, J., 2015, Unraveling overtone interferences in Love-wave phase velocity measurements by radon transform. Geophysical Journal International, 203(1), 327-333.

徐义贤,罗银河2015噪声地震学方法及其应用,地球物理学报,58(8): 2618-2636.

Wang, L., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., 2015, Numerical Investigation of 3D multichannel analysis of surface wave method, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 119, 156-169.

Wang, L., Xu, Y., Xia, J., Luo, Y., 2015, Effect of near-surface topography on high-frequency Rayleigh-wave propagation, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116, 93-103.

Wang, K., Luo, Y., Zhao, K., Zhang, L., 2014, Body Waves Revealed by Spatial Stacking on Long-Term Cross-Correlation of Ambient Noise, Journal of Earth Science, 25(6): 977-984.

Huang, R., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., Jiang, X., 2014, Mantle Transition Zone Structure Beneath Southeastern China and its Implications for Stagnant Slab and Water Transportation in the Mantle, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171(4): 2129-2136.

Luo, Y., Y. Xu, Y. Yang, 2013, Crustal radial anisotropy beneath the Dabie orogenic belt from ambient noise tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 195, 1149-1164.

Luo, Y., Y. Xu, Y. Yang, 2012, Crustal structure beneath the Dabie orogenic belt from ambient noise tomography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 313-314, 12-22.

Wang, L., Luo, Y., Xu, Y., 2012, Numerical Investigation of Rayleigh-wave propagation on topography surface, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 86: 88-97.

Xia, J., Xu, Y., Luo, Y., Miller, R.D., Cakir, R., Zeng, C., 2012, Advantages of using multichannel analysis of Love waves (MALW) to estimate near-surface shear-wave velocity, Surveys in Geophysics, 33(5): 841-860.

Luo, Y., Xia, J., Xu, Y., Zeng, C., 2011, Analysis of group-velocity dispersion of high-frequency Rayleigh waves for near-surface applications, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 74(2): 157-165.

Zhang, K., Luo, Y., Xia, J., Chen, C., 2011, Pseudo spectral modeling and dispersion analysis of Rayleigh waves in viscoelastic media, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 31(10): 1332-1337.

Luo, Y., Xia, J., Xu, Y., Zeng, C., and Liu, J., 2010, Finite-difference Modeling and Dispersion Analysis of High-frequency Love Waves for Near-surface Applications, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 67(12): 1525-1536.

Liu, Q., Zeng, Q., Zheng, J., Yang, T., Qiu, N., Liu, Z., Luo, Y., Jin, Z., 2010, Magnetic properties of serpentinized garnet peridotites from the CCSD main hole in the Sulu ultrahigh‐pressure metamorphic belt, eastern China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 115(B6).

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Gender : Male

Alma Mater : 中国地质大学(武汉)

Education Level : Doctoral Degree in Education

Degree : 博士学位

Status : Employed

School/Department : 地球物理与空间信息学院

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