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副教授 硕士生导师
主要任职 : 教学、科研
曾获荣誉 : 中山大学优秀博士生毕业论文、博士生国家奖学金、中山大学优秀研究生、新疆优秀工程勘察设计行业奖二等奖
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : 中山大学
学历 : 博士研究生
学位 : 理学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 环境学院
学科 : 大气科学 地理科学
办公地点 : 未来城校区环境学院科教4楼416
联系方式 : kongdd.sysu@gmail.com
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个人简介Personal Profile
孔冬冬,中国地质大学大气科学系,副教授。主要研究方向为极端水文气象事件,以及生态水文学。论文方面,第一/通讯论文15篇,12篇发表在中科院一区期刊或Nature Index期刊(包括GRL、JGR-A、JC、RSE、AFM、ISPRS、MEE、等);3篇合作论文发表在Science、Nature Water、PNAS国际顶尖期刊。Google Scholar总引次数2388,H指数24,高被引文章1篇,引用次数>100文章6篇。博士毕业论文《青藏高原植被物候的变化规律、影响因素与生态水文效应》,入选中山大学优秀博士毕业论文。主持国家自然科学基金1项、湖北省自然科学基金1项;参与国家重点研发计划课题1项(排名第2),参与国家自然科学面上项目2项(1项已结题)。获省部级奖项1项、行业设计奖1项。
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=B5OpmAoAAAAJ
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dongdong_Kong
GitHub: https://github.com/kongdd
Kong, D., Xie, Y., Gu, X., Slater, L., Ci, H., & Song, H. (2024). Contribution of Anthropogenic Activities to the Intensification of Heat Index‐Based Spatiotemporally Contiguous Heatwave Events in China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(3), e2023JD040004.(Nature Index)
Liu, J., Feng, X., Gu, X., Zhang, J., Slater, L. J., & Kong, D.* (2022). Detection and Attribution of Human Influence on the Global Diurnal Temperature Range Decline. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(13). (中科院一区)
Song, H., Kong, D.*, Xiong, L., Gu, X., & Liu, J. (2022). Inter-Comparison of Diverse Heatwave Definitions in the Analysis of Spatiotemporally Contiguous Heatwave Events over China. Remote Sensing, 14(16), 4082.
Feng, S., Gu, X.*, Luo, S., Liu, R., Gulakhmadov, A., Slater, L. J., Kong D.* (2022). Greenhouse Gas Emissions Drive Global Dryland Expansion but Not Spatial Patterns of Change in Aridification. Journal of Climate, 35(20), 2901–2917. (中科院一区)
Li, C., Gu, X., Slater, L. J., Liu, J., Li, J., Zhang, X., & Kong, D.* (2022). Urbanization-induced increases in heavy precipitation are magnified by moist heatwaves in an urban agglomeration of East China. Journal of Climate, 1–37. (中科院一区)
Kong, D., Gu, X., Li, J., Ren, G., & Liu, J. (2020). Contributions of Global Warming and Urbanization to the Intensification of Human‐Perceived Heatwaves Over China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125(18). (Nature Index)
Zhang, Y.*, Kong, D.*, Gan, R., Chiew, F. H. S., McVicar, T. R., Zhang, Q., & Yang, Y. (2019). Coupled estimation of 500 m and 8-day resolution global evapotranspiration and gross primary production in 2002–2017. Remote Sensing of Environment, 222, 165–182.(中科院一区,高被引)
Xiao, M., & Kong, D.* (2021). Improvement in the Estimation of Daily Net Surface Radiation in China. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(3), 04021002.
Liu, J., You, Y., Li, J., Sitch, S., Gu, X., Nabel, J. E. M. S., et al, Kong D.*. (2021). Response of global land evapotranspiration to climate change, elevated CO2, and land use change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 311, 108663. (中科院一区)
Liu, J., Zhang, J., Kong, D.*, Feng, X., Feng, S., & Xiao, M. (2021). Contributions of Anthropogenic Forcings to Evapotranspiration Changes Over 1980–2020 Using GLEAM and CMIP6 Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(22).
Kong, D., McVicar, T. R., Xiao, M., Zhang, Y., Peña‐Arancibia, J. L., Filippa, G., et al. (2022). phenofit : An R package for extracting vegetation phenology from time series remote sensing. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13(7), 1508–1527. (中科院一区)
Kong, D., Zhang, Y., Wang, D., Chen, J., & Gu, X. (2020). Photoperiod Explains the Asynchronization Between Vegetation Carbon Phenology and Vegetation Greenness Phenology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125(8).
Kong, D., Zhang, Y., Gu, X., & Wang, D. (2019). A robust method for reconstructing global MODIS EVI time series on the Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 155, 13–24. (中科院一区)
Zhang, Q.*, Kong, D.*, Shi, P., Singh, V. P., & Sun, P. (2018). Vegetation phenology on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its response to climate change (1982–2013). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248, 408–417.(中科院一区)
Kong, D., Zhang, Q., Singh, V. P., & Shi, P. (2017). Seasonal vegetation response to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere (1982–2013). Global and Planetary Change, 148, 1–8.(中科院一区)
Zhang, Q., Kong, D., Singh, V. P., & Shi, P. (2017). Response of vegetation to different time-scales drought across China: Spatiotemporal patterns, causes and implications. Global and Planetary Change, 152, 1–11. (中科院一区)
Yongqiang Zhang, Congcong Li, Francis H. S. Chiew, David A. Post, Xuanze Zhang, Ning Ma, Jing Tian, Dongdong Kong, L. Ruby Leung, Qiang Yu, Jiancheng Shi, Changming Liu. “Southern Hemisphere Dominates Recent Decline in Global Water Availability.” Science, 382 (6670), (November 3, 2023): 579–584.(Science正刊,排名8/12)
Yongqiang Zhang, Hongxing Zheng, Xuanze Zhang, L. Ruby Leung, Changming Liu, Chunmiao Zheng, Yuhan Guo, Francis H. S. Chiew, David Post, Dongdong Kong, Hylke E. Beck, Congcong Li, Günter Blöschl. “Future Global Streamflow Declines Are Probably More Severe than Previously Estimated.” Nature Water, 1(3), (February 2, 2023): 261–271.(Nature子刊,排名10/13)
Yangchen Lai, Jianfeng Li, Xihui Gu, Yongqin David Chen, Dongdong Kong, Thian Yew Gan, Maofeng Liu, Qingquan Li, and Guofeng Wu. “Greater Flood Risks in Response to Slowdown of Tropical Cyclones over the Coast of China.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(26), (June 30, 2020): 14751–14755.(美国科学院刊,排名5/9)
史嘉琪;创新训练项目项目选题(2022),机器学习与传统水文模型短时径流预报研究 (省级,5000元)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 碳水耦合过程中光周期对区域蒸散发影响机理研究(项目号: 42101052), 30万, 2022.01-2024.12, 主持
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费, 植被光合与蒸腾耦合过程改进与全球三层蒸散发数据研发(项目号: CUG2106107), 20万, 2020.07-2023.06, 主持
3. 湖北省自然科学基金青年基金,城市扩张与水体萎缩双重驱动下武汉市热浪风险研究,2021.10-2023.09,主持
4. 国家重点研发计划课题, 从海洋干旱到内陆干旱的传播过程、机制及预测—以中亚为例,100万,2023.07-2023.12,参与,排名第2
孔冬冬,张永强,甘蓉. 基于 Google Earth Engine 云平台的第二代 Penman-Monteith-Leuning(PML-V2)碳水耦合蒸散发模型软件. 2021
王立诚, 顾西辉, 刘剑宇, 孔冬冬. 基于耦合模型集成模拟的洪水对社会经济影响的评估方法. 国家发明专利, 申请号201911078355.1, 2019
GEE (Google Earth Engine)
gee_PML,基于GEE平台的Penman-Monteith-Leuning陆面蒸散发模型PML-V2, https://github.com/gee-hydro/gee_PML
gee_whittaker, 基于GEE平台的遥感植被指数除噪算法,https://github.com/gee-hydro/gee_whittaker
Google Earth Engine遥感数据挖掘、机器学习算法
欢迎大气科学、水文学、地理信息科学、自然地理学、数学、计算机科学等背景的同学报考或交流学习(kongdd.sysu at gmail.com)。