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曾获荣誉 : 中国地质大学(武汉)优秀博士学位论文(2020年);中国地质大学(武汉)2016届和2020届优秀毕业生;湖北省优秀学士学位论文(2014年)
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(武汉)
学历 : 博士研究生
学位 : 理学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
入职时间 : 2020年09月01日
学科 : 地质学
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黄波,男,1991年生,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师,“地大学者”青年优秀人才。主要从事前寒武纪地质学和大地构造学研究,围绕前寒武纪-显生宙地壳演化、地球动力学体制演变及其资源环境效应等前沿科学问题,开展地质观测、定量模拟和大数据等学科交叉综合研究。成果以第一作者发表于国际期刊Nature Communications (2篇)、Earth and Planetary Science Letters、GSA Bulletin、Precambrian Research、Tectonophysics和国内期刊《岩石学报》《地质科学》等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(2025-2028)、青年科学基金项目(2022-2024)和湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2024-2026),参与国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目(2023-2028)。
ResearchGate、 Google Scholar、ORCID
Huang, B.*, Liu, M., Kusky, T.M., Johnson, T.E., Wilde, S.A., Fu, D., Deng, H., Qian, Q., 2023. Changes in orogenic style and surface environment recorded in Paleoproterozoic foreland successions. Nature Communications, 14, 7997. [Nature Index期刊] [链接] [中文]
Huang, B.*, Johnson, T.E., Wilde, S.A., Polat, A., Fu, D., Kusky, T.*, 2022. Coexisting divergent and convergent plate boundary assemblages indicate plate tectonics in the Neoarchean. Nature Communications, 13, 6450. [Nature Index期刊] [链接] [中文]
Zhou, W., Huang, B.*, Wei, Y., Li, H., Tan, M., Fu, D., 2021. Paleoproterozoic ophiolitic mélanges and orogenesis in the northern Yangtze Craton: Evidence for the operation of modern-style plate tectonics. Precambrian Research, 364, 106385.
Huang, B., Kusky, T.M.*, Johnson, T.E., Wilde, S.A., Wang, L., Polat, A., Fu, D., 2020. Paired metamorphism in the Neoarchean: a record of accretionary-to-collisional orogenesis in the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 543, 116355. [Nature Index期刊]
Huang, B., Kusky, T.*, Wang, L., Polat, A., Fu, D., Windley, B., Deng, H., Wang, J., 2019. Structural relationships and kinematics of the Neoarchean Dengfeng forearc and accretionary complexes, southern North China craton. GSA Bulletin, 131(5-6): 966-996.
Huang, B., Kusky, T.M.*, Wang, L., Deng, H., Wang, J., Fu, D., Peng, H., Ning, W., 2019. Age and genesis of the Neoarchean Algoma-type banded iron formations from the Dengfeng greenstone belt, southern North China Craton: Geochronological, geochemical and Sm–Nd isotopic constraints. Precambrian Research, 333, 105437.
Huang, B.*, Fu, D., Kusky, T.M., Ruan, K., Zhou, W., Zhang, X., 2018. Sedimentary provenance in response to Carboniferous arc-basin evolution of East Junggar and North Tianshan belts in the southwestern Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Tectonophysics, 722: 324–341.
黄波, 付冬, 李树才, 葛梦春, 周文孝, 2016. 内蒙古贺根山蛇绿岩形成时代及构造启示. 岩石学报, 32: 158–176. [F5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文] [中国知网学术精要高PCSI论文、高被引论文]
黄波, 付冬, 周文孝, 宁文彬, 2021. 蛇绿混杂岩内基性岩锆石年龄的复杂性:以内蒙古贺根山蛇绿岩为例. 地质科学, 56(2): 596-614.
Fu, D.*, Huang, B., Wilde, S.A., Johnson, T.E., Polat, A., Windley, B.F., Hu, Z., Zhou, Z., Kusky, T.M.*, 2023. The tempo of back-arc basin evolution: Insights from the early Paleozoic Proto-Tethyan North Qilian orogenic belt, northeastern Tibet. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 603, 117976. [Nature Index期刊]
Fu, D.*, Huang, B., Johnson, T.E., Wilde, S., Jourdan, F., Polat, A., Windley, B.F., Hu, Z., and Kusky, T.*, 2021. Boninitic blueschists record subduction initiation and subsequent accretion of an arc-forearc in the northeast Proto-Tethys Ocean. Geology. 50(1): 10-15. [Nature Index期刊]
Fu, D.*, Huang, B., Kusky, T.M.*, Li, G., Wilde, S.A., Zhou, W., Yu, Y., 2018. A Middle Permian Ophiolitic Mélange Belt in the Solonker Suture Zone, Western Inner Mongolia, China: Implications for the Evolution of the Paleo-Asian Ocean. Tectonics, 37(5): 1292–1320.
Fu D., Huang, B., Peng, S.B.*, Kusky, T.M., Zhou, W., Ge, M., 2016. Geochronology and geochemistry of late Carboniferous volcanic rocks from northern Inner Mongolia, North China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications.Gondwana Research, 36: 545–560.
Zhou, H., Zhou, W., Wei, Y., Chi Fru, E., Huang, B., Fu, D., Li, H., Tan, M., 2022. Mesoarchean banded iron-formation from the northern Yangtze Craton, South China and its geological and paleoenvironmental implications. Precambrian Research, 383, 106905.
Kusky, T., Wang, J., Wang, L., Huang, B., Ning, W., Fu, D., Peng, H., Deng, H., Polat, A., Zhong, Y., Shi, G., 2020. Mélanges through time: Life cycle of the world's largest Archean mélange compared with Mesozoic and Paleozoic subduction-accretion-collision mélanges. Earth-Science Reviews, 103303.
Fu, D., Kusky, T.*, Wilde, S.A., Windley, B.F., Polat, A., Huang, B., Z. Zhou., 2020. Structural anatomy of the early Paleozoic Laohushan ophiolite and subduction complex: Implications for accretionary tectonics of the North Qilian orogenic belt. GSA Bulletin, 132(9-10): 2175-2201.
Peng, H., Kusky, T.*, Deng, H., Wang, L., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Huang, B., Ning, W., 2020. Identification of the Neoarchean Jianping pyroxenite-mélange in the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton: A fore-arc accretional assemblage. Precambrian Research, 336, 105495.
Ning, W., Kusky, T., Wang, J., Wang, L., Deng, H., Polat, A., Huang, B., Peng, H., Feng, P., 2020. From subduction initiation to arc–polarity reversal: Life cycle of an Archean subduction zone from the Zunhua ophiolitic mélange, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 350, 105868.
Deng, H.*, Kusky, T.*, Polat, A., Lan, B., Huang, B., Peng, H., Wang, J., Wang, S., 2019. Magmatic record of Neoarchean arc-polarity reversal from the Dengfeng segment of the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 326: 105-123.
Fu, D., Kusky, T.M.*, Wilde, S.A., Polat, A., Huang, B. and Zhou, Z., 2019. Early Paleozoic collision-related magmatism in the eastern North Qilian orogen, northern Tibet: A linkage between accretionary and collisional orogenesis. GSA Bulletin, 131(5-6): 1031-1056.
Ning, W., Wang, J.*, Xiao, D., Li, F., Huang, B., Fu, D., 2019. Electron Probe Microanalysis of Monazite and Its Applications to U-Th-Pb Dating of Geological Samples. Journal of Earth Science, 30(5): 952-963.
Zhao, X., Zhou, W., Fu, D., Huang, B., Ge, M., 2018. Isotope Chronology and Geochemistry of the Lower Carboniferous Granite in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Earth Science, 29(2): 280-294.
Zhou, W., Zhao, X., Fu, D., Sun, J., Li, Z., Huang, B., Ge, M., 2018. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Carboniferous Ulann Tolgoi granite complex from northern Inner Mongolia, China: Petrogenesis and tectonic implications for the Uliastai continental margin. Geological Journal, 53(6): 2690-2709.
黄波, 地球早期壳幔动力学演化的地质观测与大数据约束. 第二届数据驱动与地学发展全国学术研讨会, 2024.09, 北京, 专题共同召集人,口头报告.
黄波, 华北克拉通南部新太古代和古元古代两期造山作用及板块构造样式研究进展. 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十届变质岩石学专业委员会2024年学术研讨会, 2024.04, 敦煌, 口头报告.
黄波, 新太古代-古元古代板块构造样式与圈层相互作用——以华北克拉通为例. 第四届构造地质学与地球动力学学术论坛, 2024.03, 珠海, 特邀报告.
黄波, 新太古代-古元古代板块构造样式演变及圈层相互作用. 《地球科学》青年学者论坛第27期, 2024.01, 武汉, 口头报告. [视频]
Huang, B., The Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic two-stage orogenesis and plate tectonic styles in the southern North China Craton. Continental Crust Evolution and Early Plate Tectonics 2023 International Symposium (CCE-EPT 2023, 大陆地壳演化与早期板块构造2023年国际学术研讨会), 2023.10, Beijing, 口头报告, 议题二主持人.
黄波, 板片熔融、TTG成因和太古宙地壳生长. 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十八届学术年会, 2023.04, 合肥, 口头报告.
黄波, 离散-汇聚板块边界共生岩石组合指示新太古代板块构造. 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第十届变质岩石学专业委员会2023年学术研讨会, 2023.04, 宜昌, 口头报告.
黄波, 华北克拉通南缘新太古代双变质作用:对增生碰撞造山过程的启示. 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第九届变质岩石学专业委员会2021年学术研讨会, 2021.04, 西安, 口头报告.
黄波, 华北克拉通南缘新太古代双变质作用:对增生碰撞造山过程的启示. 第三届构造地质学与地球动力学青年学术论坛, 2020.09, 杭州(线上), 特邀报告.
Huang, B., Kusky, T.M., Wang, L. and Fu, D., Neoarchean intra-oceanic subduction–accretion and arc–continent collision in the southern North China Craton. In AGU Fall Meeting, 2019, December. Abstract.
黄波, 华北克拉通南部新太古代末期洋内俯冲增生及弧陆碰撞:来自登封绿岩带的制约. 第一届构造地质学与地球动力学青年学术论坛, 2018.03, 昆明, 口头报告及展板.
Huang, B., Kusky, T.M., Structure and Kinematics of the late Archean Dengfeng subduction-accretion complex, southern North China Craton. In International Symposium on Constraints on Archean Tectonic Style, 2017.09, Wuhan, Poster and field excursion.
澳大利亚科廷大学:Tim E. Johnson教授(变质地质学、相平衡模拟)、Simon A. Wilde教授(地质和地球化学,约翰·科廷杰出名誉教授)
加拿大温莎大学:Ali Polat教授(岩石地球化学,Lithos主编)
《地球科学》《Journal of Earth Science》青年编委(2024年1月起)
Earth-Science Reviews、GSA Bulletin、Chemical Geology、Lithos、Precambrian Research、Scientific Reports、International Geology Review、Geological Magazine、Journal of Earth Science、地球科学等10余个国内外学术期刊审稿人