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副教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师
曾获荣誉 : 2020年,获中国地质大学(资源学院)最美青年教工、2018年获得“中国地质大学(武汉)地大好声音三等奖”、2017年获得“中国地质大学(北京)优秀毕业生”、“”木村次郎雄奖学金“”“优秀毕业论文“;””2016年获得“教育部博士研究生国家奖学金”、“研究生科技创新奖励基金二等奖”、“研究生学业奖学金一等奖”;2015年获得“教育部博士研究生国家奖学金”、“科技创新标兵”、“三好学生”、“研究生科技创新奖励基金三等奖”、“研究生学业奖学金一等奖”。
性别 : 男
毕业院校 : 中国地质大学(北京)
学历 : 研究生(博士)毕业
学位 : 工学博士学位
在职信息 : 在职
所在单位 : 资源学院
入职时间 : 2017年07月03日
学科 : 矿产普查与勘探
联系方式 : fuhj@cug.edu.cn
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中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院副教授,博士研究生导师、硕士研究生导师,地大学者青年拔尖人才(B类)计划入选者,科学技术发展院副院长(挂职),学院工会副主席,2024年学校最受欢迎老师。主要从事深部煤层气勘探与开发、页岩油气、储层地质评价、油气富集成藏、煤层气生物工程等方面的教学与研究工作。截止目前,以第一/通讯作者《GSA Bulletin》、《AAPG Bulletin》、《International Journal of Coal Geology》、《Fuel》、《Marine and Petroleum Geology》等地质领域重要期刊发表论文20余篇。其中,web of science H指数20,SCI论文引用频次1000余次,单篇高被引论文引用230余次。主持或骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、青年项目多项,主持省部级科技重大专项1项,中石油科技创新基金1项,企业横向课题若干。目前担任国际SCIE期刊《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》科学编辑、中文EI期刊《石油与天然气地质》青年编委、中文EI期刊《天然气工业》青年编委、中文EI期刊《煤田地质与勘探》青年编委、中文核心期刊《东北石油大学学报》青年编委、新疆煤田地质局煤层研发中心高级顾问,以及AAPG Bulletin、International Journal of Coal Geology、Marine and Petroleum Geology等多个SCI期刊审稿人。
1、新疆科技重大专项: 深部煤层气储层渗透性动态变化规律及气水产出机理(2024-2026),负责人,在研。
14、十三五油气重大科技专项:准噶尔、三塘湖盆地中低煤阶煤层气富集规律与主控因素, 2016ZX05041(2016.1-2018.12),主要技术骨干,结题。
16、 横向课题:中低煤阶煤样品的等温吸附-解吸与孔径分析实验研究,(2019.5-至今),负责人,结题。
23、Yin Yuan, Haijiao Fu*, Detian Yan, et al. The constraints of sedimentary environment on the evolution of bauxite reservoir characteristics within the benxi formation in the Linxing area, Ordos Basin, China. Energy Science Engineering. 2024, 1-12.
22、Haijiao Fu*, Kangjun Yang, Yueguo Li, Detian Yan*, et al. Geochemical and Biological Evidence for the Presence of Secondary Microbial Gas in Anthracite: A Case Study in the Songta Block, Northern Qinshui Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2024, 291.
21、Yueguo Li, Haijiao Fu*, Xianbo Su, Detian Yan, Gang Wang, Quan Li, Xiaoming Wang, Microbial coalbed gas and its geological formation process in the Jimsar region of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, in press.
20、Zhou Yixuan, Xianbo Su, Weizhong Zhao*, Lufei Wang, Haijiao Fu*, Enhanced coal biomethnantion by microbial electrolysis and graphene in the anaerobic digesition. Renewable Energy, 2023, 219:119527.
19、Haijiao Fu*, Detian Yan, Xianbo Su*, et al. Biodegradation of early thermogenic gas and generation of secondary microbial gas in the Tieliekedong region of the northern Tarim Basin, NW China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2022, In press.
18、Haijiao Fu*, Yeuguo Li, Xianbo Su, Detian Yan, et al. Environmental conditions and mechanisms restricting microbial methanogenesis in the miquan region of southern Junggar Basin, NW China. GSA Bulletin, 2022, In press.
17、Yeuguo Li, Haijiao Fu*, Xianbo Su, Detian Yan, et al. Effects of Simulated Surface Freshwater Environment on In situ Microorgannisms and Their Methanogenesis after Tectonic Uplift of a Deep Seam. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2022, In press.
16、Haijiao Fu*, Detian Yan, Chenpeng Yao, et al. Pore structure and multi-scale fractal characteristics of adsorbed pores in marine shale: A case study of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale in the Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021, In press.
15、Haijiao Fu, Detian Yan*, Shuguang Yang, et al. A study of the gas-water characteristics and their implications for the CBM accumulation modes in the southern Junggar Basin, China. AAPG Bulletin, 2021, 105(1):189-221 (T1)
14、Fu H*, Yan D, Yang S, Wang X, Zhang Z, Sun M. Characteristics of in situ stress and its influence on coalbed methane development: A case study in the eastern part of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Energy Science Engineering. 2019;00:1–15.
13、Haijiao Fu*, Dazhen Tang, Zhejun Pan,et al.A study of hydrogeology and its effect on coalbed methane enrichment in the southern Junggar Basin, China, (in press; preliminary version published online Ahead of Print 13 July 2018): AAPG Bulletin, doi: 10.1306/06071817190.
12、Haijiao Fu*, Dazhen Tang, Ting Xu, et al. Preliminary research on CBM enrichment models of low-rank coal and its geological controls: A case study in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017, 83: 97-110.
11、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang*, Ting Xu, et al. Characteristics of the pore structure and fractal dimension of low-rank coal: A case study of Lower Jurassic Xishanyao coal in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China. FUEL, 2017, 193: 254-264. (高被引论文)
10、Haijiao Fu*, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, et al. Abrupt changes in reservoir properties of Low-rank coal and its control factors for methane adsorbability, Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30: 2084-2094.
9、Haijiao Fu, Dazhen Tang, Hao Xu, et al. Geological characteristics and CBM exploration potential evaluation: A case study in the middle of the southern Junggar Basin, NW China, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2016, 557-570.
8、Haijiao Fu*, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, et al. Investigation of the factors that control the development of pore structure in lacustrine shale: A case study of block X in the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015, 26: 1422-1432.
7、Haijiao Fu*, Xiangzeng Wang, Lixia Zhang, et al. Geological controls on artificial fracture networks in continental shale and its fracability evaluation: A case study in the Yanchang Formation, Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015, 26: 1285-1293.
2、 杨曙光,伏海蛟,王刚等。准南地区煤层气选区评价体系及有利区预测,新疆地质,2021,39(2):292-296.
1、Liwei Zhang, Detian Yan, Shuguang Yan, Hassan Nasi Mangi, Haijiao Fu , Effects of sequence stratigraphy on coal characteristics and ch4 adsorption capacity of the low-rank coal in santanghu basin, china. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020. 103467.
2、Guoqing Li, Detian Yan, Xingguo Zhuang, Zheng Zhang, Haijiao Fu, Implications of the pore pressure and in situ stress for the coalbed methane exploration in the southern Junggar Basin, China . ENGINEERING GEOLOGY. 2020. 262. 105305.
3、Shida Chen, Dazhen Tang, ShuTao, Hao Xu, Pengfei Ren, Haijiao Fu. In-situ stress, stress-dependent permeability, pore pressure and gas-bearing system in multiple coal seams in the panguan area, western guizhou, china. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2018, 49, 110-122.
4、Shida Chen, Dazhen Tang, ShuTao, Hao Xu, Haijiao Fu. In-situ stress measurements and stress distribution characteristics of coal reservoirs in major coalfields in china: implication for coalbed methane (CBM) development. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2017, 182, 66-84.