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曾获荣誉 : 2023甘肃省自然科学一等奖(4/5)

性别 : 男

出生年月 : 1984年03月07日

毕业院校 : 中国科学院研究生院

学历 : 博士研究生

学位 : 理学博士学位

在职信息 : 在职

所在单位 : 地理与信息工程学院

学科 : 地理科学

办公地点 : 中国地质大学(武汉)未来城校区地理与信息工程学院

联系方式 : dongzhiwen@cug.edu.cn

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董志文,中国地质大学(武汉)地理与信息工程学院教授,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者,研究方向为青藏高原冰冻圈环境和地表过程,包括高原大气环境遥感、地表过程GIS反演、生物地球化学循环示踪研究,开展青藏高原环境中关键污染物和重金属元素的迁移扩散过程、时空分布、传输循环和环境地球化学效应研究。入选中国地质大学“学科骨干”、甘肃省领军人才以及中科院特聘研究员骨干岗位等,获得2023年甘肃省自然科学一等奖(4/5)、2019年度甘肃省自然科学三等奖(排名2/5)和2014年度中科院优秀博士学位论文奖等。发表第一/通讯作者论文50多篇,主要发表在ESR,EST,GRL, JGR,JHM, TC,EP, GPC, STOTEN等期刊。受邀为EST, ESR, JGR等40多种SCI期刊担任审稿专家。2018年度德国科隆大学地球物理与气象研究所访问学者,任Frontiers,Fundamental Research,Research in Cold and Arid Regions, Journal of Earth Science、冰川冻土、中国环境科学、生态学杂志等期刊编委或青年编委。目前已培养指导硕、博士研究生7名;其中6人多次获得中国科学院大学优秀毕业生、“研究生国家奖学金”和“中科院院长优秀奖”、“卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖学金”等。


Dong, Z*., Shao, Y., Jiao, X., Parteli, E.,Wei, T., Li, W., & Qin, X. (2023). Iron variability reveals the interface effects of aerosol-pollutant interactions on the glacier surface of Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038232.

Jiao, X., Dong, Z.*, Baccolo, G., Qin, X., Wei, T., Di, J., & Shao, Y. (2024). Quantifying uranium radio-isotope ratios in riverine suspended particulate matter: Insights into natural and anthropogenic influences in the glacial-fed river system of the NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 461, 132725. 通讯作者

Jiao, X., Dong, Z.*, Baccolo, G., Chen, X., Qin, X., & Shao, Y. (2023). Provenance of Aeolian Dust Revealed by (234U/238U) Activity Ratios in Cryoconites From HighAltitude Glaciers in Western China and Its Transport and Settlement Mechanisms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(8), e2023JF007227. 通讯作者

Xiaoyu Jiao, Zhiwen Dong*, Eric J. R. Parteli, Janice Brahney, Ting Wei, Marcelli Augusto, Junsheng Nie, Jiawen Ren, Xiang Qin, 2022. Uranium isotopic composition and constraints on the provenance of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s surface dust. JGR: Earth Surface, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JF006480 通讯作者

Wei T., Brahney J., Dong Z*, Kang S., Zong C., Guo J., Yang L., and Qin X. Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopic Composition of the Tibetan Plateau Dust as a Fingerprint for Regional to Hemispherical Transport. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 10121-10132. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c04929

Dong Z, Brahney J., Kang S., Elser J., Wei T., Jiao X., Shao Y. (2020). Aeolian dust transport, cycle and influences in high-elevation cryosphere of the Tibetan Plateau region: New evidences from alpine snow and ice. Earth-Science Reviews, 211, 103408, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103408. 

Dong, Z., Shao, Y., Qin, D., Zhang, L., Hou, X., Wei, T., Kang, S., & Qin, X. (2018). Insight into radio-isotope 129I deposition in fresh snow at a remote glacier basin of northeast Tibetan Plateau, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 6726–6733. https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2018GL078480  

Dong, Z., Shao, Y., Qin, D., Kang, S., Wei, T., Wang, X., & Wang, S. (2018). Hf-Nd-Sr isotopic composition as fingerprint for long-range transported eolian dust deposition in glacier snowpack of eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 7013–7023. https://doi.org/10.1029/ 2018JD028581 

Dong Z, S Kang, Qin D, Shao, Y., et al., 2018. Variability in individual particle structure and mixing states between the glacier–snowpack and atmosphere in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. The Cryosphere, 12, 3877–3890.  

Dong Z, Qin D, Li K, Kang S, et al., 2018. Spatial variability, mixing states and composition of various haze particles in atmosphere during winter and summertime in northwest China. Environmental Pollution246, (2019) 79-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.101 

Dong Z, Kang S, Guo J et al. Composition and mixing states of brown haze particle over the Himalayas along two transboundary south-north transects. Atmospheric Environment2017, 156: 24~35. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.02.029.  

Dong Z, Kang S, Qin D et al. Provenance of cryoconite deposited on the glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau: New insights from Nd-Sr isotopic composition and size distribution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121: 7371~7382. doi:10.1002/2016JD024944 

Dong Z, Kang S, Qin X, et al. Temporal and diurnal analysis of trace elements in the Cryospheric water at remote Laohugou basin in northeast Tibetan Plateau. Chemosphere, 2017doi: 10.1016/j. chemosphere.2016.12.088.  

Dong Z, Kang S, Qin X et al. New insights into trace elements deposition in the snowpacks at remote alpine glaciers in the northern Tibetan Plateau China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 529: 101-113. doi:10.1016/jscitotenv.2015.05.065.  

Dong Z, Qin D, Kang S et al. Individual particles of cryoconite deposited on the mountain glaciers of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights into chemical composition and sources. Atmospheric Environment, 2016, 138: 114~124. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.05.020  

Dong Z, Qin D, Chen J et al. Physicochemical impacts of dust particles on alpine glacier melt water at the Laohugou glacier basin in western Qilian Mountains, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 493: 930~942. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.05.065.  

  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations
  • 大气环境污染;青藏高原冰冻圈环境与地表过程;同位素地球化学